

Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Stripe Rust on Wheat Cultivars N.Strampelli and Three Additional Lines Derived from Wheat and Psathyrostachys Huashanica Keng

【作者】 陈洁

【导师】 井金学;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦条锈病是由小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici)引起的重要小麦病害,在我国曾多次大流行。丰富小麦抗病基因库,寻找高品位的抗病基因是目前抗病育种中控制小麦条锈病的重要战略。利用栽培小麦种内抗条锈基因的抗病作用很有限,因此通过引入外源基因改变小麦抗病基因单一的现状,并深入研究持久抗锈品种发掘具有持久抗锈性的基因,延长抗病品种的使用年限,是应对小麦条锈病威胁的重要途径。本研究系统分析了3个普通小麦—华山新麦草附加系的抗条锈性及其抗病遗传机制,并对持久抗病品种N.Strampelli中一个全生育期主效抗条锈基因进行了分子标记。取得以下结果:1.利用CYR29、CYR30、CYR31、CYR32、Su-4、Su-11、Su-14等7个条锈菌流行小种对普通小麦-华山新麦草附加系H9014-14-16-5-5、H9014-27-1-1-13-5、H9014-14-4-6-1、H9014-14-1-9-2及其亲本华山新麦草,7182进行抗病性评价。结果表明:4个普通小麦-华山新麦草附加系的抗条锈基因均来自华山新麦草。H9014-14-16-5-5和H9014-27-1-1-13-5对7个菌系均表现抗病,H9014-14-4-6-1除对CYR29表现感病,对Su-11表现抗感分离外,对其它菌系均表现抗病;H9014-14-1-9-2除对CYR29和Su-11表现感病外,对其它5个菌系均表现近免疫。2.对普通小麦-华山新麦草附加系与感病品种铭贤169杂交构建的群体,接种5个当前流行小麦条锈菌生理小种进行遗传分析,结果表明:(1). H9014-27-1-1-13-5对CYR31和CYR32的抗病性由一对显性基因控制;对CYR30的抗病性由两对显性基因重叠或独立控制;对Su-4和Su-14的抗病性由一显一隐两对基因重叠或独立控制。(2). H9014-14-4-6-1对CYR30、CYR31、CYR32和Su-4的抗病性是两对显性基因重叠或独立控制的;对Su-14的抗病性是由一对显性基因独立控制;(3). H9014-14-1-9-2对CYR30、CYR31和CRY32的抗病性由两对显性基因重叠或独立控制;对Su-4的抗病性是由两对隐性基因重叠或独立控制;对Su-14的抗病性是由一显一隐两对基因重叠或独立控制的。3.遗传分析发现N.Strampelli对Su-14的抗锈性是由一对隐性基因控制的,利用SSR技术对这个抗病基因进行分子标记,找到了四个与抗病基因YrNS-1(暂时命名)紧密连锁的分子标记xwmc719、xgwm124,xwmc44和xcfa2147,并将该抗病基因定位于小麦染色体1BL上,这四对引物与YrNS-1的遗传距离分别为3.2,4.6 ,5.7和10.3cM。通过与1BL上已有基因在抗病性、基因来源及遗传距离等方面的比较,可以推断YrNS-1可能是一个与已知抗条锈基因不同的新基因。

【Abstract】 Stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici is a serious disease of wheat and have caused several severe epidemic in China. Identification of new resistance gene plays an important part in controlling the disease. However, the resistance in advanced lines is inadequate. Therefore, more attention has been given to wheat wild relatives and durable resistance cultivars in recent years, hoping that these genes can prolong the effectiveness to stripe rust .In this study, genetic resistance of three additional lines derived from wheat and Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng were determined , and a resistance gene in N.Strampelli was mapped by molecular marker. The results were as follows:1. Four wheat-Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng additional lines H9014-14-16-5-5, H9014-27-1-1-13-5, H9014-14-4-6-1, H9014-14-1-9-2, and parental line Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng ,7182 were determined by CYR29, CYR30, CYR31, CYR32, Su-4, Su-11, and Su-14.The results indicated that :the resistance genes of 4 additional lines conferring to stripe rust came from Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng ,H9014-14-16-5-5 and H9014-27-1-1-13-5 conferred resistance to all the stripe rust races; H9014-14-4-6-1 showed susceptible phenotype to CYR29 and had segregation in resistance to Su-11 and conferred resistance to all other rust races; H9014-14-1-9-2 conferred resistance to all 7 races except CYR29 and Su-11.Genetic analysis of the resistance in three additional lines with the five currently prevalent stripe races indicated that :(1) A pair of dominant resistance in H9014-27-1-1-13-5 conferred resistance to CYR31 and CYR32; two dominant resistance complementarily or independently conferred resistance to CYR30; one pair of dominant gene and one pair of recessive gene conferred resistance to Su-4 and Su-14.(2) Two pairs of dominant genes complementarily or independently conferred resistance to CYR30, CYR31,CYR32 and Su-4,one pair of dominant gene conferred resistance to Su-14 in H9014-14-4-6-1.(3) In H9014-14-1-9-2 , two pairs of dominant genes complementarily or independently conferred resistance to CYR30, CYR31, and CRY32; Two pairs of recessive genes complementarily or independently conferred resistance to Su-4; one pair of dominant gene and one pair of recessive gene conferred resistance to Su-14.2. In N.Strampelli,the resistance to Su-14 was determined by a single recessive gene, four SSR markers xwmc719,xgwm124,xwmc44 and xcfa2147 on the chromosome arm 1BL were found to be linked to Yr NS-1 . The genetic distances for the markers were 3.2, 4.6,5.7 and 10.3cM, respectively.Compared with the other genes on 1BL, Yr NS-1 may be a novel resistant gene to stripe rust.
