

【作者】 张式杰

【导师】 苗连营;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法学理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 很多权利需要阳光,唯独不需要阳光的权利是——隐私权。隐私权作为基本人权,在人权家族中属于新生力量,但是隐私权的晚出并不意味着这项权利无足轻重,相反,它具有极其重要的意义,隐私权的出现一方面维护了人们的人格尊严,另一方面也通过对个人隐私的保护对公权力扩张进行了必要的限制和规范。同时,也正因为隐私权面世较晚,这使其未能被各国从宪法的高度明确规定,而多需借助制定法及判例加以澄清和说明,加之世界各国不同的法律文化传统和价值取向,使得隐私权概念及内涵极大的不确定,一直以来为学界争论的焦点和热点。本文试图从宪政视野中对隐私权保护的基本问题——隐私权的概念、隐私权宪法保护的法理基础、宪法规范层面的隐私权保护、以及我国当下隐私权宪法保护的现状及如何完善和发展出发,探讨隐私权宪法保护的必要性和可行性。本文以美、德两国的隐私权研究为例进行比较研究,总结国外的隐私权宪法保护的理论与实践,并从隐私权宪法保护的产生发展的不同阶段、隐私权宪法保护的理论架构、对隐私权进行宪法保护所产生的实效以及如何对其进行适当的规制几个方面论述了隐私权宪法保护的问题,目的是通过借鉴吸收他国对隐私权宪法保护的先进理论与实践经验来为我国的隐私权宪法保护的制度构建提供理论基石。笔者阐释了隐私在包含了生活中的事实状态和法律权利之外,还指一个人的道德或直觉上的观念。此外,笔者还对隐私权进行宪法保护的四种理论独处权理论、亲密关系自治理论、人格权理论、信息自由权理论各自的优缺点进行了分析比较,并以隐私权保护较为完善的美国、德国为例,详细分析了隐私权宪法保护的作用和实效,并在辩证的基础上,提出对隐私权应当进行适当的规制。我国目前还没有将隐私权作为一项明确而独立的权利来对待,但是随着我国社会文明的进步、人权观念逐渐深入民心,从宪法高度对隐私权进行保护必是大势所趋,因此,笔者认为,我国应该从宪法作出相应的规范,具体结合各部门法和司法判例来构建起隐私权保护的框架。

【Abstract】 Most of rights should be made known to the public except privacy right. As one of the human rights, privacy right emerged later than others, however, this doesn’t mean that privacy right is unimportant, on the contrary, it’s so significant that is has not only protected people’s human dignity, but also has restricted administrative power to expand at will. Meanwhile, since the right to privacy came forth so late that most of countries of the world seldom define it by constitution. In fact, the protection of privacy right usually depends on the law of different branches and constitutional cases. Moreover, since different countries have different leagle cultures and leagle values, which brings about distinct privacy zone and individual life. how to restrain the right to privacy has always been a focus of argument among educational circles.This paper tries to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of privacy right protection in our country through analyzing the conception of privacy right, the theory basics of privacy right protection by constitutions, the regulation of constitutions about privacy right ,the actual privacy right protection condition and how to improve and develop the protection on it.This paper discusses the privacy right protection by constitution through comparing the theories and practice of America and Germany about privacy right protection, and proposes that the privacy right should be protected by constitution.The purpose of this paper is to seek theory basic for the construction of privacy right protection by constitution in our country. Moreover, the author compares four theories about privacy-protection by constitution, on the basis of analyzing the development of privacy-protection in America and Germany , probes into their influence and effect, and insists that the right of privacy should be regulated properly.In this paper, the author tries to analyze how to protect privacy right by constitution. Although privacy right has not been treated as a specific and independent right in China, with the development of our society, culture and recognition of human right, protecting privacy right by constitution should be a way every country has to go. Here, the author insists that in our country, we have to build a frame of protecting privacy right both by constitution and branches law.

【关键词】 隐私权宪法保护法理
【Key words】 PrivacyProtection by ConstitutionJurisprudence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D911
  • 【下载频次】121