

【作者】 马玉荣

【导师】 张成才;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是洪水灾害严重的国家,但目前我国江河防洪整体水平偏低。随着具有独特空间处理和分析功能的地理信息系统(GIS)的发展与进步,其在防洪减灾、灾害评估、洪涝灾害风险分析与区划、城市防洪等方面发挥越来越重要的作用,从而洪水演进模型和GIS及RS的结合成为一个必然的趋势。本文在阅读大量参考文献和数次开发地理信息系统软件实践的基础上,对GIS与洪水演进模型集成进行探讨,并构建基于GIS的洪水演进应用系统。主要工作如下:1.根据应用需求,对GIS与洪水演进集成系统进行总体设计,包括确立设计目标、原则、系统结构框架、系统技术路线、系统功能模块(地图管理、洪水计算、结果管理、查询显示、淹没分析和系统管理)等,初步构建GIS与洪水演进集成系统。2.数据库设计方面采用第三代面向对象数据库Geodatabase,对空间数据和属性数据进行一体化存储。3.通过GIS与应用模型结合方式分析,针对目前GIS与应用模型结合层次、水平不太高的现状,对GIS与洪水演进模型集成进行探讨,采用动态链接库技术和组件部件式集成技术对GIS和洪水演进模型进行紧密耦合,其中GIS平台开发部分采用地理信息系统组件ArcGIS Engine和高级程序开发语言Visual Studio 2005之C#进行联合开发,模型部分采用动态链接库技术把其封装成.dll文件,可在GIS平台下直接调用;并探讨集成过程中出现的数据获取、处理、存储与管理等问题。4.以东平湖蓄滞洪区为例,对其百年一遇洪水过程进行模拟,详细地介绍本系统在洪水查询、显示、分析、模拟等方面的应用。GIS与洪水演进模型集成既可利用GIS强大的空间查询、处理和分析功能又可利用模型强大的数值计算模拟功能,系统集二者之所长。这样可以了解洪水的产生、发展、运动的全过程,研究洪水运动规律,掌握洪水习性,进而为蓄滞洪区的防洪决策、洪涝灾情评估,抢险救灾、制定洪水风险图等提供及时准确的信息。

【Abstract】 Flood is a severe natural disaster in our country, but the overall capability of flood control nationwide is still on the low side. Along with the development and advancement of Geography Information System characterized of special functions on its spatial process and analysis, it increasingly plays an important role in preventing and reducing flood, disaster evaluation, flood risk analysis and regionalization, urban flood control and so on, which makes it an inevitable trend for the food routing model combining with GIS and RS. It is not satisfactory due to a great number of factors in existence at present. The paper discusses the integration of GIS and flood routing model on the basis of a great lot reference and literature and GIS software development’s experience, and build up their application system. The main work in the paper is as follows:1. In accordance with users’ demand, general design for the integration system of GIS and flood routing is put forward, including the goal, principle, frame of structure, guideline of technology, and function modules, etc., primarily constructing the Integration System Platform of GIS and flood routing model.2. Third generation object-oriented database Geodatabase is utilized to store the special data and attribute data all together.3. With the analysis of integration between GIS and application model, aiming at the low level of current integration, discussion has been carried out for the integration of GIS and flood routing model. The Dynamic Link Library and Component GIS are adopted to tightly couple GIS with flood routing model. GIS platform uses ArcGIS Engine and C# of Visual Studio 2005.The model is encapsulated into .dll file, which can be transferred on GIS platform. Data acquisition, processing, storage and management in integration process are explored.4. Simulate flood of occurring averagely once in one hundred years in Dongping Lake Flood as an example, and in details introduce the application of the integration system in query, display, analysis and simulation and so on.The integration system can utilize powerful query, process and analysis of GIS and numerical calculation and simulation of flood model which can make understand of the entire course of flood emergence, development and movement, and study the flood movement and behavior, then provide timely and accurate information for decision-making, evaluating the situation of flood, dealing with emergency and constituting flood risk plan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TV122;P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】226
  • 攻读期成果