

Safeguard Function and Assessment Study of Water and Soil Coversation in Construction of Loess Plaleau Highway

【作者】 许永长

【导师】 刘俊民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水利工程, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 在黄土高原地区,水土流失破坏了土壤肥力,加剧沟壑发展、淤积水库、阻塞河道、抬高河床,给当地的经济发展和人民的生活生产带来了诸多危害。近年来,黄土高原公路建设迅猛发展,对周围生态环境产生严重影响,其中又以引起的水土流失为重。黄土高原公路建设的水土保持机理、实施措施、效益评价等理论问题亟待深入研究。本研究结合陕西省渭南市合阳县王村-皇甫庄公路改建工程实例,就公路水土保持的基本理论、方法及应用问题进行了较为全面的分析和探讨,取得了以下主要研究结论:(1)在参阅大量国内外水土流失概况文献资料基础上,对公路水土流失及水土保持的内涵、研究历史及存在问题进行了较详尽的阐述。(2)分析了公路建设水土流失量的预测内容和模型,并结合工程实例,采用类比分析法与数学模型法对水土流失区土壤侵蚀模数;建设区域内扰动原貌、破坏土地和植被的面积;建设区域内破坏水土保持面积;工程施工过程中弃土、弃渣量;工程施工过程中取土的;工程施工过程中新增水土流失量;施工过程中可能造成水土流失危害进行了预测。研究结果表明,公路建设造成的水土流失主要发生在施工期,呈线形,影响范围广。弃渣场是工程新增水土流失的主要来源地,弃渣场产生的新增水土流失量为3.19万吨,占新增水土流失量的99.85%。因此,必须做到集中弃渣,加强防护,植物措施与工程措施并举。(3)对水土保持综合治理效益分类、效益计算方法、评价指标选取等做了理论阐述,初步探讨了水土保持综合治理效益的评价指标体系及综合评价方法。结合工程实例,对采取的工程和非工程水土保持措施对控制水土流失、恢复和改善生态环境、保障公路工程安全等方面的生态、社会和经济效益进行了评价分析。

【Abstract】 In the Loess Plateau, water and soil loss damage to the soil fertility, increased gully development, reservoir siltation, blockage of the river, up river, and making a lot of harm production for the local economic development and people lives. In recent years, the rapid development of highway construction in the Loess Plateau. It makes serious implication on the surrounding ecological environment, especially for heavy water and soil loss caused. The theories problem about soil and water conservation mechanism, measurement and benefit evaluation of highway construction in the Loess Plateau needs to be studied in depth. According to research at home and abroad, soil and water conservation on the basic theory, methods and applications are comprehensively analyzed and discussed in this paper, which taking rebuilding project of Heyang Wangcun-Huang Fuzhuang highway in Weinan city, Shaanxi province for example. The main conclusion of the study contain:(1) Basing on reference of water and soil loss in a large number of domestic and international overview of the literature, water and soil loss and soil and water conservation of the content, history and the existence of issues on the highway are described of a more detaily and comprehensiveiy.(2) The water and soil loss content and forecast model in Loess Plateau of highway construction are analysised in the paper. Combined with engineering practice, the water and soil loss areas on the water and soil loss modulus; the construction of the original disturbance region and undermine the area of land and vegetation; damage to the building of the region of soil and water conservation area; spoil the process works, the volume of residue; engineering segments of the construction process; construction of new water and water and soil loss volume of the process; the construction process may result in the prediction of water and soil loss hazards are forecasted by analogy method and mathematical models.The results show that: water and soil loss caused by highway construction mainlyoccurred in the construction period which is linear and affected an extensive area. The abandon slag is the new major source of water and soil loss in engineering constrcution, the abandon slag of the new water and water and soil loss have amounted to 31900 tons , accounting for additional 99.85% of soil volume. Therefore, the residue must be concentrated to strengthen protection measures and engineering measures plant simultaneously.(3) Effectiveness of the comprehensive management of water and soil conservation classification, effectiveness calculation method and index evaluation are summaried in this paper. The comprehensive evaluation index system and methods of water and soil conservation-effectiveness are initialiy discussed. With practical engineering examples, the ecological security, social and economic benefits in control water and soil loss, restore and improve the ecological environment are calculated and assessed, which are coming from the project and non-project water and soil conservation measurements on highway.

  • 【分类号】S157
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】56