

Emerging Forestry Industry Development Policy Research of Meizhou City

【作者】 严兰芳

【导师】 张凤凉;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 林业是一项综合性的绿色产业。在目前全国森林资源严重不足、木材需求缺口大的形势下,国家非常重视林业产业发展。梅州市作为“八山一水一分田”的粤东山区大市,有丰富的山地资源,全市有山地面积1827.79万亩,但林业产业发展滞后,每亩山地产值只有153元。近年,梅州市委市政府积极实施“开放梅州、工业梅州、文化梅州、生态梅州”和“推动绿色崛起,实现科学发展”的战略,以及“一城三区六星十带多点”的现代林业。发展林业新兴产业是现代林业的必然要求。本文围绕梅州市林业新兴产业发展开展政策研究,对指导梅州市林业产业发展具有重要意义,为梅州市发展林业新兴产业过程中面临的问题寻求解决方法,提出若干政策建议,有利于引导和扶持林业新兴产业发展。本文对现有研究文献的概述包括国内外关于推动林业产业发展的研究和对相关政策的研究两部分,引出梅州市林业新兴产业政策的研究切入点。理论基础部分包括针对林业新兴产业政策的相关概念及产业结构理论、产业政策理论、现代林业理论等,为提出专门针对梅州市林业新兴产业发展的合理政策建议提供理论依据。在政策研究的基础方面,本文以详细数据分析了梅州林业新兴产业这一特定政策对象的现状,对其发展趋势和存在问题作基本判断,提高政策的针对性,另一方面,本文梳理了梅州市林业新兴产业相关政策及其实施效果,并借鉴国内外林业新兴产业发展的先进经验,研究梅州市林业新兴产业政策的改良方向。本文研究了合理制定梅州市林业新兴产业政策体系,提出要从提高公共政策实效和提丌对象竞争力两大方面出发,分别制定系列改良政策和措施。在提高公共政策实效性方面,通过强化政策的公共性、适应性、本土性和联动性等原则来实现。在提升对象竞争力方面,通过明确林业新兴产业政策目标、充实生产要素政策等来实现。

【Abstract】 Forest industry is an integrated green industry. The government of China attaches importance to the development of forest industry due to the rising local demand and shortage of raw material supplies. Meizhou, a big city in East Guangdong with a total area of 182.779 million mu of mountains, is rich in forest resources. However, its forest industry is undeveloped, with a production value of only 153 CNY per mu of mountainous area. In recent years, the government of Meizhou city has actively implemented several development strategies such as "open Meizhou, industrialized Meizhou, cultural Meizhou and ecological Meizhou" and "promoting green rise and achieving scientific development", and a development policy for the modern forestry called "one city, three districts, six stars, ten belts and multiple joints." The inevitable demand of the development of modern forestry is to nurture and develop the emerging industries in the forestry sector.This paper reports the results of policy studies on the development of the emerging forest industries in Meizhou city, and tries to make some policy suggestions for the solution of problems that obstructed the development of the emerging forest industries in the city.The policy studies consist of two components. The first is a theoretical study of the sectoral policies for the development of forest industry at home and abroad, which include the new emerging forest industry based concepts, the theories of industrial structure and policy, and the theory of modern forestry. The second component is an empirical study based on the detailed data obtained for the surveys of the emerging forest industries in Meizhou city.Based on these studies, a policy making system was proposed for the development of the emerging forest industries in Meizhou city. This system should center on maximizing the effectiveness of the public policies and enhancing the competitive strength of the industries.The former can be achieved through reinforcing the publicity, suitability, localization and linkage of the public policies. The later can be achieved by defining the industrial policy goals and enriching the agents of production.

【关键词】 林业新兴产业政策
【Key words】 forestryemerging forest industrypolicy
  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】291