

Investigation and Evaluation of Landscaping Tree in Qingdao City

【作者】 李沪波

【导师】 张延龙; 董运秋;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 风景园林, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题通过生态调查法调查了青岛市内356条道路的行道树;公园、山头、小区、学校等28个地块92个样方的乔木和灌木。通过调查发现法桐、黑松、刺槐、雪松、樱花、小龙柏、金叶女贞、大叶黄杨、红叶小蘖等使用率较高数量较多;白皮松、侧柏、糯米条、溲疏等生长较好但是应用比较少。本课题还使用基于层次分析法的模糊综合评判法,根据专家打分的结果我们得出专家认为比较好的树种和比较差的树种。最后经过相互比较及实际考察的结果得出适合青岛地区并可以大力推广的树种、可以大力引进的树种、需要引进的树种和小环境下可以应用的树种。

【Abstract】 The street trees in 356 roads and the arbor and frutex in 92 quadrats of 28 area include parks, hills, districts and campus were surveyed by ecological investigation in this stduy. It suggested that: like Platanus acerifolia, Pinus thunbergii Parl, Robinia pseudoacacia Linn., Cedrus deodara (Roxburgh) G. Don , Cerasus serrulata , Sabina chinensis , ligustum Vicaryi, Buxus megistophylla, cv. Atropurpurea and so on ,that was planted continually and magnitudely. It was althout growed exuberancely but planted less like Pinus bungeana, Platycladus orientalis, Abelia chinensis, Deutzia and so on. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation based on AHP was used in this reaserch. Better or worse tree species were divided by using the results of the exports scored. The tree species, which could be adapted Qingdao area and generalize mostly, which could be introducted mostly, which could be introducted necessarily or which could be planted in limited environment, were worked out by the reuslts compared eachother.

  • 【分类号】S731.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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