

Study on High Efficient Mining Scheme for Xiaowanggou Iron Mine to Transfer from Open-Pit into Underground Mining

【作者】 刘秀霞

【导师】 任凤玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小汪沟铁矿为矿体稳固、矿岩中等稳固的缓倾斜厚到中厚矿体,对于100万吨/年的设计能力而言,矿体规模具有厚度小,倾角小、走向长度小(即“三小”)的不利条件,而且露天转地下开采的空间条件较差,但西林钢铁集团公司要求小汪沟铁矿地下开采能力越大越好,而且在露天转地下的过渡年份不减产。为此,需根据矿床地质特征,寻求一种安全高效的露天转地下开采方案与过渡期增产衔接方案。在分析地质特征和完成岩体结构面调查、岩石点荷载强度测定与散体流动参数测定、并对岩体进行了稳定性分级的基础上,利用矿体侧俯角较小和地下主副竖井开拓的有利条件,提出了无底柱分段崩落法上、下分区开采的双工作面回采方案;利用散体流动特性改进采场结构、提出了用堑沟与斜切割槽充分回采下盘矿量:并利用平硐辅助开拓系统加快采准进度,由此实现矿床“四低一高”(低损失、低贫化、低成本、低事故隐患和高生产能力)的开采目标。目前新方案正在实施中,预计该方案可缩短露天转地下过渡期2年左右,并将地下开采的生产能力由原工程类比不足60万吨/年增大到150万吨/年。

【Abstract】 The gentle inclined medium thickness orebody or thick orebody in Xiaowanggou Iron Mine has stable rockmass and moderately stable rock. For the designed capacity of 1000000t/a,It has an unfavorable condition that characterised by relatively small depth, small dip and small strike length. (three small) and a Poor space condition for transforming open-pit into underground mining, but Xilin Iron and Steel Group Corp request that open pit into underground mining of xiaowanggou iron ore have not yield reduction in the transient period and the underground mining capacity is bigger always better. As a result, it is necessary that based on geological characteristics of ore deposit to seek for a safe and highly-efficient proposal and a cohesion scheme yield potential for transferring from open pit into underground mining.While analyzing geological characteristics and finishing a survey of discontinuity in rock mass,determining rock point load strength and flow parameter. on the Basis of ore-rock stability classification, by using relatively small lateral ore depression angle and using existed favorable conditions of main and side shaft development to put forward double face combined mining Method of non-pillar sublevel caving upper and lower sectional mining, by using granular material flow characteristics to improve stope structure and to put forward a method of using trench sill structure and inclined incise groove to recover footwall ore fully. At the same time,by using of development system of drift aided to Speed up mining preparation. Therefore, It may Realized "four low one high "mining objects (low loss , low dilution ,low cost, low hidden accident and high production capability).At present, the new scheme is practicing; promisingly it will shorten time that transition period of transition from open pit to underground for two years or so. and the production capacity of Underground Mining increase to 1500000t/a from less than 600000t/a on engineering analogy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TD861.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】197