

International Media Discourse Power and Public Diplomacy

【作者】 曾德金

【导师】 王为民;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着信息全球化、传播国际化的发展,世界各国之间的交流已经越来越密切,如何在国际舞台上营造自身的良好国际形象并且获得他国民众的赞誉,是任何一个主权国家的外交工作中越来越受重视的问题。中国自从改革开放以来,经济力量的迅速提升不仅给国家和社会带来巨大进步,也导致中国的国际影响力日益增加。中国需要了解世界,世界更需要了解中国,中国一方面必须要倾听世界的声音,另一方面也要发出自己的声音,在这样的背景下,提升国际话语权,开展公共外交无疑是增强中国软权力必须具备的外交理念和外交方式。本文选取公共外交和国际话语权二者在国际传播学上的交汇点的视角来探讨如何开展中国公共外交的问题。二者不管是在理论上还是实践上都有很大联系,相互促进并且相互影响。从公共外交本身的涵义来看,通过国际媒体的国际传播是其开展方式的必有之意,其目的就是为了塑造良好的国际形象,获得国外公众的认可,从而最终实现国家利益;而本文中所指的“国际话语权”是通过国际媒体的国际传播所获得的,是国际政治传播中就某一特定问题通过国际媒体表达自己看法并且影响国际社会舆论的权力,从而构建自身的国际形象,更好地为本国公共外交服务。这一点与公共外交不谋而合。公共外交能否顺利开展与国际话语权的大小有着直接的关系,即,国际话语权大,有利于促进中国公共外交的开展,反之就阻碍;而国际话语权的大小直接表现为一个国家引导国际舆论的能力,其中,国外媒体起着不可忽视的干预作用,换言之,国外媒体的干预作用若为负面,国际话语权主导程度就可能受其影响而降低,不利于公共外交的顺利开展;反之,国外媒体的干预作用若为正面,就能促使国际话语权相应变大,从而有助于公共外交的顺利开展。就两个事例而言:“3·14事件”中国外媒体的歪曲事实的报道给中国的国家形象造成了损害,而这种负面干预作用主要体现在达赖长期海外宣传攻势,以及西方支持臧独势力的媒体宣传,误导国际舆论。造成这种局面的原因固然与西方反华势力一直以来打着宗教和人权的幌子干预中国主权有关,而另一方面,也与我国媒体的信息处理方式有关,表现为在这一事件初期我国媒体没有做出快速反应,信息不畅通,失去话语权先机。在这种情况下,国外媒体的反作用变大,导致我方国际话语权减小,尽管我国做了大量的披露真相、澄清事实的工作,但是这种以事实议题为主的解释性公共外交依然遭遇到了阻力。“5·12事件”则不同,政府以开放的姿态进行信息处理,信息实时发布并且始终畅通,在第一时间夺取国际话语权制高点。我国政府发布的权威信息成为国外媒体的新闻信息来源,不仅防止了国外一些媒体借机歪曲事实真相,反而促使其成为中国政府和人民万众一心抗震救灾的宣传器,也就是说,不仅使得国外媒体的负面干预作用降到最低,而且发挥了正面的干预作用,这必然有利于我国掌握在这一事件上的国际话语权,不但就这一事件本身顺利地开展公共外交,而且这种“中国精神”价值议题输出为我国公共外交的长远发展提供了极其宝贵的国际话语权空间和战略资源。对中国而言,2008年是充满了机遇和挑战的一年。“3·14事件”与“5·12地震”这两个事例反映出中国在夺取国际话语权方面的表现,极大地考验了中国开展公共外交的能力,今后中国开展公共外交既可以从中获取经验,又可以总结教训。

【Abstract】 With the development of the information and communication globalization, the communications between the countries in the world have become increasingly close. How to create a good international image and win the hearts and minds of other countries has become a crucial issue, to which is paid increasing attention by almost every country in the international soft power arena. China, in this sense, because of the rapid growth both in economy and social development, has been bringing greater progress in soft power. On the one hand, China needs to understand the world; the world, on the other hand, needs to understand China. In other words, China, as a rising power, has to listen to the voices of the world; meanwhile must have its own voice heard and understood by the international society. In this context, public diplomacy, as an idea and a mode of diplomacy practicing, is an effective way to fulfill this task by raising the media discourse power in international arena, which, aims at strengthening China’s soft power.This paper, from the perspective of international communication, which is the conjunction point of public diplomacy and international media discourse power, is to probe into the subject on how to conduct China’s effective public diplomacy. Because public diplomacy and international media discourse power have much in common, and affect each other both in theory and in practice. Specifically, public diplomacy, from its intrinsic meaning, is conducted through the international media which serves as a tool for international communication; and its purpose is to win the international soft power, to shape a favorable image and thus to realize national interests at last. In this thesis, the international media discourse power, as a sort of power to express the will of a state and affect international public opinion, is mainly gained by international media, which, in turn, promote the implementation of public diplomacy. This happens to coincide with public diplomacy in theory.Whether public diplomacy is conducted smoothly or not is directly affected by the dominance of international media discourse power. i.e., the more the dominance is, the smoother public diplomacy can be conducted; vice versa, the more obstacles public diplomacy will meet. And the dominance of the international media discourse power can be measured clearly by the state-led ability to influence international public opinion. Among them, foreign media’s intervention played a role can not be ignored. In other words, if foreign media’s intervention plays a negative role, the dominance of international media discourse power becomes weak, so public diplomacy can not be conducted smoothly; on the other hand, if a positive role of foreign media’s intervention happens, the strong dominance of international media discourse power will appear, accordingly bringing a smoother implementation of public diplomacy. This thesis, however, focus on the relationship between international media discourse power and public diplomacy by using the method of case study.As for the two cases, the distorted foreign media reports on Tibet March14th Incident did great harm to China’s national image of the damage, which mainly reflected the negative role of foreign media’s intervention and the long-term campaign by the Dalai Lama against China’s sovereignty over Tibet. Such kind of intervention obviously misled international public opinion. There are mainly two reasons for this. On the one hand, the distorted foreign reports indicate the western anti-China forces have been under the guise of religion and human rights to interfere in China’s sovereignty, while on the other hand, this incident also exposed the lack or shortcomings of China’s performance in media information processing, i.e., China did not make rapid media reaction before some western media took hostile action, leading to the reduction of the information transparency and the loss of the first voice opportunities. In this case, the foreign media’s negative reaction was large. Despite China carried out incident public diplomacy by disclosing a lot of the truth, to clarify the facts, the actual effect is not satisfactory. This case also indicted that the public diplomacy that focuses on temporary interpretative fact as the main topic encountered great trouble.By contrast, Sichuan May12th Earthquake is different. The government conducted an open stance to information processing, real-time information was always released the first time and the information channel was always transparent and smooth, which contributes to seizing the dominance of international media discourse power because Chinese government’s formal message was adopted as the major news source of western news agencies. This not only prevented some foreign media from taking the chance to distort the truth, but also exerted their news influence to show the bravery and the union of Chinese people and government in front of the great disaster. In other words, the foreign media at this time played a positive role, not to mention its minimized negative effects, which is bound to help China take the dominance of the international media discourse power. In this context, China not only succeeded in implementing public diplomacy in this natural disaster itself, but also succeeded in providing an extremely valuable international discourse space and strategic resources to China’s long-term public diplomacy, which concentrates on the value output of "the spirit of the Chinese". The earthquake brings a tragedy to the people, but contributes a great opportunity for China’s public diplomacy.For China, the year of 2008 is full of opportunities and challenges. The two cases, Tibet March14th Incident and Sichuan May12th Earthquake," both reflect China’s performance in the international discourse dominance, which greatly tested the ability to carry out public diplomacy. And precious lessons and experience can be obtained from these cases.

  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】771