

A Research on Classroom Explanation and Drilling of Chinese Intensive Reading at the Primary Stage of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

【作者】 郝明明

【导师】 张宁志;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 第二语言教学的最终目标是培养学生运用目的语进行交际的能力,语言交际能力的形成要经过一个从语言知识向交际能力转化的过程,大体的转化过程可以描述为“语言知识——语言技能——语言交际能力”,第二语言学习者首先获得的是语言知识,通过操练才能使这些知识转化为听、说、读、写等语言技能,再通过课上的交际训练与课下的交际实践使语言技能转化为语言交际能力,因此在对外汉语课堂教学过程中除了传授语言知识,还要进行语言技能和语言交际技能的训练,也就是说既要有“讲”,也要有“练”,讲解和练习是最重要的教学行为,值得我们研究。本文首先介绍了第二语言教学法主要流派对课堂讲练的探讨,外语教学界对英语教学中词汇、语法、课文教学和对外汉语教学界对课堂教学讲练以及词汇、语法、课文讲练的探讨,然后作者进行了一项关于课堂讲练的实证研究,选取并详细转写了八位对外汉语教师初级阶段综合课的课堂教学录像,从讲解的内容和方法、练习的种类、各种类练习的方法和所占比例、讲练的比例等方面考察并分析了复习环节、生词环节、语法环节、课文环节的讲练情况,结果表明:初级阶段综合课的课堂教学做到了精讲多练,讲练比例不低于1∶3,教师的讲解体现了精讲多练、循序渐进、正确简明、通俗易懂、形象直观、适当使用外语的特点。课堂讲练以语法讲练为中心,在训练语言交际技能方面,通过对词的用法练习、对语法的交际练习、对课文的活用练习训练了学生的语言交际技能,但是这方面的训练在课堂教学中所占的比例比较小,练习方法也比较单一。最后作者根据调查的结果针对课堂讲练提出了一些教学建议。

【Abstract】 The final goal of teaching a second language is to develop students’ ability to communicate in their goal language. In the process of teaching Chinese as a second language in the classroom, other than teaching language knowledge, one also needs to carry out training in language skills and language communicative skills. This means one also needs to "explain" and "drill." Explaining and drilling are the most important teaching methods and deserve to be studied.This paper first introduces the main sects of second language teaching methods、foreign language teaching circles and teaching Chinese as a second language circles towards the approaches of classroom explanation and drilling. Then, the writer carry out a study based on concrete evidence about classroom explaining and drilling. The results indicate: the teaching of primary stage Chinese intensive reading is less explaining and more drilling, explaining and drilling ration was not less than 1:3, and that teachers’ explanations reflected the characteristic of less explaining and more drilling, proceeding step by step, correct conciseness, common understanding, imagery visuals, and suitable use of foreign language. Grammar teaching is the center in classroom teaching. In the aspect of training language communicative skills, students’ language communicative skills have been trained through how to use words exercises, grammar communicative exercises, and text reality drills; however, in this aspect of training in classroom teaching, the proportion is in comparison, small. Also, exercise methods are in comparison, one-tracked. Lastly, the writer, based on the results of the investigation in connection with in classroom teaching, has raised some teaching suggestions.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】567