

An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction of Meizhou Municipal Local Tax Bureau Civil Servants

【作者】 凌育升

【导师】 韦曙林;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在管理学和组织行为学中,工作满意度一直是研究的重点问题。公务员满意度研究对保持公务员队伍稳定性、促进政府和公务员之间的沟通与交流、改进和完善行政部门的服务都有着重要意义。研究梅州市地税系统公务员的工作满意度,既可以为梅州市地税系统人力资源管理提供依据,又有利于提升地税部门行政能力,改善工作绩效,有利于公务员职业发展和激发公务员献身精神,有利于梅州市地税系统公务员的身心健康,同时还是检验公务员制度是否合理的晴雨表。本文采用了文献分析法、比较研究法、调查问卷法、归纳法等研究方法,通过问卷调查和统计分析,得出影响梅州市地税系统公务员工作满意度的因素主要有六大类:工作本身、工作薪酬、工作环境、个人职业发展、领导管理、团队协作,并根据这六大类因素求得多元线性回归方程,通过分析六大类因素的权重和成因,发现梅州市地税系统公务员在参与管理和影响决策方面、工作薪酬水平及分配方面、发挥个人才能和个人成长进步方面、社会环境方面、合适的工作岗位、具有挑战性工作、工作考核方法等方面满意度不高,通过理论分析,提出了提高梅州市地税系统公务员工作满意度的对策:首先,通过学习培训来提升领导者素质,增强领导艺术,提升领导水平,扩大一般公务员参与管理的权利和范围,增强集体归属感和主人翁责任感;其次,通过建立制度规范本系统工作薪酬,实现薪酬合理和相对公平,同时还要加强公务员个人修养,端正对待工作回报的态度;第三,从组织文化方面着手,加强地税文化建设,营造和谐组织氛围,化社会压力、社会监督为工作动力,在和谐的组织氛围中去实现工作目标;第四,通过实施“能级管理和绩效考核”相结合的科学考核方法,实现考核时间定期化、考核内容全面化、考核方法科学化、考核结果有效化,建立一种干部能上又能下的运作方式,实现公平竞争、良性竞争;第五,通过充分调研,对组织各项工作进行流程再造,根据工作职能合理设计岗位,并允许个人根据实际选择具有不同挑战性的工作,提供适合个人发展的空间;第六,梅州地税系统的各级行政部门必须树立以人为本理念,通过加强工作满意度调查研究,及时掌握本市地税系统公务员的工作满意度现状,通过科学分析寻找到能够从根本上有效提升工作满意度的方法。

【Abstract】 In the management science and organization behavior, job satisfaction has been the focus of the study, while the research of civil service job satisfaction is very significant for maintaining the stability of the civil servants, promoting communication and exchanges between the government and civil servants and improving the service of administration. To research the job satisfaction of civil servants in Meizhou local tax system, on one hand, it can not only provide a basis for human resources management in Meizhou local tax system, but also can help to enhance the administrative capacity of local taxation department and improve work performance. On the other hand, it benefits the development of civil servants’ career and inspires the civil service dedication, and it is conductive to mental and physical health of civil servants. Meanwhile, it is also a barometer to test if the civil service system is reasonable.This article uses a serial method, such as literature analysis, comparative research, questionnaire and induction. With the questionnaires and statistical analysis, it draws a conclusion that there are six major categories of affecting the job satisfaction of civil service in Meizhou local tax system. They are the work, the remuneration, work environment, personal career development, leadership management and teamwork. Meanwhile, it solves a multiple linear regression equation according to the six major categories. After analyzing theoretically, it proposes countermeasures to improve the job satisfaction of civil service in Meizhou local tax system. First of all, it could enhance leadership qualities, expand the management rights of civil servants and strengthen the collective sense of belonging and responsibility by training. Secondly, it could achieve the reasonable and fair pay by establishing a system of rules for remuneration. Thirdly, it could create a harmonious organization atmosphere by improving the local tax culture construction. Fourthly, it could achieve assessment time regularly, content overall, methods scientifically and results effectively by carrying out a scientific assessment method which makes a combination of "level management and performance appraisal". Fifthly, it could set reasonable posts and provide a suitable space for personal development by full researching and reengineering the process of the work. Sixthly, it could grasp the job satisfaction of civil servants in Meizhou local tax system by strengthening the research and establishing a people-oriented concept.

  • 【分类号】F812.42
  • 【被引频次】1
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