

Comparative Evaluation on Ecological and Economic Benefit of Agriculyural Land Resources on Loess Hilly Region under Different Retirement of Cultivated Situation

【作者】 申强

【导师】 姜志德;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国于1999年启动了以农地资源高效利用、提高农地资源生态服务功能以得到改善人居环境为目的的退耕还林(草)工程。在国家宏观经济政策下,退耕取得了一定的成果,但由于不同地区的社会基础条件有着巨大的差异,特别是在黄土高原等生态环境破坏最严重的地区,由于矿产资源开采数量的不同造成了地区间经济水平的巨大差异,同时不同地区人口密度相差也很悬殊。在退耕还林(草)工程实施过程中,地方经济、社会及人口等退耕条件直接或间接地影响着区域退耕还林(草)的成果,影响着区域农业经济的发展。所以如何在不同退耕条件下实现生态与生产的双赢,避免盲目追求退耕数量而忽视农地资源效益的提高,减少农地资源的误用或滥用,提高农地资源的生态服务价值,促进农业经济的发展,实现区域经济、生态环境的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。目前,我国诸多学者围绕如何提高农地资源生态、经济效益,促进农业经济发展进行了大量的研究,但很少考虑退耕条件差异对退耕的生态、经济效果的影响。基于上述背景,本文以陕西省吴起县和米脂县为研究区域,运用生态系统服务价值评估方法对不同退耕条件下农地资源生态服务价值进行评估分析,同时结合对研究区域农业经济发展主成份分析及对生态、经济系统协调发展状况的综合评价,来研究退耕条件对区域退耕生态、经济效益的影响。本文结构共分七个部分:第一章简述了本文研究的背景、目的和意义,概述了国内外研究动态,对本文的研究范围进行了界定,确立了本文的研究思路和研究方法,为本文的后续研究打下了坚实的基础。第二章从介绍区域概况入手,对研究区域的退耕条件进行了比较分析,分析后得出:吴起县不仅在退耕前自然资源、经济实力、人口密度以及对农业生产的投入等方面明显优于米脂县,而且随着退耕的不断深入,这种优势愈加明显。两个区域相比较,吴起县在退耕过程中属于“人少地多、经济实力雄厚、投入增长”型,而米脂县则属于“人多地少、经济基础薄弱、投入波动”型。第三章介绍了本研究评估的农地资源的生态服务功能,并运用当量因子法对具有不同退耕条件研究区域的生态效益进行了评估分析,分析得出在三个不同的退耕阶段,两个区域农地资源的直接经济产出价值与间接生态服务价值发生了巨大的变化,两个区域的生态效益值呈不断扩大的态势,其中退耕条件成为差异扩大的主导因素。第四章运用主成份分析方法对研究区域的农业经济效益进行了分析,分析可以看出,吴起县在退耕过程中总产值的提高和生产效率的提高是农业经济发展的主要贡献因素,而在米脂县农业经济发展主要来自于生产效率的提高和就业结构的改变。第五章采用主成份分析与回归分析相结合的综合评判方法计算了两个区域的生态、经济系统协调发展程度,结果显示无论是静态协调度还是动态协调度,吴起县均大于米脂县。第六章以吴起县为例,通过相关性分析和相对贡献率的计算对退耕过程中农业经济发展的驱动因素进行了分析,并以典型农户为例进行了实证分析。在第七章中主要介绍了包括土地利用结构调整方向和后续产业的发展等宏观方面的建议,以及本研究的结论与不足和今后的研究方向

【Abstract】 In the national macro-economic policy, this project has achieved returning some results. However, the social infrastructure in different regions have great differences in conditions, especially in the Loess Plateau where the ecological environment were most severely damaged, As the different in the number of mineral resources resulted in the level of regional economic differences, Meanwhile, the difference between the population density in different regions is also very serious. During the defarming period, The difference of retirement of cultivated situation such as the local economy, social and demographic situation will directly or indirectly affect the results of the regional returning farmland to forest (grassland) and the development of the regional rural and agricultural economy, Therefore, it is practical significance to achieve a win-win situation of ecology and production, to avoid pursuiting the number of defarming blindly but neglecting of improving the efficiency of agricultural land resources, to decrease the misuse or abuse, to improve the ecological value of agricultural land resources and the promotion of rural areas, agricultural economic development, regional economic, ecological environment for sustainable development under different retirement of cultivated situation. Currently, Many scholars in China have do a great deal of research on how to improve the agricultural land resources’ecological and economic benefits, to promote rural economic development. but few of them consider the regional differences. Against the above background, this paper take WU Qi County and Mi Zhi County in Shaanxi Province as the study areas research the affection of the retirement of cultivated situation to the benefits of ecosystem services of agricultural land resources, on the base of analysis and assessment of The ecosystem service value of agricultural land resources under different situations with the methods of assessment of the value of ecological services, combined with the study of regional rural economy, The development of agricultural economy and the comprehensive evaluation of the coordination of regional economy and ecological environment system.The structure of this paper is divided into seven parts: The first chapter of this paper outlines the background, purpose and significance of this research, an overview of research at home and abroad, defines the scope of the study, and establishes the ideas and research methods, Which has laid a solid foundation for follow-up study of this paper; The second chapter starting from the Introduction of the regional overview of the study area,conduct a comparative analysis of the defarming conditions, the results is WU Qi County, before returning, not only in natural resources, economic strength, population density, as well as inputs on agricultural production are so much better than Mizhi County, and along with the deepening of defarming, the advantages are more obvious. After the Comparison of the two regions, WU Qi County belong to the type of "little people, the country’s economy strong, investment growth" in the process of defarming, However Mizhi County are "little people, weak economic base, input fluctuations"type. After the introduction and assessment of the ecosystem services value of agricultural land resources in chapter three, we found that the value of direct and indirect economic output value of ecosystem services of the study area have changed dramatically, the value of eco-efficiency region was growing trend, in which differences in the expansion of cultivated land conditions to become the dominant factor. Using the method of principal component analysis, we study the benefit of agricultural economy of of the study area in chapter four. After the analysis we make an conclusion that the improvement of production efficiency and product are the main contribution factors to the development of rural economy of WU Qi County in the process of defarming. While Mizhi County in the development of the rural economy are mainly from increased efficiency in production and employment changes in the structure. We use the method of principal component analysis and regression analysis method of comprehensive to evaluate the extent of the coordinated development of economic and ecological systemsin chapter five, the results show that both the degree of static or dynamic coordination coordination, the WU Qi County are more betterthan Mizhi County. In the chapter six, we analyse the drive factors of the project of retirement of cultivated to the rural economy taking WU Qi County as the example, using the methods of correlation analysis and the calculation of the relative contribution, which followed by empirical analysis on typical farmers. In the last chapter, we mainly give some proposals, including the direction of land use structure and follow-up to the development of macro-industry.
