

Study on Design of Psammophyte Garden in Engebei Area of the Hobq Desert

【作者】 温云耀

【导师】 张延龙;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 规划与设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 恩格贝位于库布齐沙漠北缘。库布齐沙漠地处黄河中游南缘,鄂尔多斯高原的北部。库布齐沙漠每年每平方公里风蚀指数4500t—15000t,年沙尘暴日数20d—25d,最多沙尘暴日数77d—97d,最大风速28m/s,是内蒙古自治区严重的风沙区。又有发源于鄂尔多斯高原脊线北侧的季节性沟川10余条,从南向北纵流其间,汛期洪水挟裹着泥沙流入黄河,年输沙量达3156万t,成为黄河主要沙源地。因此库布齐沙漠的治理和开发利用不论是对当地的经济发展,还是对黄河的保护都具有重要的意义。防沙治沙同时合理利用沙漠资源,是全世界面临的共同课题。恩格贝沙生植物园的建设充分利用了恩格贝良好的基础设施和便利的交通条件以及已有的旅游品牌,使园区与原有的旅游景点和谐统一融为一体,这将极大地提升恩格贝的旅游品位,促进其旅游产业迅猛发展,与之相随的是该地区的沙漠治理事业必将得到极大地发展。该沙生植物园由内向外主要包含中心区、防护林带、固沙技术展示区三部分。中心区被沙生植物进化长廊分为东西两部分,西部由麻黄园、锦鸡儿园等十二个分类园区构成,东部由湿生植物园、珍稀濒危植物园等六个特殊园区构成。防护林带环绕中心区,分主、副林带建设。固沙技术展示区是整个植物园的保护区,同时又是各种治沙措施、高科技治沙成果和模式的展示区,由机械沙障区、生物固沙区、化学固沙区等构成。植物园配备了节水灌溉系统、监控系统、照明系统,并对旅游景观进行了规划。植物园建成后,能充分展示温带荒漠丰富的沙生植物种质资源和国内外成功的防沙治沙模式,让公众获得沙生植物学的科普知识,了解防沙治沙的原理和方法,提升生态道德教育水平,促进国内外治沙技术和种质资源的交流,有利于开展人工治沙生态系统的综合研究和监测,为人工治沙和种质资源保育提供数据支撑和理论解释。恩格贝沙生植物园将国内外先进的治沙理论和技术作为一种旅游资源,用景观设计规划的理念和方法进行开发、予以展示,给单纯的生态建设赋予全新的内涵。

【Abstract】 Engebei is located on the northern end of Kubuqi desert which is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the northern part of the Ordos Plateau.Being the most serious sandstorm region, Kubuqi desert has a wind erosion index of 4500-15000t per square kilometer every year, an average of 20 to 25 days of sandstorm each year, with a top of 77 to 97 days and a wind speed of 28 m/s.Furthermore, over ten seasonal cannels which originate from the northern ridge of Ordos Plateau run through the desert, flushing silt into the Yellow River when flood comes. Over 31.56 million tons of silt is transferred every year, making it the major sand source of the Yellow river. Therefore, the control and development of Kubuqi desert is of great significance not only to the local economic development, but to the protection of the Yellow River.It is a common problem facing the whole world as how to control desert and make use of desert resources at the same time. The construction of Engebei Botanical Garden fully takes advantage of the good infrastructure and convenient transportation conditions and existing tourism brand, harmoniously blending them with the original park attractions. This will greatly enhance its tourist taste; promote the rapid development of its tourism industry, followed by the great development of the Desert Control in this region.This sand made botanic garden is divided into three sections from inside out, which is the central area, shelter forest area and sand-fixing technology demonstration area respectively.The central area is further divided into the east and west segments, with the western section making up of 12 differentiated gardens, such as ma-huang garden and caragana garden, and the east being constituted of six special gardens, such as hygrophyte garden and endangered species botanic garden. The shelter forest area circles the central area and is divided into major and affiliated shelter areas.The sand-fixing technology demonstration area is the protected area of the entire botanic garden, it is also the area to demonstrate various sand control methods and high-tech developments, constituted of machinery barrier, biology sand fixing, chemical sand fixing areas.The botanic garden is equipped with water-saving irrigation system, monitoring and lightening system, as well as plan of tourism landscape.The botanic garden is expected to fully display the rich plantation of desert in the temperate zone and successful sand control modes from domestic and abroad, giving the public an opportunity to know about the desert plantations, understand the reason and methods of sand control so as to enhance ecological education, promote exchanges of sand control technology and plantation resources with foreign countries. It is hoped to further develop the research and monitoring of man-made sand control ecological system, so as to provide data support and theory for man-made sand control and plantation resource protection.Engebei Desert Botanical Garden, by introducing international advanced theories and technologies on sand control, and by integrating them with those ideals and methods in landscape designing, expends the connotation of current ecological construction and tourisam.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】241