

Study on the Dynamic Change of the Content and Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution of the Gutta-Percha in Organs of Eucommia Ulmoides Oliv

【作者】 何文广

【导师】 苏印泉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分别以杜仲种皮、一年生树皮和叶子中的杜仲胶为研究对象,较为系统地研究了其在杜仲各器官中的含量、相对分子质量及其分布的动态变化规律,以期望对今后杜仲胶的综合开发利用提供一定的理论参考依据。研究结果如下:5-10月份,杜仲种皮胶含量的差异达到极显著水平。其中5月份最低,为5.82%,10月份最高,达到9.97%。杜仲种皮杜仲胶的含量随着月份的增长,总体上呈递增趋势。相对分子质量的差异达到极显著水平。其中5月份最低,为8.17×10~4,10月份最高,达到25.04×10~4。5、6、7三个月是种皮中杜仲胶分子量迅速积累的阶段,而且在分子量值达到顶峰之后,趋于稳定。相对分子质量分布差异极显著。其中5月份最小,为1.50,10月份最大,达到1.69。随着月份的增长,杜仲种皮杜仲胶相对分子质量分布越来越宽,分散性越来越大。10个无性系之间,杜仲种皮胶含量的差异达到极显著水平。其中达到10%以上的有3号和15号,为高产型无性系;达到8%-9%的有2号、16号、4号、23号和7号,为中产型无性系;达到7%-8%的有9号、10号和1号,为低产型无性系。相对分子质量差异不显著。而相对分子质量分布的差异显著。其中,1号和3号树最小,为1.55,4号和9号树较大,分别为1.69、1.64。即1号和3号树的种皮胶相对分子质量分布较窄,分散性最小,4号和9号树种皮相对分子质量分布较宽,分散性较大。6-10月份,杜仲一年生树皮胶含量的差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份最低,为3.91%,10月份最高,达到8.17%。杜仲一年生树皮胶含量随着月份的增长呈递增趋势。相对分子质量的差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份最低,为7.26×10~4,7月份最高,达到25.56×10~4。不同月份杜仲一年生树皮相对分子质量由高到低的顺序为7月>9月>10月>8月>6月,随着月份的增长,呈波浪状变化。相对分子质量分布的差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份分布最窄,分散性最小,为1.63;9月份分布最宽,分散性最大,达到2.37。6-10月份,杜仲叶胶含量的差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份最低,为2.71%,10月份最高,达到3.95%。杜仲叶胶含量随着月份的增长呈递增趋势。相对平均分子质量差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份最低,为5.37×10~4,8月份最高,达到10.11×10~4。杜仲叶胶相对平均分子质量随着月份的增长,7、8月份达到最高值,然后逐渐下降。相对平均分子质量分布差异达到极显著水平。其中6月份分布较窄,分散性最小,为3.40,8月份分布较宽,分散性最大,为6.84。杜仲种皮和一年生树皮胶分子量只有高分子量分布,无低分子量分布。而杜仲叶子胶分子量既有高分子量分布,又有低分子量分布。

【Abstract】 In this paper, We respectively study the Gutta-percha in the Eucommia’s pericarp, annual bark and leaf, and systematically analyze it’s dynamic change of the content, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, hoping that it could provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive development and utilization of Eucommia ulmoides Olive.. The results are as follows:From May to October, the content of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is significantly different (P<0.01) and increases gradually. The lowest of which is 5.82% in May, and the highest is 9.97% in October. The molecular weight of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is significantly different (P<0.01). The lowest of which is 8.17×10~4 in May, and the highest is 25.04×10~4 in October. May, June, July is a rapid accumulation stage of the molecular weight. After that, the molecular weight is stable. The molecular weight distribution of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is significantly different (P<0.01) and is larger and larger. The lowest of which is 1.50 in May, and the highest is1.69 in October.Among 10 clones, the content of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is significantly different (P<0.01). Achieving more than 10%, the clone 3 and 5 are high-yielding clones Achieving 8% -9%, the clone 2, 16, 4, 23 and 7 are middle-type clones; Achieving 7 % -8%, the clone 9,10 and 1 are low-yielding clones. The molecular weight of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is none significant different. The molecular weight distribution of gum in the Eucommia’s pericarp is significantly different. Achieving 1.55, the clone 1 and 3 are the lowest distribution. Achieving 1.69 and 1.64, the clone 4 and 9 are the highest distribution.From June to October, the content of gum in the Eucommia’s annual bark is significantly different (P<0.01) and increases gradually. The lowest of which is 3.91% in June, and the highest is 8.17% in October. The molecular weight of gum in the Eucommia’s annual bark is significantly different (P<0.01). The lowest of which is 7.26×10~4 in June, and the highest is 25.56×10~4 in July. The order from high to low is July > September > October > August > June. The molecular weight distribution of gum in the Eucommia’s annual bark is significantly different (P<0.01). The lowest of which is 1.63 in June, and the highest is 2.37 in September. From June to October, the content of gum in the Eucommia’s leaf is significantly different (P<0.01) and increases gradually. The lowest of which is 2.71% in June, and the highest is 3.95% in October. The molecular weight of gum in the Eucommia’s leaf is significantly different (P<0.01). The lowest of which is 5.37×10~4 in June, and the highest is 10.11×10~4 in August. The molecular weight distribution of gum in the Eucommia’s bark is significantly different (P<0.01). The lowest of which is 3.40 in June, and the highest is 6.84 in August.There are the higher molecular-weight fractions and the lower molecular-weight fractions in the molecular weight distribution of the Gutta-percha in the Eucommia’s leaf., but in the pericarp and annual bark, there are only higher molecular-weight fractions.
