

Studies on the Improvement of Yellow Cinnamon Soil of Tea Garden in Southern Shaanxi

【作者】 姚丽娟

【导师】 江昌俊;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 茶学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 土壤是茶树生长发育的基地,是提供水、肥、气、热的场所。茶树所需的养料和水分都是从土壤中取得的,所以土壤的肥力、土壤的温度、土壤的水分和土壤的酸碱度对茶树根系和地上部生长发育都具有极为重要的作用。陕南茶园,土质多为黄褐土、黄棕壤。黄褐土质地偏粘,呈中性或偏酸性,中下层具有粘盘,有机质含量低,缺磷少氮,保水性和通气性差,严重阻碍了茶树根系的生长。本研究对西北农林科技大学茶叶科技示范基地典型黄褐土进行不同改良处理,研究了改良后土壤肥力变化情况、茶苗的生长情况及茶叶品质的变化情况,以期探索茶园黄褐土改良的最佳方案,为陕南茶产业的发展和茶叶品质的提高奠定基础。取得的主要结果如下:土壤pH值是影响茶树生长的重要因素。本研究中施用有机肥的几种处理均不同程度地降低了土壤的pH值,达到了适宜茶树生长的pH值水平。其中农家肥处理的最好,pH为5.65,比未处理土壤pH降低了13.5%。其次是腐殖和油渣质处理的,pH分别为5.85和5.84,比未处理前土壤pH降低了10.4%。施用有机肥(油渣、腐殖质、农家肥)的处理及秸秆还田对土壤肥力的提高效果极显著,四种处理后期土壤有机质含量、N含量、K含量、P含量均显著高于其他处理;施用农家肥处理的土壤有机质含量最高,达到2.21 g/kg,比对照提高了111.65%,P含量也是所有处理中最高的,为26.76 mg/kg,比对照提高了194.71%;施用油渣的土壤N含量最高,为91.36 mg/kg,比对照提高了48.31%;秸秆还田土壤K含量最高,为339.78 mg/kg,比对照提高了78.20%;种植绿肥的土壤肥力也有提高,但没有施用有机肥的效果好。除了掺砂处理,其他处理均不同程度的提高了茶叶中的两种或多种内含物质的含量,提高了茶叶的品质。其中油渣处理显著提高了茶叶中的茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物含量,分别为19.54%、2.34%、2.96%、43.90%,酚氨比为8.369,极显著低于对照,茶叶品质最好;农家肥、腐殖质、毛苕子、秸秆和草木樨处理均显著提高了茶叶中氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物含量,酚氨比也都极显著低于对照;掺砂客土处理的茶叶中茶多酚、咖啡碱和水浸出物含量增大,但氨基酸含量少,酚氨比大,茶叶鲜爽度差。综合不同处理对西乡茶园土壤肥力和茶叶品质的影响结果,在对陕南茶园黄褐土土壤改良方面建议加大油渣、农家肥、腐殖质等有机肥的施用量,并结合秸秆还田。

【Abstract】 Soil is the base for growth and development of tea,it provide tea plants with water, fertilizer, gas, and heat. The necessary nourishment and moisture of tea plant are obtained from the soil, therefore, soil fertility, temperature, moisture and pH play a very important role in the growth of tea root and shoot.Most of the soil of tea garden in southern Shaanxi is yellow cinnamon soil or yellow brown. Yellow cinnamon soil is clay, neutral or acidic. There is a clay pan in the middle and lower plate. Because of poor water holding capacity, soil organic matter, poor nitrogen and poor phosphorus in yellow cinnamon soil, the growth of tea roots are seriously restricted.In the study, in order to explore the optimum scheme of yellow cinnamon soil improvement and lay solid foundations for the development of Shaanxi tea industry, the yellow cinnamon soil in the technology demonstration state of Northwest A&F university was improved by different means, and the soil fertility and tea growth status and tea quality after improving was studied. The main results are follows:Soil pH value is an important factor to the growth of tea plant. The pH values of the soil treated with organic manure lowed than that of untreated soil, and became Suitable for tea growth. The best treatment was farmyard manure, in which the pH value was 5.65, 13.5% lower than the untreated. Followed was oil residue and humus, in which the pH value wree 5.84 and 5.85 respectively, 10.4% lower than the untreated.Treated with organic manure (oil residue, humus, farmyard manure) and straw could improve the soil fertility significantly, and the content of N, K, P and soil organic matter were significantly higher than other treatments. The highest soil organic matter was the soil treated with farmyard manure, and it was 2.21 g/kg, 111.65% higher than the control, and the P content in it was 26.76 mg/kg, 194.71% higher than the control; the highest N content was the soil treat with oil residue, 91.36 mg/kg, 48.31% higher than control; the highest K content was the soil treat with straw, 339.78 mg/kg higher, 78.20% higher than control. The fertility of the soil treated with green manure was also enhanced, but was lower than that of soil treated with organic fertilizer.The treatments except sand-doped could improve two or more substances in the tea to different extent. The content of tea polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine and water extract of the soil treated with oil residue were 19.54%, , 2.34%, 2.96%, 43.90% respectively, significantly higher than that in the control, and the ratio of tea polyphenol to amino acid of it was 8.391, significantly lower than that of the control. The treatment with farmyard manure, humus, hairy vetch, straw, sweet clove all improved the content of tea polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine and water extract significantly. The ratio of tea polyphenol to amino acid was remarkably lower than that of the control. The treatment with sand could enhance the contents of tea polyphenol, caffeine and water extract, and reduce the content of amino acids, and the ratio of tea polyphenol to amino acid increased.Complexes the effects of different treatments on soil fertility and tea quality, the optium improvement of yellow cinnamon soil improvement was increasing the oil residue, farmyard manure, humus and other organic fertilizer, combined with straw returning.
