

Study on the Rational Layer of High Level Suction along Roof Strike in Jiaoping Diggings of Tongchuan Coal Area

【作者】 王林

【导师】 王兆丰;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 顶板走向高抽巷是特殊的顶板巷道,在我国多个矿区已得到广泛应用,它是抽采高瓦斯厚煤层条件下综放面采空区瓦斯的有效途径,高抽巷能否起到较好的抽放效果,合理布置层位的确定极为关键。铜川焦坪矿区综放工作面主采4-2#煤层,采空区瓦斯涌出量占综放面瓦斯涌出量的70%以上,工作面瓦斯涌出以采空区瓦斯为主,开采层瓦斯涌出所占比重较小。因此,顶板走向高抽巷的合理层位的确定直接关系到矿井的安全高效生产。本文以焦坪矿区综放工作面瓦斯涌出特征、来源与构成和采空区瓦斯运移规律分析为基础,结合试验矿井陈家山煤矿的瓦斯地质条件和上覆岩层的岩性特征,经适当的简化后的数学模型,对综放面上覆岩层移动特征进行了数值模拟,研究了综放工作面的冒落带高度;采用钻孔返水计量法,对综放工作面的冒落带高度进行了的实测,实测结果表明,计算得到的理论冒落带高度与工作面的实际冒落带高多基本一致,所建立的冒落带高度数学模型可以为顶板走向高抽巷的布置提供可靠的冒落带高度依据。论文通过对陈家山矿416综放面和下石节矿216综放面不同层位的顶板走向高抽巷的瓦斯抽采效果的对比考察,系统地研究了综放面瓦斯涌出规律、初采期和正常生产期间的瓦斯抽采浓度、流量,及其抽采量对工作面瓦斯涌出的影响,研究了抽放负压与流量、抽放浓度和漏风量之间的关系,分析了影响抽放量和抽放浓度的因素,确定了顶板走向高抽巷的合理层位和合理的瓦斯抽采参数。

【Abstract】 The high level suction along roof strike, which has a widespread use in many mining areas,is a typical roof roadway. It is an effective way to drainage gas from gob for high gas and thick seam, but if the effect comes true, the key is the rational layer. Jiao Ping diggings of Tong Chuan mining 4-2# coal bed,and gas from gob emitting to working face,which is more than mining layer,reaches 70% of total amount.So,the rational layer is directly related to safety and efficiency.Base on the character of gas gush, source, composing and the moving rule in the gob of Jiao Ping diggings, combined the geological condition and the roof rock stratum feature of Chen-Jiashan coal mine, with predigest suitably the model, and the moving character is assured by Numerical simulation, study the height of caving and fracture zone; and tested by the drill hole returns the water method, whose result accords to the theoretical result, and the model can provide evidence for high level suction along roof strike.Through drainage gas from gob in high level suction along roof strike with different layer of 416 workface in Chen-Jiashan and 216 workface in Xia-Shijie coal mine, analyzes the factors of concentration, flow and quantity of gas discharge in initiatory and normal period, researches the relation between negative pressure and flow,concentration,air leak, analyses the ingredients about quantity and concentration, finally ascertains the rational layer and the better layout parameter.
