

Parameters Analysis and Optimal Design for the Suspension Footbridge

【作者】 周青松

【导师】 叶贵如; 张治成;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人行悬索桥经济性好,造型美观,对地质地形状况适应性强,能充分发挥高强钢丝绳受拉强度大的特点,不需要特别高的桥塔,就可架设较大跨径桥梁,在山区和旅游景点有广泛的应用前景。现代悬索桥理论往往注重大跨径公路悬索桥的研究,而对于简易柔性人行悬索桥的理论研究较少。本文首先论述了悬索桥的基本计算理论,优化设计理论以及参数化建模的基本知识。并采用ANSYS中的APDL参数化设计语言对呼日人行悬索桥进行了参数化有限元建模,用于对该桥进行参数分析与优化设计。为了深入了解人行悬索桥的体系特性,本文以呼日人行悬索桥为工程背景,针对一些影响人行悬索桥受力性能的关键参数,如主缆矢跨比,塔梁约束方式,索塔约束方式,跨度比,桥面系恒载集度,纵横梁刚度,跨中吊杆长度等参数进行静力和动力计算分析与比较,研究总结出了人行悬索桥的一些力学特性,用于指导设计。以呼日人行悬索桥为工程背景,利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS中的优化模块,以材料费用为目标函数对呼日人行悬索桥部分结构尺寸进行优化设计,取得了节约材料费用5.4%的效果;以恒载作用下主缆线形与设计线形的差为目标函数,运用优化设计的方法确定了主缆的初应变。

【Abstract】 Because of many advantages, such as the good economic capability, the beautiful sculpt, the adaptability to the geology and landform, the full display of the characteristic of great drawn intensity of cable wire with high strength, the strong across ability, it has an extensive prospect of application in the mountain area and the scenic Spot. The modern theory of suspension bridge often pay more attention on the long-span suspension bridge, and for the theoretical study of simple suspension footbridge, it has some imperfect from theory to practice.First, this paper discusses the basic calculation theory of the suspension bridge, the optimal design theory and the basics of parametric modeling. And the parameterized finite element modeling of the Huri suspension footbridge was established by the ANSYS’ parametric design language APDL the parameterized finite element modeling will be used in the bridge analysis and optimal design.To better understand the characteristics of the suspension footbridge system, in this paper, as Huri suspension footbridge to be the engineering background, study stress state of suspension footbridge system when key parameters varied, such as the ratio of rise to span, the constrained way of the tower and the beam, the constrained way of the cable and the beam, the ratio of span, the dead load degree of the bridge floor system, the stiffness of the beam and the length of the middle boom. The common regularity which can be used to guide the design is obtained.As Huri suspension footbridge to be the engineering background, in this paper the optimization of the structure size of the suspension footbridge was made based on the design optimization module of ANSYS, and the material cost decreased by 5.4%. And the optimization of the initial strain the cable was also made based on the design optimization module of ANSYS.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期