

Science and Technology Research on Resource Optimization of CTGD

【作者】 金保锋

【导师】 朱桂龙; 袁庆钊;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 科技资源是经济发展的第一资源,科技资源的配置关系着企业的技术创新能力,科技资源合理配置影响着企业的创新效率。科技资源优化就是要提高资源配置的合理性。科技资源的稀缺性和期待效用最大化的特征,世界科技发展的客观要求,国家创新体系高效运行的需要,企业提高核心竞争力的实际需求,都要求进行科技资源的优化。本文在研究总结科技资源相关概念,以及科技资源优化配置内涵及其研究方法和模型基础上,通过对广东中烟科技资源及其配置状况的系统分析,以广东中烟2008年在研的科技项目为决策单元,以科技项目参加人员数、参加专家数、科技项目经费支出、科技项目管理经费支出为科技资源投入体系的输入指标,以科技成果数量、人才培养量、经济性评价指标、发展前景评价指标、对后续项目的影响评价指标为输出指标。建立了广东中烟科技资源配置技术效率和规模效益的C2R评价分析模型和C2GS2评价分析模型,基于影子价格、冗余分析和投影分析,对广东中烟科技资源优化配置进行了探讨,提出了广东中烟科技资源优化配置对策措施。通过科技项目技术有效性和规模有效性的归类和分析,利用建立的科技资源优化模型进行优化,与实际的科技资源配置相比,科技项目参加人员数降低了12.9%;参与专家人数降低了48.5%;项目经费支出降低了40.2%;项目管理经费支出降低了19.3%。大大提高了科技资源的利用效率。通过分析还可以看出广东中烟还存在专家数量不足和学科配置不均衡等其它问题。为广东中烟科技资源合理配置提供了有效的途经。

【Abstract】 Technology is the first resource of economy development. Technology resource allocation is essential to enterprise’s innovation capability. Reasonable allocation of technology also has impact to enterprise’s efficiency of innovation. Optimization of technology resource is to improve the rationality of resource allocation. The rare of technology, the expectation of maximization of technology utilization, the fact of world technology development, the high efficiency running of national innovation system, the demand of core competition improvement of enterprise, all these characters request optimization of technology resource.Based on previous studies on the allocation and the optimization of technological resources, we analyzed current technology resource allocation of China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Corporation, established a C2R and C2GS2 module to evaluate the technology efficiency scale benefit of allocation of technology resource. Selecting Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Corporation’s 2008 technology innovation project as the decision package in these models, we used the number of involved experts and staff, the project budget and the administration budget as the technology resource input index, and employed the technology resource input index and number of technology innovation, staff been trained, financial evaluation, influence enterprise future, the influence of successor project as the output index. This study provided an optimization solution of China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Corporation technology resource using shadow price, redundancy analysis and methods of project analysis.By this technology resource optimization module, this article classified and analyzed technology and scale efficiency. Compare with real technology resource allocation, staff needed in this project reduced 12.9%, number of experts reduced 48.5%, project management budget reduced 19.3%. It increased utilization of technology resource significantly. This article also realized lack of expert and unbalance of allocation of technology resource from China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Corporation. This article provided efficient solution of reasonable technology resource allocation to China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Corporation.
