

【作者】 王秋生

【导师】 冯少雅;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农业在国民经济中处于基础性的地位,自身积累能力差,对市场的适应性也比较差,需要国家对农业进行干预,以保障农产品的稳定供应。农业机械作为农业生产尤其是粮食生产的重要工具,农业机械化的投资是加强农业基础设施建设的重要组成部分,国家对农业机械进行补贴是国家干预农业产业的一个重要方面。河南省是农业大省,粮食产量居全国第一位。研究河南省农机补贴对降低粮食生产成本,稳定粮食产量,保障粮食安全,增加农民收入等方面有着重要意义。本文从河南省农机补贴的现状入手,通过引用大量数据,分析了当前农机补贴存在的问题,然后对问题成因进行了比较深入的分析,最后提出了加强和改进农机补贴的政策建议。本文主要分为五个部分:第一部分导论。主要对研究背景及意义、国内外研究综述、研究内容和方法,以及论文的思路和框架等方面进行阐述;第二部分农机补贴的理论依据和客观必然性。简要介绍了国家干预理论,并从农业产业的市场失灵和粮食的基础公共产品属性的角度提出农业需要国家干预。并在此基础上,阐述了农业基础产业地位的特殊性,进一步提出了实施农机补贴的必要性。同时简要介绍了国外农机补贴的成功经验;第三部分河南省农机补贴现状。介绍了河南省农机化现状、农机购置补贴实施成果和实施过程,提出了农机补贴存在的问题,主要包括补贴资金规模较小、农机补贴的覆盖率低、补贴机具种类较少、农机补贴形式单一、新型农机具的补贴比例偏低、农机部门的公共服务能力滞后等几个方面;第四部分当前农机补贴存在问题的成因分析。主要有财政对河南省农机投入不足和河南省农机补贴相关服务能力建设弱化两方面的原因;第五部分政策建议。提出了严格执行国家相关法律法规、加大财政对农机补贴的力度、扩大补贴机具种类并提高补贴标准、建立多种类的农机补贴政策、加强农机部门公共服务能力建设五个方面的建议。

【Abstract】 Agriculture in the national economy is in the fundamental status,the accumulation of agriculture is poor, the market is also relatively poor adaptability, which requires the state to intervene in agriculture in order to protect the stability of the supply of agricultural products. Agricultural machinery is an important tool for the production of agricultural, specially for food production. Investment in agricultural mechanization is a part considered in relation to strengthen agricultural infrastructure construction ,the state’s agricultural machinery subsidies is an important aspect for state intervention in the agricultural industry.Henan Province is a major agricultural province, the grain output ranked highest in the nation. It is great significant to research Henan agricultural machinery subsidies in areas such as reducing the cost of food production, stability of food production, guarantee food security and increasing the income of the fanners is of great significant.this paper starts from current agricultural machinery subsidies in the Henan province, by quoting a large amount of data, analysis of the current problems in agricultural machinery subsidies, and then analysis the causes of the problem. Finally, suggest how to strengthen and improve agricultural machinery subsidies. This article is divided into five sections. The first part is the introduction.this part introduces the research background, literature, research methods, research ideas and innovation; The second part is the theoretical basis and objective necessity of subsidies for agricultural machinery. A brief account of the theory of state intervention and the concept of subsidies for agricultural machinery from agriculture market failure and public goods properties. On this basis, explained the special nature of the agricultural industry, and further put forward the implementation of the need for subsidies of agricultural machinery. At the same time, introduced the countries of agricultural machinery subsidies successful experience;The third part is agricultural machinery subsidies of Henan Province status quo. This part introduce agricultural mechanization and the implementation of subsidies for agricultural machinery, the current subsidies of agricultural machinery has many problems,such as farm machinery subsidy funds smaller scale,subsidies for agricultural machinery of the low coverage, fewer types of equipment subsidies, agricultural machinery subsidies mode is simple, a new type of agricultural machinery exist low proportion of subsidies, agricultural machinery sector in public services lag behind;The fourth part is the analysis of the cause of the problem. There are the two reasons including insufficient financial investment of Henan Province in agricultural machinery and Lack of agricultural machinery sector services capacity-building; The fifth part is the policy recommendations. This part includes five recommendations, such an stricting implementation of relevant national laws and regulations, increasing financial subsidies to the agricultural machinery, expanding the types of subsidies and raising standards, the establishment of a wide array of subsidies for agricultural machinery, reinforcing the public services Capacity-building of agricultural machinery sector.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】234