

A Study on the Correlation of the Emotional Intelligence, Learning Adaptability and Academic Achievement of Freshmen

【作者】 温碧美

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的主要内容是研究大学新生情绪智力、学习适应性和学习成绩的相关关系。研究中,首先在开放式问卷调查和访谈的基础上,通过问卷调查、因素分析等方法,自主编制了《大学新生学习适应性量表》;其次,以某独立学院2008级新生为样本,采用徐小燕、张进辅等研制的《大学生情绪智力量表》,以及自制的《大学新生学习适应性量表》,测量了被试的情绪智力和学习适应性值,并统计了被试在大一第一学期的学习成绩,利用SPSS13.0,对了三者进行相关与回归分析,揭示了情绪智力、学习适应性和学习成绩的相关显著性和强弱程度,以及情绪智力和学习适应性对学习成绩的解释力,并分析了可能的原因,提出了相应的教育建议。研究结果表明:(1)自编的《大学新生学习适应性量表》具有较高的信度和效度。通过因素分析,得到大学新生学习适应性的五个子因素:学习动机、学习习惯、学习能力、教学模式和环境因素。(2)情绪智力与学习成绩总体相关微弱,情绪智力之不同子因素与学习成绩的相关有结构性差异。其中,“情绪适应能力”子因素与学习成绩相关较显著。(3)学习适应性与学习成绩总体上有显著的相关,学习适应性的不同子因素与学习成绩的相关有结构性差异。其中,“环境因素”子因素与多数学科学习成绩相关不显著。(4)情绪智力、学习适应性与学习成绩的相关程度,同时受到不同学科特点的影响。(5)情绪智力和学习适应性之间存在极显著相关。(6)情绪智力、学习适应性对学习成绩的复合预测能力,较独立作用时,差异不显著。这表明在影响学习成绩时,两者相对独立起作用。

【Abstract】 This thesis probes the correlations between the emotional intelligence, learning adaptability and academic achievement of the freshmen. In this thesis, the author designs the scale of learning adaptability of of the freshmen on the basis of the open-ended questionnaire and interviews by the method of factor analysis firstly; then taking the grade 2008 freshmen of an independent college as testees, tests their score of emotional intelligence and learning adaptability by the emotional intelligence scale of college students by Xue Xiaoyan and Zhang Jinfu as well as the scale of self-madelearning adaptability of the freshmen , and finally collects the information of testees’ academic achievement of the first semester of the first year at the same time. All the data are analyzed with SPSS13.0 with the methods of correlational analysis and regression analysis.The thesis reveals the significance and the degree of the correlation of the emotional intelligence, learning adaptability and academic achievement of the freshmen, the explanatory power of the emotional intelligence and learning adaptability in the domain of academic achievement. The author analyses the possible reasons, puts forward the corresponding teaching advice.The results of the study show that:(1)The self-made learning adaptability scale of the freshmen is of high reliability and fair validity. Through factor analysis, we found that learning adaptability of the freshmen was constructed by five sub-factors: learning motivation, learning habit, learning capability, teaching pattern and environmental factor.(2)EmotionaI intelligence correlated weakly with academic achievement. There are structural differences in the correlation of the different sub-factors of emotional intelligence with academic achievement. While emotional adaptability correlated significantly with academic achievement.(3)Learning adaptability correlated significantly with academic achievement in general, and the correlation of different sub-factors of learning adaptability with academic achievement is different in structure. Especially, the sub-factor of environmental did not significantly correlate with academic achievements in most subjects.(4)The degree of correlation of the emotional intelligence, learning adaptability and academic achievement is influenced by the characteristics of different subjects.(5)Emotional intelligence correlated significantly with learning adaptability.(6)Compared with their respective predictability, there’s no significant difference in the compound predictability of the emotional intelligence and learning adaptability on academic achievement. It shows that when it comes to affecting academic achievement, they work relatively independently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】890