

Research on Model of Agricultural Industrialization in Western Region

【作者】 徐小英

【导师】 姜志德;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放二十多年来,农业企业在西部地区农村经济社会发展中扮演着重要的角色。农业企业化是西部农村由传统经济形态向现代经济形态转变的关键。以市场为导向的农业企业化的发展趋势也越来越明显。纵观几十年来国内学者对农业企业化问题的研究,可以发现其研究数量虽然众多,但对发达地区农业企业化的研究较多,而对于西部地区农业企业化的研究尤其是西部地区农业企业化到底应选择何种模式研究比较薄弱。加入WTO后,我国农业将逐步与世界农业全面接轨,分散经营的农民将直接面对更为激烈的国际市场竞争,而生态脆弱、经济落后的西部地区“三农”问题更为突出。因此,解决西部地区“三农问题”对于我国当前经济发展、和谐社会和小康社会建设具有极其重要的意义。实现农业企业化经营是解决西部地区农业问题的有效途径,已受到国际社会的普遍重视。由于历史原因,西部地区农业企业化的理论与实践还处于摸索阶段。由此,本文力求针对西部农业企业化模式问题作出一些尝试性研究。本文以制度经济学和企业组织等理论作为基石,通过理论研究和实证比较分析,对农业企业化的含义进行了界定;并通过对发达国家和地区农业企业化经验的阐述,揭示出其对西部地区农业企业化的有益启示;本研究通过对我国现有农业企业化实践模式的评价入手,分析了西部地区农业企业化过程中存在的问题,根据西部地区农村经济发展现状,提出了西部地区农业企业化应该采取的模式--“农民股份合作经营”模式。本研究的基本内容如下:第一章导论。论述了西部地区农业企业化模式选择的研究背景,研究目的和意义,农业企业化研究的国内外研究动态,以及本文的研究思路和研究方法及可能的创新之处。第二章农业企业化的理论基础。本章从农业企业化的含义和特征出发,分析了农业企业化各主体和动力机制以及农业企业化的影响因素,并从企业组织与交易费用理论、制度变迁理论、农业现代化理论、产业组织理论等方面为本研究提供了理论准备。第三章国外农业企业化经营的经验及其启示。以美、日、法等发达国家和地区农业企业化研究的理论和现实出发,阐述了发达国家和地区农业企业化过程中所获取的经验,对西部地区在改善农业弱质性、降低市场风险、改善农村投融资环境、提高农民素质、实现农工商一体化规模经营等方面的有益启示。第四章西部地区农业企业化的现状与存在问题。对我国东、中、西部农村经济发展、农业市场化程度、农村劳动力素质、农业现代化水平、农业企业化经营发展程度进行了对比,分析了西部地区农业企业化过程中存在的问题。第五章西部地区农业企业化模式选择。从我国现有农业企业化实践模式的分析和评价入手,揭示出西部地区农业企业化的模式选择--“农民股份合作经营”模式。并对此种模式的组织形式和运行机制进行了阐述。第六章西部地区农业企业化模式运行的政策建议。为保障西部地区农业“农民股份合作经营”模式的实现,从政府财税政策农地流转制度改革、农产品市场准入制度、农民向农业职业工人角色的转变、农村社会保障、农村金融体制改革等方面应实施的政策建议。第七章结语。本文以农业现代化的微观基础改造为研究视角,对农业企业化的含义、特征进行了界定,提出要实现农业企业化首先要实现农业微观经营组织企业化,即农户企业化。在农户企业化的基础上形成农业企业化,才能实行农业企业一体化经营战略,实现农业现代化。并从西部地区农业企业化发展的现状、问题出发,分析了国外针对农业企业化研究所取得的经验及对我国西部地区的启示,就我国当前农业企业化经营过程中采取的各种模式进行分析和评价。并在此基础上,以我国西部地区农村经济发展、农业市场化水平、农村劳动力等为约束条件,提出可供西部地区推广的农业企业化模式—“农民股份合作经营”模式,以及在当前形势下推行这种模式应从政府、土地流转、传统农民转化为农业职业工人等方面提供政策保障。

【Abstract】 Since taking the policy of Reform and Opening-up, the agricultural industrialization in western regions have played a significant role in rural economic and social development. Agricultural industrialization is the key point for western rural areas to change from the traditional economic patterns to the modern economic patterns. The trend of market-oriented agricultural industrialization has become increasingly evident nowadays .Analyzing domestic scholars’study on the issue of agricultural industrialization decades of years, it can be seen that although the studies concerning this aspect are numerous, they mainly focus on the developed regions, scarcely on the western regions, especially which kind of models the agricultural industrialization should choose in western region.After joining in the WTO, China’s agriculture will be entirely geared to the international agriculture gradually, and farmers who carry on decentralized management model will directly face more intense international competitions’, while the problems of agriculture, farmers and rural regions in ecologically fragile and economically backward western region will be more obvious. Therefore, it is significant to solute the Three agricultural problems for China’s economic development, the building of harmonious society and the well-off society. Achieving commercialization of agriculture is an effective way to solute agricultural problems in western region and it has been universally concerned by the international community. However, due to some historical reasons, the theory and practice of agricultural industrialization in western region are still at the exploratory stage.Therefore, this paper seeks to make some attemptive research on the issue of agricultural industrialization model in western region. It defines the meaning of agricultural industrialization by empirical comparative analysis and theoretical research, and taking Institutional Economics, Business Organization and some other theories as its foundation stones; Besides, this paper reveals helpful revelation obtained from the experience of agricultural industrialization in developed countries and regions. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of agricultural industrialization by evaluating the present practice model of agricultural industrialization in our country. In addition, it points out that western region should adopt the“peasant stock cooperative management”model to develop agricultural industrialization. The essential contents of the study are as follows:Chapter1 Introduction. It introduces the research background, purpose and significance, the research trends at home and abroad of agricultural industrialization, trains of thought、research methods and probable innovations of this paper.Chapter2 Theoretical foundation of agricultural enterprise. This chapter starts with the definition and features of agricultural industrialization, analyzes the main subject, dynamic mechanism and influencing factors of agricultural industrialization. Besides, it provides the theories such as the Transaction Cost Theory, Institutional Change Theory, Agricultural Modernization Theory and Industrial Organization Theory.Chapter 3 The experience and revelation obtained from agricultural industrialization aboard. Starting from the research theory and reality in developed countries and regions such as America, Japan and France, it presents the experience obtained from them and the revelation for western regions to improve the weakness of agriculture, to reduce market risk, to improve the investment and financing environment in rural area, to improve the quality of the farmers and to achieve comprehensive management of agriculture, industry and trade.Chapter 4 Status and problems existing in the process of agricultural industrialization in western region. Starting to make a contrast on rural economic development, agricultural markets, rural labor quality, agricultural modernization level and the development of agricultural industrialization management among eastern, central and western region, it analyzes problems existing in the process of agricultural industrialization in western region.Chapter5 The choice of agricultural industrialization model in western region. Starting from the analysis and evaluation of agricultural industrialization model in our country, reveals that western region should adopt the“peasant stock cooperative management”model to develop agricultural industrialization, meanwhile, it presents the organizational forms and operational mechanism of this model.Chapter6 Policy recommendation for the operation of agricultural industrialization model in western regions. To ensure the implement of“peasant stock cooperative management”model in western regions, this chapter gives advice on the aspects from government financial policies, the reform of agricultural land circulation, agricultural market access system, transformation for agricultural labor forces to agricultural vocational workers, rural social security, and the reform of rural financial system.Chapter7 Conclusion.Taking the transformation of micro-foundation of agricultural modernization as research perspective, this paper defines the meaning and characteristics of the agricultural industrialization, proposes that in order to achieve the agricultural industrialization we should first achieve the industrialization of agricultural micro-management organizations, namely, peasant household modernization. It shows that only household industrialization achieved, can integrated management strategies of agricultural industrialization and agricultural modernization be achieved. Besides, based on the status quo and problems existing in the development of agricultural industrialization in western regions, this paper analyzes the experience obtained from study of agricultural industrialization aboard, and the revelation for the development of western regions of China, and evaluate the various models adopted by agricultural industrialization in our country. Based on these reasons, this paper proposes the“peasant stock cooperative management”model for western region, and advise the policy support from government, land transfer, and transformation of farmers from traditional farmers into agricultural vocational workers, etc, according to the rural economic development, the degree of agricultural markets and rural labor forces.
