

A Comparative Study of Higher Vocational School Students’ and College Undergraduates’ Self-worth

【作者】 吴志斌

【导师】 汤永隆;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自我价值感是对自我的认知、评价及正向的自我情感体验,其影响着人际交往、归因、接纳因素,最终成为决定心理健康的重要因素。近年来高职迅速发展,高职学生成为大学生中一个重要的新亚群体,其与本科学生相比有独自的特点。充分把握高职与本科学生自我价值感各自特点,对加强心理健康教育工作的针对性至关重要。本研究应用《青少年学生自我价值观问卷》加上对其可能的影响因素问题做成问卷,对高职、应用技术本科、普通本科各年级共1344名学生进行施测。将施测数据与常模进行比较,各年级、各层次比较,加上可能的影响因素进行方差分析,得出影响高职、应用技术本科、普通本科学生自我价值感差异的的主要因素;最后对高职、应用技术本科、普通本科学生的自我价值感及影响因素进行综合分析。研究结果显示:1、从总体上看,高职、应用技术本科、普通本科各年级的自我价值感都显著高于常模。2、高职、应用技术本科、普通本科男大学生总体自我价值感有显著差异。3、高职、应用技术本科、普通本科学生总体自我价值感无显著性差异。高职学生的社会取向的人际自我价值感(SS1)、社会取向的道德自我价值感(SS3)、社会取向的生理自我价值感(SS4)、个人取向的心理自我价值感(S12)、个人取向的生理自我价值感(S14)显著高于应用技术本科及普通本科。4、性别、家庭经济状况、母亲教养方式、父亲教养方式、特长、任职、社会活动、文体活动、学习成绩、成绩排名等对高职与本科学生的自我价值感有非常显著的影响;年级、生长环境对高职与本科学生的自我价值感有显著的影响。

【Abstract】 Self-worth is the cognition, evaluation and positive emotional feeling of oneself. It influences interpersonal interaction, attribution and acceptance and is a significant determining factor of psychological well-being. As higher vocational education grows rapidly these years, higher vocational school students became a new subgroup of college students with their own peculiarity comparing with undergraduates. The adequately respective understanding of higher vocational school students’ self-worth and college undergraduates’ is of vital importance for the psychological well-being education.A total number of 1344 higher vocational school students, application technology school undergraduates and ordinary college undergraduates complete Adolescent Students’ Self-Worth Questionnaire and questions about potentially influential factors. To find out the main influential factor of the difference between vocational school students’, application technology school undergraduates’ and ordinary college undergraduates’ self-worth, the final data is compared with the norm and between grades and levels and analysis of variance is also done for the potentially influential factors. Finally, vocational school students’, application technology school undergraduates’ and ordinary college undergraduates’ self-worth and potentially influential factors are analyzed integratively. Results show:1. Generally speaking, vocational school students’, application technology school undergraduates’ and ordinary college undergraduates’ self-worth are all higher than norm.2. Male students’ self-worth of vocational school, application technology school and ordinary college different from each other significantly.3. There is no significant difference between vocational school students’, application technology school undergraduates’ and ordinary college undergraduates’ overall self-worth. Vocational school students’ SS1, SS3, SS4, SI2 and SI4 are significantly higher than application technology school undergraduates’ and ordinary college undergraduates’.4. Vocational school students and college undergraduates’ self-worth are quite significantly influenced by gender, family financial situation, mother’s rearing style, father’s rearing style, forte, holding a post, social activities, recreational activities, academic performance, class rank, etc. Grades and growing environment also have significant influence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【下载频次】175