

Selection of Superior Type and Superior Clones of Pinus Tabulaeformis

【作者】 蒋晋豫

【导师】 李周岐;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 油松(Pinus tabulaeformis )生长快、材质好、耐干旱、耐瘠薄,是我国北方的乡土树种,也是我国北方的主要用材树种和针叶造林树种。其分布范围很广,在针叶树种中仅次于马尾松。但是,由于造林面积大,用种量多,致使造林用种严重不足,种子质量难以保证,因此尽快提供大量经过遗传改良的种子是生产的重要课题之一。长期以来,由于群体内的基因突变、迁移以及一些自然因素造成的隔离等,阻止基因的交换,再加上其分布区环境条件的多样性、选择压力的不同,从而导致油松种群内丰富的多层次的遗传变异,具有很大的遗传改良潜力。因此,全面系统地开展油松遗传变异的研究,从优良种源中选择优良林分,再从优良林分中选择优良家系,通过对优良家系的优良表型选出优良单株,然后进行子代测定,从而对其早期选择的评价评定优良无性系。这项研究无论在理论上还是实践上对选育速生丰产的油松优良类型品种,为建立油松高世代种子园都有着重要的意义。本研究面向生产,以油松为研究对象,以为建立高世代种子园的优良单株选择为目标,立足于充分挖掘和利用现存的遗传变异,主要研究结果如下;(1)根据“油松天然优良林分选择、改良和促进结实技术”课题组选出的22个油松种源、包括40个家系在宁陕县境内的十八丈沟子代林进行测定分析用独立淘汰水平法选择优良家系6个。与对照相比,其树高、胸径、材积分别增加21%、26.3%和84.2%;遗传增益分别为28.16%、10.75 %和14.56%.从选出的6个优良家系内,再选出优良单株37株,与对照相比,其树高、胸径、材积分别增产28.9%,36.8%和127%,预期遗传增益分别为31.9%,15.3%和43.1%。这部分优良单株,可作为高世代育种材料,也可用于改良子代种子园。(2)通过对太白县黄白塬乡林场油松母树林母树形态特征遗传变异的研究,根据树皮颜色和开裂方式等特征将油松划分为灰色纵裂型、灰色块裂型、灰色片裂型、黄色纵裂型、黄色片裂型与黑皮型六种形态类型,不同类型之间在经济性状上、子代幼苗生长量、硝酸还原酶(NR)活力上均存在显著差异。其中黄色纵裂型、灰色纵裂型、黄色片裂型为优良类型。(3)对l2~16年生的油松优树半同胞子代林生长过程中树高年——年秩次相关、表型和遗传相关统计分析结果表明,油松早晚期高生长有一定紧密关系,进行早期预测和选择是可行的。用家系5~8年生和单株3~6年生树高可以预测l2~16年的高生长。从选择效率考虑家系最宜选择年龄在l0~12年,单株最宜选择年龄在12年生后;最宜选择年龄时的家系早期选择效率是40~50年时的1.96~1.98倍,单株的选择效率低于家系;最宜选择年龄随主伐年龄的增大而增大.。

【Abstract】 Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) is one of agrestic tree species in the north of China.It is also major timber species and coniferous tree species with fast growth, good texture, drought tolerance, resistance of barren ground. The distribution range of conifer species is wide after Pinus massoniana.However,because of large reforested area , it is difficult to guarantee the good quality of seeds .So providing more seeds by genetic improvement is still one of important subjects.To increase production , this thesis regarded Chinese pine as the research object and selected good individulas to establish advanced generation seed orchard by understanding extant genetic viaration. The results of the studies are listed as follows:(1) Basing on the research of“The choice ,improvement and the technology on seed increasing of Natural excellent stands in chinese pine",6 superior families were selected from 40 families of 22 provenances by Determination and Analysis progeny forests in NingShan county territory in eighteen cubitswith that of independent culling. Compared with controls,tree height is over 21%,DBH is over 26.3%,volume is over 84.2%,the genetic gains of tree height ,DBH and volume are over 28.16%,10.75% and 14.56%. 37 fine individuals were selected from 6 superior families . Compared with controls,tree height is over 28.9%,DBH is over 36.8%,volume is over 127%,the genetic gains of tree height ,DBH and volume are over 31.9%,15.3% and 43.1%. These fine individuals are used as Advanced-Generation breeding materials,and they can use to improve progeny forests.(2) By the study on morphological characteristics and genetic variation of the Pinus tabulaeformis .of this area in huang baiyuan forest farm in taibai cuontry,it can devided into six morphotypes. Basing on color and bark cracking methods will be characterized by longitudinal tabulaeformis type ,there are gray longitudinal split type, gray block split-type, gray break type, yellow longitudinal type , yellow and black type.And yellow longitudinal type, gray longitudinal type, yellow flake type are considered to superior Types . There are significant differences. between different types of economic traits, the offspring seedling growth, nitrate reductase (NR) activity.(3) The juvenile-mature rank correlation of 12-16 years half-sib progeny forests in Pinus tabulaeformis .on height increment have been calculated.The resaults of phenotypic and genetic correlation showed that the height of early growth was in close touch with late growth.So Early selection is feasible. 5 to 8 year-old families and 3 ~ 6 year-old high can predict l2 year-old the high growth 16 year roller. From the selection of optimum efficiency considered l0-12 year at age choose the most appropriate choice, aged 12 years after birth, The most appropriate choice of family early age 40 ~ 50 year selection efficiency is the 1.96-1.98 per times, the choice of lower efficiency, The most appropriate choice of age with age increases.

【关键词】 油松优良类型早期选择
【Key words】 Pinus tabulaeformisSuperior Typeearly choice
  • 【分类号】S791.254
  • 【下载频次】77