
彩椒(Capsicum annuum)有机基质配方筛选及基质前处理与重复利用技术研究

Selection of Organic Substrate Formula for Color Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) and Study on Technolog of Pretreatment and Reusing of the Substrates

【作者】 于艳辉

【导师】 程智慧;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界各地无土栽培的发展,草炭使用量不断扩大。但草炭为不可再生资源,大量使用还会破坏生态环境。因此,研发新型栽培基质替代草炭成为农业研究热点。彩椒既可食用,又可观赏,深受人们的喜爱。本研究以玉米桔秆、玉米芯、稻壳等农作物生物质为试材,研究了添加不同微生物菌剂的发酵腐熟效果;以腐熟的玉米芯为主要基质配方原料,组成不同基质配方,研究了彩椒栽培效果;并对栽培基质在蔬菜育苗中的重复利用效果进行了分析,取得以下主要结果:1.分别接种5种不同的发酵剂,以不加菌剂为对照,筛选出适宜3种农作物生物质发酵的微生物发酵剂:“金宝贝”对玉米秸秆和玉米芯的发酵效果最好,“满园春”对稻壳的发酵效果最佳。相同条件下,玉米秸秆较玉米芯的发酵快,腐熟程度高;玉米芯又较稻壳发较快。3种农作物生物质发酵后玉米秸秆的速效营养释放率最高,其次是玉米芯,稻壳最低;速效营养与全营养的比率玉米芯>玉米秸秆>稻壳。2.分别以有机生态型(泥炭:玉米芯:熟牛粪:秸秆=1:1:1:1)和土壤栽培为对照,比较了4个栽培基质配比(处理1:玉米芯:河沙:熟牛粪=4:1:1;处理2:玉米芯:秸秆:河沙:熟牛粪=3:1:1:1;处理3:玉米芯:稻壳:河沙:熟牛粪=3:1:1:1;处理4:玉米芯:秸秆:稻壳:河沙:熟牛粪=2:1:1:1:1)栽培彩椒的效果。处理1和处理2与土壤对照相当,表明可以利用腐熟农作物生物质替代土壤进行彩椒栽培。3.以栽培彩椒效果较好的处理1和处理2的一茬栽培后基质为对象,以其新配的基质和一茬后有机生态型基质为对照,研究了有机基质在辣椒、、番茄、黄瓜等蔬菜育苗中的重复利用效果。播种7d后四种蔬菜的出苗率均达最高,且处理2的出苗率最高;育苗后期除黄瓜外其它3种蔬菜生长良好,且两处理和有机生态型对照的株高、茎粗及叶面积均高于常用对照。说明彩椒栽培后的农作物生物质基质可以在蔬菜育苗中重复利用。试验初步建立了“农作物生物质发酵-基质配比-基质栽培-基质重复利用”的彩椒基质栽培技术,为研发新一代无土栽培基质和育苗基质,充分利用农作物生物质提供了依据。

【Abstract】 With the expanding area of soilless culture throughout the world, the finding of some new substrates as peat moss substitute has been carried out by many scholars in their research interest. Peat moss is a finite and irreproducible resource, therefore, exploiture on a large scale could lead to destroy of ecological environment. Color pepper are liked heartedly by the human being not only can be used for eaten purpose but also as an ornamental plant. Agricultural crops biomass of corn straw, corn cob, rice hull as trial materials, their effects on fermentation were studied by adding different combination of microbial agents. By using rotten corn cob as the main material to develop different substrate formula. The effects of cultural medium on growth of color pepper was examined along with the effects of reusing culture substrate had been analyzed in the vegetable seedling. The main results are as follows:1. Five different ferments were inoculated and without ferment treated as the control. Ferments suitable for three crops biomass were selected: fermented effect of“Jinbaobei”was found better for corn straw and corn cob,“Manyuanchun”was reflected better for rice hull. Under the same situation, the fermentation of corn straw was faster and its extent of maturity was higher than corn cob and the fermentation of corn cob was quicker than rice hull. After fermentation of three crops biomass, available nutrition release rate of corn straw was highest, followed by corn cob’s was second and rice hull’s was the lowest but from the ratio of available nutrition with total nutrition to see corn cob﹥corn straw﹥rice husk.2. Organic ecotype(peat : corncob : decomposed cow dung : corn stalk=1:1:1:1) and soil was used as controls and compared the effects of color pepper cultivation in the four cultivation medium with various concentrations (treatment 1 : corn cob : riversand : decomposed cow dung=4:1:1; treatment 2 : corn cob : corn straw : riversand : decomposed cow dung=3:1:1:1; treatment 3 : corn cob : rice hull : riversand : decomposed cow dung=3:1:1:1; treatment 4 : corn cob : corn straw : rice hull : riversand : decomposed cow dung=2:1:1:1:1). Treatment 1 and treatment 2 were equal to the control treatment of soil. It indicated that majority of crops’by-products could replace soil to cultivating color pepper.3.The better outlook of treatment 1 and treatment 2 which were cultivated the first-cut color pepper were used as nursery substrates and new substrate preparation and organic ecotype were used as controls. In this experiment we studied the effects of reusing organic substrate in the vegetable seedling of pepper, Chinese cabbage, tomato and cucumber. The emergence rate of 4 species vegetables was found highest after the interval 7 days. The other of three vegetables grew well except for cucumber during last stage of seedling and the plant height, stem diameter, leaf area of two treatments and control of organic ecotype were higher as compared to the control treatment. The result revealed that organic soilless culture substrates of crops could be selected for the first substrates reusing.The test preliminarily established key technology of“fermentation of crops biomass- substrate composition- substrate cultivation- substrates reusing”about substrate cultivation of color pepper. The application of the system will provide evidence for research and development of new soilless culture substrates and nursery substrates and also making full use of crops biomass.

  • 【分类号】S641.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】254