

Research on Outburst Elimination Technology of Large Diameter Long Hole alongCoal Seam in Mine Roadway Heading Face with Gas Pre-drainage

【作者】 黄战峰

【导师】 孔留安; 魏建平;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国煤矿瓦斯灾害严重,尤其是煤与瓦斯突出,严重威胁矿井安全生产,制约矿井经济效益的提高。为有效防治煤与瓦斯突出,国内外科研工作者进行了大量的研究与实践,先后采取了松动爆破、超前排放钻孔、深孔控制卸压爆破、水力化等多项防突措施,有效地降低了突出强度和突出次数,取得了明显的防突效果。但随着矿井开采深度的加大,煤与瓦斯突出危险性日益增加,以往各项防突措施的局限性日益显著。研究煤巷掘进防突技术和工艺是防突工作的重点,是突出矿井实现高产高效的关键,针对淮南矿区丁集煤层开采深度大、地应力高、煤层透气性差及突出以压出为主的特点,本文提出了掘进工作面大直径顺层长钻孔抽放瓦斯消突措施,快速消除掘进工作面的突出危险性。从理论上分析了大直径顺层长钻孔卸压增透消突的机理,钻孔控制单元煤体膨胀变形率达到保护层开采时的经验临界值1‰~3‰,即达到卸压要求;通过现场实测,得到抽放钻孔抽放时间为8天的有效抽放半径为2.3m,措施控制巷帮最小范围为9.8m,高于《煤矿瓦斯抽采基本指标》的要求;利用RFPA软件对不同钻孔直径和不同钻间距进行数值模拟,得到了打钻后钻孔周围横向、纵向破坏半径随钻孔直径变化的规律分别为: y = 0.6124ln( x) ? 2.5378、y = 0.5178ln( x) ? 2.197,及不同钻孔间距时的钻孔间煤体破坏卸压情况:钻孔间距越远,卸压效果越不理想,这为选择合理钻孔孔径和钻孔间距提供了理论基础;通过对措施后现场效果考察分析,得出了措施后效检超标较措施前大为下降,仅为2%,残存瓦斯含量为1.94~3.78m3/t,平均瓦斯预抽率达到38%以上;钻孔控制单元煤体膨胀变形率为1.1%,使煤体充分卸压。结果表明,措施取得了很好的防突效果,保证了该矿掘进工作安全快速进行,缓解采掘失调局面,实现了安全高效生产。

【Abstract】 Coal mine disasters are serious particularly coal and gas outburst, seriously threaten safety of mine production and constrain economic benefits of mine enterprises. In order to effectively prevent and cure coal and gas outburst, the domestic and foreign scientific worker conducted massive research and practice, adopted a great deal of outburst prevention technique, such as loose blasting, run before to exhaust to drill a hole, controlled stress relaxation in deep hole and hydraulic measures, effectively reduced outburst intensity and times of outburst and achieved obvious outburst prevention effect. With the increasing depth of mining, the risk of coal and gas outburst increase sharply and the limitations of measures in the past emerge obviously.In the view of distinguishing feature of deep mining, high stress and outburst of extrusion based in Huainan mining area. This paper put forwarded the gas drainage technology with large diameter horizontal borehole in driving for outburst prevention, accomplishing the object of eliminating outburst hazards in driving face. The paper theoretically analyzed the mechanism of pressure relief technology with large diameter horizontal borehole in driving for outburst prevention, which dilatation of coal body controlled by drilling hole being experience critical value 1‰~3‰during mining protective layer met the need of gas drainage with pressure relief. Based on in the situation tested, the results showed that valid drainage radius was 2.3m after gas drainage of 8 days, the smallest control range was 9.8m, which was over requirement of basic indicator of gas drainage in coal mine. Different borehole diameter and borehole spacing were carried out numerical simulation by using RFPA, we reach the following conclusions that when the radius of drilling holes increases, the change relationship formula of horizontal failure radius is y = 0.6124ln( x) ? 2.5378, the formula of vertical failure radius is y = 0.5178ln( x) ? 2.197, and pressure relief situation of different borehole spacing is that the further the borehole spacing, the worse the effect of pressure relief, which provide theoretical principle for choosing rational borehole diameter and borehole spacing. Based on the analysis of field study after these measures is taken, the results show that testing indictors decrease after these measure is taken such as testing indictor is 2%, residual gas content is 1.94~3.78m3/t, average gas drainage rate in advance achieved over 38% and dilatation deformation rate of coal body controlled by drilling hole is 1.1%. The results show that the measure can effectively control outburst hazard in driving face, which guarantee driving safely and quickly and improve safety and efficiency of coal mine.
