

Host Resistance and Pathogen Biolofical Characters for Main Disease of Prickly Ash in Shaanxi

【作者】 陈丹

【导师】 曹支敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料经济树种之一。近年来,随着花椒产业的迅速发展,花椒病虫害逐步蔓延猖獗。通过调查发现,花椒因病虫害危害死亡率高达30%以上,其中以花椒干腐病和花椒落叶病危害最为严重。因此,为提高花椒产量,扩大经济效益,必须做好花椒病虫害的发生规律与防治研究工作。本文通过对陕西省两种主要花椒病害的发生发展规律及病原菌生物学特性进行了研究取得如下成果:1.花椒落叶病寄主抗性及其病原菌生物学特性对陕西省渭北和宝鸡地区的花椒落叶病发病率及病情指数进行了田间调查,结果显示常见花椒品种的抗病性序列为:米椒>豆椒>大红袍。对于同一花椒品种,在温暖高湿地区易感病,在海拔较高且降雨量少的高山地区则发病较轻;花椒树冠下部感病指数高于树冠上部感病指数。对花椒落叶病病菌的生物学特性测定,结果表明:花椒盘二孢菌的生长最适温度为25℃,以燕麦片培养基生长状况最佳,碳源以蔗糖最佳,氮源以蛋白胨为适宜;病菌菌落在偏酸性条件下生长良好;光照对其菌落生长影响不大。2.花椒干腐病寄主抗病性及其病菌生理分化通过对陕西省凤县、耀县、富平和韩城四地花椒干腐病的发病率及病情指数进行田间调查,结果显示:不同品种发病率也存在显著差异,其中米椒的抗病性最强,大红袍最易感病。对花椒干腐病菌各菌系的生物学特性研究表明:在PDA培养基上的菌丝生长状况最佳,且产孢快;玉米培养基不易于干裂有利于菌种的保持;燕麦培养基上的菌丝生长速度最快但菌丝的生长状况不良。四地干腐病菌产生两种不同颜色及生物学特性的菌落,其中凤县、耀县的菌落形态为紫红色,不易产孢;富平、韩城的则为桔黄色或淡黄色菌落,且在纯化后半个月左右产生大量分生孢子。针对以上两种不同生物学性状的镰刀菌,进一步对其进行致病性测定。将各菌系回接到易感病的花椒品种大红袍上,通过对各菌系所致的病斑大小、发病速度进行比较,证明富平菌系的致病性明显强于凤县和耀县菌系的致病性。对四地菌系的生物学特性、致病性的研究,初步认定花椒干腐病菌在陕西存在两个生理型。

【Abstract】 The prickly ash which belongs to Zanthoxylum of Rutaceae, is one indigenous defoliate bush in China,and it is important economic trees,Prickly ash plantation got a rapid development in recent years ,meanwhile the dead rate of prickly ash caused by disease or pets is above 30%.Two of the most serious diseases are stem rot and defoliation disease, which pathogens are Fusarium sambucinum,and Massonina zanthoxyli respectively.The occurrence roles and pathogenic biology in Shaanxi and got results as follows:1. Resistance of prickly ash varietes to defoliation disease and biological characteristics of Massonina zanthoxyliThe filed investigation showed that resistance of prickly ash vairieties to defoliation disease in Weibei and Baoji areas is different, Mi-Prickly ash﹥Dou-Prickly ash﹥Da-hong-pao-Prickly ash. The biological characteristics of Marssonina zanthoxyli results showed that the optical growth temperature is 25℃, the optical medium is oatmeal, the optical carbon nutriment is sucrose and nitrogen nutriment is peptone.While the optical pH was little acidity, and lights had little affect for colony development.2. Resistance of prickly ash vairieties to stem rot and physiology specialization of Fusarium sambucinumThe field investigation of incidence and disease indices of stem rot disease of prickly ash in Fuping, Yaoxian and Fengxian showed that different varieties has different incidence, which Mijiao is the strongest resistant and Da-hongpao is the most susceptible variety. The biological characteristics study showed that the stem rot pathogens grow best in PDA medium with vigorous mycelium and obvious spore formation,while Maize medium is best for storeage the pathogen,and Oats is not fit for the grow and storeage.There are two kinds of colony in color. The colony from Fengxian and Yaoxian show purple sendiment ,and it is hard to produced spore formation., the colony from Fuping and Hangcheng produce orange sendiments and a large amount of spores after half a month .Inoculation to Dahongpao variety proves that: pathogenicity of Fuping and Hancheng strain is higher than that from Fengxian and Yaoxian. According to results of biological characteristics and pathogenicty of strains, these paper got preliminarily the conclusion that there are two kinds of physiological types of Fusarium sambucinum
