

Design and Implementation of Communication Company Network Management Traffic Analysis System

【作者】 鞠昆仑

【导师】 陆军; 宋纯强;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在不断变化的市场形势下,随着电信市场竞争的加剧,各大运营商对企业信息化的重视程度与日俱增。网管系统从无到有、从简单到复杂,经历了一个长时间的发展过程,从自发的、人工的管理、到自觉的、自动的管理;从经验先导、网管被动跟随网络;到理论先导、网管主动支持网络;从网络维护、支撑工具,到业务实施、挖掘工具。本论文结合国内外网管话务分析系统的发展,确定了研究目标和设计原则,并根据实际情况,利用计算机网络技术完成了网管系统的组建工作,开发了网管系统的功能模块,从而使网管系统的具体功能得以实现。论文还给出了部分运行结果并对结果进行了分析。网管话务分析系统实现了网管功能的告警管理、性能管理、网络运行分析、安全管理、配置管理以及维护工具等并对各子模块做了详细的设计说明并对各个数据表给出了定义说明。从硬件设备、网络拓扑结构方面进行了逐一分析,同时也对网管系统的安全性、可靠性、可扩展性进行了分析。本论文全面地分析了网管话务分析系统的体系、设计思想、特点和功能,系统能够从多方面、多层次对通信网进行监控和对发现问题及时进行解决。最后本论文对应用前景进行了展望,对今后的改进方向进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 In the changing market situation, more and more major carriers pay great attention to the enterprise information as the telecommunications market competition become serious. Network management system has experienced a long process of development from none to all and from simple to complex. The development is from the spontaneous, manual-management to the conscious, automatic management; from the experience pilot, network management following the network passively to the theory pilot, network management supporting the network actively; from the network maintenance and support tools to business conducting and mining tools.This thesis determines the objectives and design principles with domestic and international network management systems development, uses computer network technology to complete the formation of the network management system and develops network management system modules. The specific functions of the network management traffic system can be achieved. This thesis also gives some of the results and the results are analyzed.Network management analysis system realizes functions of the warning management, performance management, network analysis, security management, configuration management, and maintenance tools. Network management analysis system makes a detailed description and design for the sub-modules and gives the definition of all the data tables. Network management analysis system analyzes the hardware devices, network topology structure one by one as well as analyzes the network management system for the safe, reliable, scalable purpose. This paper comprehensively analyzes the network traffic analysis system from design idea, features and functions of the. Network management system can monitor the network and resolve problems on time in many ways and at different levels. Finally, This paper prospects the future of the application and discusses the direction of improvement.

【关键词】 话务分析网管告警话务统计
【Key words】 Traffic AnalyzeNMSAlarmTraffic Statistics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】11