

Study of the Planning about the Development and Utilization of Underground

【作者】 王欣

【导师】 赵健彬;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济、社会的快速发展,城市用地规模和空间容量需求不断扩大,而城市建设用地有限,使得发展空间局促而紧张,人们不得不为拓展新的生存发展空间而探索,经过不懈努力,人们发现地下空间能在一定程度上解决空间不足的困难,它不仅是有效的防护空间,还是潜力巨大的空间资源。随着城市规模的不断扩张,迫使人们不得不探索和尝试城市地下空间的开发利用,本文从城市空间发展的宏观角度研究探讨城市中心区地下空间开发利用的趋势和思路,从而有效整合城市空间资源,实现城市空间的立体化综合利用。本文结合太原市实际情况,考虑城市建设和社会经济发展条件的影响以及未来城市发展的需求,通过一定的调研和相关文献资料收集,从太原市中心城区地下空间开发建设现状存在的问题入手,通过对太原市地下空间开发利用的技术分析,提出了中心城区地下空间的规划探索研究,力求有效地拓展太原市城市空间、节约土地资源、改善人居环境等。第一部分:绪论部分提出本文的研究背景、意义、内容及方法,回顾了国内外城市地下空间的发展历程、状况及经典案例引证。第二部分:太原市地下空间理论基础及可行性研究部分概述了地下空间利用的基本概念,以城市化理论、城市现代化理论为地下空间开发利用的理论基础。第三部分:太原市地下空间现状调查分析部分通过介绍太原市城市发展概况太原市地下空间开发建设现状情况,提出了我们在地下空间建设中存在的问题。第四部分:太原市地下空间开发利用技术路线调查分析提出太原市地下空间开发利用的城市交通系统建设、城市市政设施系统建设、城市历史文化保护、城市生态环境保护、城市防灾系统建设等技术分析。第五部分:太原市中心城区地下空间开发利用规划构想从规划原则、策略、布局、功能等方面提出了中心城区地下空间的规划构想和重点地区的开发利用。第六部分:规划实施建议及结论

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and society, the scale of urban land use and growing demand for space are expanding. while urban construction land is limited, which cause the deficiency and tension of room for the development. people have to open up new space to explore the survival. With the unremitting efforts, it was discovered that underground space can to some certain extent resolve the difficulties of lack of space. It is not only an effective protection of space, but the huge potential of space resources. The continuous expansion of the size of the cities is forcing people to have to explore and try to develop the utilization of urban underground space. In this article, it is developed from a macro point of view of the urban space to study the trends and ideas of the utilization of underground space in the central of the city, so as to effectively integrate the resources of urban space to achieve the stereoscopic urban space utilization.In this paper, considering the actual situation of Taiyuan City to consider the development of urban construction and socio-economic conditions and future needs of urban development and judging from the City Center development and construction of urban underground space problems exist in the status quo, we develop some literature research and data collection and technically analysis the city development and utilization of underground space, then put forward a central urban area to explore underground space planning study to effectively develop Taiyuan urban space, conserve land resources and improve the living environment and so on. Part I: Introduction Partbring forward the research background, the meaning, content and methods of this artical, reviewed the domestic and international urban underground space in the course of development, condition and prove the classical case.Part II: theoretical basis for city underground space of Taiyuan City and part of the feasibility study summarize the basic concepts of the use of underground space, and urban theory, urban modernization theory for the development and utilization of underground space of the theoretical basis.Part III: Investigation and Analysis of underground space of Taiyuan City through the presentation of Taiyuan Taiyuan main status of the development and construction of underground space, we proposed the existing problems in construction of underground space.Part IV: Analysis of the technical way of the development and utilization of underground space in Taiyuanput forward the technical analysis about the development and utilization of underground space in the urban transport system, construction of urban infrastructure systems, the protection of historical and cultural cities, urban eco-environmental protection, and urban disaster prevention systemPart V: planning concept about the development and utilization of urban underground space in Taiyuan City.Propose the concept of central city underground space planning and the development and utilization of key areas, from the aspects of the principles of planning, strategy, layout, functions and so on.Part VI: Recommendations about planning and the implementation and conclusions
