

Research on Development Circulation Economicy of Promoting Mechanism in Xi’an Rural Area

【作者】 王治友

【导师】 罗剑朝;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 循环经济是一种与环境和谐发展的新型的、先进的经济发展理念和模式,它是西方工业化国家从工业可持续发展,进入到经济社会可持续发展阶段后的一种全新的理念和实践,作为可持续发展两大主题之一,循环经济已经成为一种全球发展的趋势和人类共同关注的问题。发展循环经济是贯彻落实科学发展观的重要实践,也是实现可持续发展的重要保障,具有全局性、根本性、长期性。在西方发达国家,从上世纪90年代确立可持续发展战略以来,他们都在把发展循环经济看作是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现方式,采取政府重视、社会积极参与、建立高效管理和监督机构等措施,部门与行业间协作不断加强,在资源节约、环境治理、经济发展等方面取得了显著成效。在我国循环经济发展还处于初级阶段,还需要对循环经济发展的战略和方针予以明确,对政府、市场、企业和公民等主体的权利义务关系予以界定,从而保障循环经济的有效发展。在《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》中指出大力发展循环经济。在重点行业、产业园区、城市和农村实施一批循环经济试点。按照党中央、国务院为发展循环经济指明的方向和途径,循环经济试点工作目前已在全国城市和农村逐步开展,人们也逐步认识到,发展循环经济是落实科学发展观的重要途径,是建设社会主义新农村的必然选择。我市要在全省实现率先发展,实现到“十一五”期末万元生产总值综合能源消耗比“十五”期末降低25%,实现1000个行政村基本达到中央提出的社会主义新农村的要求,总体上使广大农村在基础设施、生产条件、村容村貌以及在教育、文化、医疗卫生、社会保障等方面提高到一个新的水平。必须在坚持节约用地、节约用水、节约能源、节约原材料的基础上,建立健全促进节约型社会建设的体制和机制,逐步形成节约型的生产和消费模式,实现经济与资源环境的协调发展。文章共分七个部分。第一章导论。主要介绍论文选题背景、研究目的与意义,阐述了论文的研究思路与方法。综述了国内外研究动态,提出论文的可能创新之处。第二章主要论述了循环经济发展的理论基础;第三章主要分析了西安农村循环经济发展的背景及现状;第四章对西安农村循环经济发展的动因进行了分析;第五章主要介绍了西安农村循环经济发展的方向和推进思路;第六章着重论述了西安农村循环经济发展的主要产业和重点建设项目推进机制;第七章重点对西安农村循环经济发展的政策机制及保障措施进行了阐述。本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点和方法为指导思想,运用理论联系实际实际、规范分析与实证分析想结合的方法,结合经济发展的一般规律和方法从社会、经济、生态整体协调发展的角度,对西安农村经济发展现状进行了分析,重点对西安农村循环经济发展中的主要产业和重点建设项目推进方向、相关机制和保障措施进行了初探,提出了西安农村循环经济发展的思路和建议。期望能为我市政府部门决策提供一定的思路和依据,对我市循环经济发展起到积极的促进作用。

【Abstract】 Circular economy is an advanced new type of development concept and mode, which go harmoniously with the environment. It is a whole new type of concept and practice during the period when the western industrialized countries is turning from industrialized sustainable development country into the economic and social sustainable development country. As one of the two main themes of sustainable development, circular economy has become a global trend of development and a common issue concerned by human beings.The development of circular economy is an important practice of implementing the scientific concept of sustainable development; it is also an important guarantee to realize sustainable development. It is overall, fundamental and long-term. In the western developed countries, ever since the establishment of the sustainable development strategy in 1990s, they all take the development of circular economy as an important way and approach in execution of the sustainable development strategy. They took measures such as government takes seriously, society participate in actively, establishing efficient management and supervision institutions, and strengthening collaboration among industries and departments. As a result, remarkable achievements were made in resource conservation, environment management, economic development and ect.China’s circular economic development is still on the initial stage, the strategy and approach for circular economic development still need to be made clear. Relationship of rights and obligations of the government, markets, enterprises and citizens still needs to be defined and divided clearly, so that the circular economic can develop efficiently. In the "CPC Central Committee on National Economic and Social Development of the eleventh Five-Year Plan", it has clearly pointed out that, great efforts should be made to develop circular economy. In some key industries, industrial parks, urban and rural areas, a number of circular economy pilots have been implemented.According to the direction and means specified by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, circular economy pilot projects have been gradually carried out in the urban and rural areas. People have gradually realized that the development of circular economy is an important way to implement the scientific concept of development. It is also an inevitable choice for the construction of new socialist community in the rural areas. Xi’an city will take the lead in the development of the whole province economy. We have to realize the goal that the Comprehensive million GDP energy consumption could be reduce by 25% at the end of the "11th Five-Year Plan", compared with that at the end of the "10th Five-Year Plan”. We have to realize the goal that the 1000 administrative villages could meet the basic requirements given by the central authorities, so that the majority of the rural infrastructure, production conditions, the village appearance, the education, culture, health, social security and so on and so forth could all go up to a new level.We must adhere to the principle of economical use of land, water, energy and raw materials, to promote the establishment and perfection of the system and mechanisms of a sound conservation-minded society, to form the conservation-minded pattern of production and consumption gradually, and to realize the harmonious development of economic, resources and the environment.This Article is divided into the following sections:The first part is the Preamble. Dissertation introduces the research background, research purposes, as well as research methods and research ideas.The second part is the theoretical basis of circulation economic development.The third parts is Xi’an cycle of economic development of rural background and the current situation.The fourth part is Xi’an cycle of circulation economic development in rural areas cause analysis.The fifth part is Xi’an cycle of circulation economic development in rural areas and the idea of promote direction.The sixth part is Xi’an cycle of circulation economic development in mechanisms to promote of major industries and key construction projects.The Seventh part is Xi’an rural circulation economic development policy cycle mechanism and safeguard measures.This article is based on the Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism. By applying the methods of combining theory and practice, integrating normative analysis and empirical analysis, and summarizing the general rules and methods of the economic development, we have analyzed the status quo of the rural economic development in Xi’an from the overall perspective of co-coordinating the development of social, economic, ecology. Also, we have made a preliminary exploration on circular economy development model and ways in Xi’an; we have provided an overall plan and key promotion plans for Xi’an circular economy development. What’s more, we also have raised up countermeasures and suggestions for the possible problems which might show up in the development process. Sincerely hope this article could provide decision-making ideas and basis for the municipal government departments, so that it can finally play a positive role on the promotion of the city’s economic development cycle.

  • 【分类号】F327;F205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161