

Studies on Improving the Efficiency of Motorcycle’s Engine Assembly

【作者】 肖建东

【导师】 梁基照; 周晓梅;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 扩大生产能力是各生产制造企业都要思考的问题,如果是依靠大量的投资来扩大生产能力,那只要是有钱就可以办到的,但往往是在经济环境比较好的情况下可以比较顺利实现,但是大量投资后实现了能力扩大却遇到经济环境较差的时,如现在正在爆发的金融危机[1],那么往往会出现订单减少,能力浪费的情况,那以如何在不投资或少投资来扩大生产能力,对原有的设备、工艺等资源充分挖掘潜力,以实现生产能力的扩大,这些手段与方法在当前的订单萎缩、投资锐减的经济形势下,就更显得出它的重要性了。现在比较常听说的是丰田的JIT(Just In Time)精益生产模式[2]-[5],而作为本田技研工业公司亦有自己的模式,它采用了FOG[7](Future Operation Growth的缩写)的推进方式来实现生产能力的扩大,作为本田技研工业与广州摩托集团合资的本田的海外工厂,亦是在开展FOG的相关推进工作。FOG是旨在开展至上而下的,通过对现有资源,如设备、要员、品质水平等的优化,在不投资或少投资的前提下达到扩大生产能力的目的。本文中探讨了FOG活动在五羊-本田摩托(广州)有限公司的开展推进的过程,FOG主要开展了以下的工作: FOG活动从现场5S活动开始,解决一些显而易见的问题;然后通过对发动机装配过程中影响到生产正常开展的问题点和零件的品质问题的分析与对策,提高生产线的稼动率与品质水平;第三是优化发动机装配的工艺,减少投入生产的要员;最后是在前面工作的基础上减少发动机库存量。通过在2008年1月-10月共10个月左右的努力,FOG活动的开展成果是十分显著的,发动机装配流出不合格率由原来的0.0018下降至0.0004,降低了78%;发动机装配生产线的稼动率由86.96%提升至90.01%,提升了3.05个百分点;要员减少方面,在保持了相同的生产能力的前提下共减少51人的投入,比计划减少34人多减少17人,而且在库存金额方面,虽然没有能够达目标,但是比起活动前的实绩情况来说,也是减少了100多万的发动机库存金额,当然作为下一次的PDCA循环,库存量的削减应当就是重点项目了。本文的研究对于现有制造性企业开展精益生产,提高生产效率,节省投资,尤其是在当前全球金融风暴的环境下开展企业的生产能力扩大,具有重要的意义和借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Expanding the production capacity of manufacturing enterprises is considered to be a major problem. if expanding production capacity by substantial investment, it can only be effective by money under a good economic environment, However, if the economic environment is bad, for example, the current global economic crisis, which make a strong impact on almost all the company’s development, if you put Substantial investment to expand the production capacity in this time, it would cause you a big waste of the capital. Therefore, in order to achieve the expansion of production capacity, all enterprises try best to find ways to expand production capacity with little or none investment. To make full use of the potential capacity of the existing equipments, technology and other resources is a good method to be implemented to expand the production capacity during the period of econimics downturn.Toyota’s JIT - Just In Time–lean production. Honda Motor Company also has its own model, which uses FOG way to promote the implementation of the expansion of production capacity. As a joint venture factory of Honda motor and Guang zhou motor China, we also carried out the FOG plans in relate work.FOG is short written of Future Operation Growth, which means to achieve the purpose of expanding the production capacity through a series optimization of the existing resources, such as equipments, employees, quality of products, but not just through capital investment.This article discusses the FOG activities practised in Wuyang - Honda Motorcycle (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., FOG mainly undertook the following tasks.FOG activities begin with 5S activities to solve some obvious problems; Secondly through analyze the reasons of impeding the normal process of assmbling engines and the quality of the engine parts to improve the utilization rate and the quality. Thirdly, optimizing the engine assembly process to reduce personnel; Finally, reducing inventory of the engines on these basis.From January– Oct 2008, a total of 10 months efforts on pratising FOG activities, results are very significant and excited. The faliure rate of engine reduced from 0.0018 to 0.0004; The utilization rate increase from86.96% to 90.01%; Reduing 51 workers while maintaining the same production capacity; Reducing the amount of one millon yuan engine inventory, though it can not meet the target, the performance is good compared with before, therefore inventory reduction must be a key project as next activity of PDCA. This paper is of great significance and reference value to the existing manufacturing enterprises which carried out the lean production, improvement of production efficiency, and especially under the environment of global financial storm, to expand the production capacity.

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