

The Dynamic Analysis of Forest Landscape Pattern in Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve Based on GIS and RS

【作者】 孙菲菲

【导师】 赵鹏祥; 康永祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林经理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以1988年TM,2000年ETM+和2006年SPOT5影像作为信息源,结合地学信息,以遥感、地理信息系统为主要技术手段,对遥感图像进行图像融合、波段组合、几何校正、正射校正等预处理,由于TM/ETM+和SPOT5获取时相的不同,建立不同的景观类型划分标准,执行监督分类,获得三期森林景观类型图;选取16个景观指标,使用FRAGSTATS景观分析软件进行计算,从景观构成、景观形状、景观多样性、景观破碎化角度对研究区森林景观格局状况进行分析比较;最后利用ARCGIS,采用转移矩阵对1988-2000年数据进行不同景观类型的相互转化情况的分析。本文研究成果内容归纳如下:(1)依据遥感图像光谱特征和研究区植被分布特点,将太白山自然保护区景观划分为栎林、针阔叶混交林(TM/ETM+)、桦木林、巴山冷杉林、太白红杉林、灌丛草甸(TM/ETM+)、和非林地(TM/ETM+)(包括裸地、河流、湖泊、农田)和积雪冰川带(SPOT5)等景观类型。(2)1988、2000、2006年桦木林景观百分比分别为53.9%、34.5%和47.8%,类型面积比重最大,在整个景观中占明显优势;巴山冷杉林、灌丛草甸景观百分比仅次于桦木林,约占保护区面积的40%;巴山冷杉林面积逐期增加(6431.5ha-11500.6ha -16722.7ha),在群落演替阶段逐渐代替桦木林,优势度增加。区域呈现以桦木林景观为基质,灌丛草甸、巴山冷杉林等景观相对为主体的格局,其余景观呈条带或补丁状镶嵌其中。保护区景观完整性良好,森林生态系统稳定。(3)研究时期内各类型形状指数均较高,斑块形状复杂,以巴山冷杉林和桦木林形状指数最大,空间结构最为松散;桦木林分维数最大(1.390-1.445-1.536),各森林景观类型分维数逐期增加,表明斑块形状趋于复杂化,景观稳定性降低。1988-2000年破碎程度严重,在2000-2006年破碎程度减弱,但较1988年森林景观破碎度仍有增加。这主要由森林植被群落演替的同时与周围群落发生强烈的相互作用导致。(4)1988-2000年景观类型转移矩阵显示,对栎林、针阔叶混交林、巴山冷杉林面积增长贡献最大的是桦木林的转入。太白红杉林、灌丛草甸、非林地面积变化幅度很小。保护区内森林覆被类型间的相互转化主要受森林群落动态演变的影响。

【Abstract】 This research mainly uses the Landsat TM image data in 1988, Landsat ETM+ image data in 2000 , SPOT-5 image in 2006 as the information source. Combined with Other study information,the remote sensing and the geographic information system are adopted as the main technical method. Use geometric correction, ortho-rectification, image fusion to preprocess the remote sensing images. Due to the different obtained time phase, established different classification criteria for the TM / ETM+ and SPOT . Implement supervised classification of remote-sensing image. Then, use the FRAFSTAS landscape pattern analysis software to statistic sixteen landscape index and analysis the landscape composition, the landscape shape, the landscape diversity, the landscape fragmentation. This research use transition matrix to analysis the mutual transformation of different landscape types from 1988 to 2000. The content and the results of research are summarized as follows:(1) Based on spectral characteristics of remote sensing images and distribution of vegetation characteristics of the study area, the landscape in Taibai Mountain Nature Reserve is divided into oak forest, coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest (TM / ETM +), birch forest, abies fargesii forest, Larix chinensis forest ,shrub meadow (TM / ETM +), and non-forest land (TM / ETM +) (including bare land, rivers, lakes, farmland) and ice and snow (SPOT5) and other landscape types.(2)The percentage of birch forest landscape respectively are 53.9%, 34.5% and 47.8% in 1988, 2000 and 2006, which was the largest landscape type, with obvious dominance in the whole landscape; The percentage of Abies forest and shrub meadow, which next to birch forest, accounted for about 40% of the the reserve region. The area of Abies forest increased (6431.5ha-11500.6ha-16722.7ha)and gradually replaced birch forest at succession stages. The birch forest as the ground mass, the Abies fargesii forest and shrub meadow are the main landscape type, and the remaining landscape types distribute as bands or patches form in the region. The landscape integrity of good, and the forest ecosystems is stable. (3)The shape indexes of each type during the study period are relatively high, show the complexity of patch shape. The maximum values of shape indexes are the Abies fargesii forest and the Birch forest, their spatial structure are both loose. The The fractal dimension of Birch forest is highest(1.390 in 1988, 1.445 in 2000, 1.536 in 2006) during the period, and each landscape’s fractal dimension increased over time. It shows that the patch shape tend to be more complex and the stability reduced. During 1988-2000, the degree of fragmentation is serious; but during 2000-2006, this trend is eased and slowed, but compared with the landscape pattern of 1988, the degree of fragmentation is relatively severe. This phenomenon mainly caused by strong interaction of forest vegetation with surrounding community during the community succession.(4)The article, using transfer matrix from 1988 to 2000, analyzed transformation status of each landscape type during the past 12 years. What contributed most to the aera growth of oak forest , coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest are the transferred area of birch forest. The forest cover type of transformation in resevre was mainly affected by the impact of dynamic evolution of forest community.
