

Study on Developing Circular Economy in Nanchang High-tech Industrial Development Zone

【作者】 谢敏

【导师】 吴志军;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,世界范围内经济发展与生态环境之间的矛盾日益尖锐,可持续发展战略已经成为世界发展的主要潮流。循环经济就是要在工业文明面对穷途末路时,找到一条生态文明之路,带领人类走上可持续发展之路。我国从1999年开始循环经济实践之路,从此全国循环经济和生态工业建设试点工作正式铺开。2009年1月1日起正式施行的《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》是深入贯彻落实科学发展观、依法推进经济社会又好又快发展的现实需要,是落实党中央提出的实现循环经济较大规模发展战略目标的重要举措。当前江西省正处于工业化、城市化加速发展阶段,如何在保护生态环境中求发展,在提高质量效益中求发展,实现环境、经济和社会的共赢是我省迫切需要研究的问题。在“既要金山银山,更要绿水青山”的可持续发展思路指引下,南昌高新技术产业开发区高起点规划、高标准建设,将生态工业经济的发展理念贯穿到区域发展之中,并于2009年5月12日成为中部地区首家被批准建设国家级生态工业园的国家级高新区。南昌高新区的发展为我省全面推进循环经济提供了宝贵的经验。本文综合运用工业生态学、微观经济学、产业经济学、博弈论等理论对工业园区发展循环经济这一问题展开研究。首先,从理论角度阐述如何构建工业园区循环经济网络中的企业共生关系,政府、企业自身因素在维持共生关系中所发挥的作用以及实现经济与生态的利益平衡的途径。接着,通过介绍南昌高新技术产业开发区基础概况、发展循环经济的现状及成效,分析园区内产业链上的企业共生关系实践,从中得出南昌高新区的成功经验。最后从企业、园区和社会三个层面提出工业园区全面推进循环经济建设的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Stimulated by more intense conflict between economic development andecological environment around the world, sustainable development becomes the main current of world’s developing mode. To lead people take the path of sustainable development, circular economy would be an effective way by finding the road of ecological civilization when industrial civilization comes to a dead end. Nationwide pilot projects of circular economy and ecological industry have been constructed since the practice of circular development started in 1999. "Law of circular economy promotion, People’s republic of china", which has been executed from Jan. 1st, 2009, satisfies the demand of lawfully promoting a rapid and sound development in economic society. Moreover, it is a significant move not only to implement the scientific concept of development, but also to carry out the strategic objective of extensively achieving the circular economy raised by the Chinese Central Party. Jiangxi Province is currently in the stage of accelerating development of industrialization and urbanization. Seeking an environmentally friendly and quality upgrading way of development is an urgent issue to be investigated, because it will help achieving an all win relationship among economy, society and environment."Achieving economical benefit as well as preserving the natural environment", namely, the idea of sustainable development gives an ecological industry concept to direct the development in Nanchang High-tech Industrial Development Zone (NIDZ). With a comprehensive starting plan and high standard construction, NIDZ has become the first national level industrial park in the Central China area from May. 12th, 2009.Succesful experience of NIDZ provides valuable suggestions for extensively implementing circular economy all over the province of Jiangxi.This paper studies the development of circular economy in industrial parks by comprehensively utilizing the theories and methodologies in Industry Ecology, Microeconomics, Industrial Economics and Game Theory. It presents the methodology to build the symbiosis relationship between enterprises in the circular economy network of the industrial park from the aspect of theory. This includes the functions exerted by enterprises themselves in maintaining the symbiosis relationship and how to achieve the balance between economical and environmental benefits. In addition, it introduces the fundamental overview, current status and effect produce by circular economy development of NIDZ. Successful experience of NIDZ is drawn by this introduction and analyzing the symbiosis relationship between enterprises on the industrial chain in the industrial park. Finally the suggested countermeasures for extensively promoting circular environment construction are developed and discussed from the aspect of enterprise, industrial park and society respectively.

  • 【分类号】F276.44;F205
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】179