

The Resource Acquisition and Capability Enhancement Based on the Strategic Alliance of Suzhou Sanguang Technology Co.Ltd

【作者】 包文杰

【导师】 赵增耀;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来中外合资企业出现外资控股、独资趋势,新增FDI也主要采用独资方式进入,产生这一趋势的基本原因是合资企业内部存在较多冲突和协调成本,加之中外双方对合资企业的贡献及在合资过程中的知识获取是不对等的,由此造成合资的基础及双方的谈判实力发生变化。跨国公司在谈判实力增强后,很容易利用其在资本、技术、销售、品牌等方面的所有权优势,通过增资扩股、撤资威胁、收购中方股权等战略,取得对合资企业的控制权或将其变为独资。由于上述原因,很多中外合资企业发生外资控股独资,中方合资者在这一过程中处于被动无奈的尴尬境地,合资的战略意图难以实现或以失败告终。值得庆幸的是,也有一些中外合资企业坚持在合资过程中的学习、研发,积极化解和处理合资过程中的冲突,取得了合资战略的成功。苏州三光公司就是其中之一。本文首先介绍了战略联盟的一般理论,分析了合资双方组建合资企业的动机和意图,然后分析中外合资企业的组织构架和内部冲突,重点从中方的技术学习、研发投入、跨文化沟通,以外方的技术转移策略、核心技术保护等方面,具体分析了中方获得外方先进技术的障碍和困境。最后以苏州三光公司为例,具体分析了该公司如何打破上述困境,利用合资战略成功实现战略联盟的意图。论文回顾了该公司在计划经济时代借助战略联盟(横向经济联合)从外部获取资源和提升能力的做法和经验,重点分析了在九十年代与香港大同公司以及与日本莎迪克公司两次合资的过程和做法,特别分析了该公司如何在合资过程中注重自身的学习和研发,有效化解和处理合资过程中的冲突和潜在风险,总结了该公司成功实现合资战略的经验,以期为中小企业借助战略联盟突破发展过程中的资源和能力瓶颈提供启示和借鉴。

【Abstract】 These years the trend of foreign capital controlled and owned is on the way in Sino-foreign equity joint venture.And the new FDI choose to enter China market in the way. The deep reason behind this trend is the conflict, and coordination costs,which will change the foundation of the joint venture and the negotiation power of the two sides, Deferent contribution and Knowledge acquisition of the two sides are also the factor of this trend. After strengthening the negotiation power, the foreign share holders will gain the control of joint ventures and turn it into a wholly-owned company, taking advantage of their capital, technology,marketing and brand.like share enlarging investment withdrawing threat or share acquisition. As a result foreign capital own the company and Chinese investor find themselves in a very aembarrassing and passive position in the joint venture It turns out the strategy of cooperation can not be implemented and fail at last. Fortunately there are some Sino-foreign joint venture persist learning, researching and actively resolve the conflict which make a successful joint venture strategy..Suzhou Sanguang Inc. Is one of them.This article firstly introduces the general theory of strategic alliances, analyse the motivations and intentions and the organizational structure jinternal conflicts in the venture. The article will also explain the obstacles and difficulties for the chinese investors to learn the advance technology form foreign investors through the strategy of technological learning, R & D investment, cross-cultural communication and technology transferring and protecting. At last in the example of Suzhou Sanguang Inc,paper will analyze how the company to break the dilemma above-mentioned and successfully achieve the strategy of joint venture.Paper will also reviews the practices and experiences of the company to enhance the competition through the strategic alliances (horizontal economic integration) and get access to external resources in the planned economy time and the alliance with the company from Hong Kong in nineties the two joint with Sodick Inc. Great importance has being put to the company ability of learning, solving conflict and potential risk in the joint venture At last paper summarize the experience of achieveing the joint strategy, offering the reference for the small business useing the strategic alliance to break the bottleneck during the development period..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期