

Research on the Structure and Efficiency of Agricultural Investment Entity in China

【作者】 周伟

【导师】 王礼力;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业技术经济与项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农业是我国的基础产业,农业与其他产业的协调发展是经济持续稳定发展的基础,而农业要发展,适当的投资是必不可少的。近些年来虽然我国工业取得了长足的发展,农业却依然处于弱势状态,农业投资所占份额明显偏小。但是,农业生产力发展的水平和农业劳动生产率的高低,决定了农业为其他部门提供剩余产品和劳动力的数量,进而制约着这些部门的发展规模和速度。只有农业发展了,国民经济其他部门才能得以进一步发展。为了我国农业的发展,既要保护农民利益,又要给农业企业提供一个良好的发展环境,建立一个良性的农业投资主体互动机制显得极其必要。过去、现在与将来,政府、集体、农户、企业在我国农业发展中发挥的作用都不同,本文意在从投资主体结构与效率的角度分析我国农业发展中存在的问题,并试图找出相应的对策。基于以上思路,本文将从投资主体的各个方面对我国农业投资问题进行一一分析。首先通过对投资、投资主体概念的分析,对农业投资主体概念进行重新界定与分类,而后在投资与增长、投资主体与经济发展的理论背景下,探讨我国农业投资主体演变轨迹;接下来对各个投资主体进行详细阐析,确定各个主体投资的效率问题;然后从不同角度深入分析影响我国农业投资结构与效率的因素;进而对我国农业投资主体的整体考察,它建立在前面对我国农业投资主体研究的基础之上,对各个农业投资主体间的关系进行分析,找出它们在市场经济条件下的利益结合点,提出建立农业投资主体良性互动机制的设想;然后根据效率分析确定在农业发展过程中对农业投资各主体投资效率影响较大的几个因素;最后依据投资的社会效益与经济效益,进一步明确政府和其他投资主体在农业发展中的不同分工,提出优化我国农业投资主体结构的建议。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the basic industry of China, to coordinate the development of agriculture and other industries is the basis of keeping the economy sustainable and stable, but if we want to develop agriculture, appropriate investment is indispensable. Although in recent years, progress has been made in China’s industrial development, agriculture is still in a vulnerable state and the share of agricultural investment is significantly small. However, the level of agricultural productivity development and the rate of labor productivity results in the quantity of surplus products and labor provided by agriculture. And then constrains the scope and speed of these sectors’development. Only we develop the agriculture first that other sectors of the national economy can be further developed.In order to develop our agriculture, to protect the interests of farmers and to provide a good environment to agricultural enterprises, it is extremely necessary to establish a healthy interactive mechanism for agricultural investment entities. Government, collective and farmers, agricultural enterprises play different roles in the past, present and future, this essay mainly analyses the problem from the point of the structure and efficiency of agricultural investment entities and try to find the corresponding countermeasures to these problems. Based on the above ideas, this essay analyses the problems of agricultural investment occurred in China from every different aspects. First of all, through the concept analysis about investment and investment entity, we redefine and classify the concept of agricultural investment entity, and then based on the theories about investment and growth, investment entity and economic development, we explore the agricultural investment evolution trajectory of China; next we explain in detail the investment entity, in order to determine the efficiency of every investment entity; and then analyze deeply the factors which influence China’s agricultural investment structure and efficiency from different angles; further we make a wholly main study about agricultural investment entity of China, which based on the former research on agricultural investment entity of China. Then make an analysis about the interactive relationship among each agricultural investment entity to search the interest bonding under market economy. And proposed the establishment of positive interactive mechanism of agricultural investment entity; then make an efficiency analysis to determine several main factors which influence agricultural investment entity in the process of agricultural development; finally based on the social and economic benefits of investment, to further define the different division of labor of the government and other investment entity in agricultural development, and to propose the optimization of investment entity structure of China.

【关键词】 农业投资主体结构投资效率
【Key words】 agricultureinvestmententity structureinvestment efficiency
  • 【分类号】F323.9;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232