

Hybridity in Literary Translation

【作者】 温倩

【导师】 沈素琴;

【作者基本信息】 北京语言大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 “杂合”现象存在于自然科学和社会科学的许多领域中。杂合在各个领域中的优势得到了学者的广泛研究,也引起了中外翻译学者对翻译中杂合现象的重视和研究。在社会科学研究中,杂合是指不同语言文化相互交流和碰撞的产物。翻译的本质与作用也证明了杂合存在的必然性和必要性。但是目前的研究很少为翻译中的杂合现象寻求到理论支撑,而对个别译本中的杂合分析更为少见。因此,本文作者将以后殖民理论、多元系统论为理论支持研究翻译中存在的杂合现象。翻译中的杂合结束了归化与异化之争,杂合化是客观现实的翻译策略,它也可以使我们更为客观地看待各种翻译。华裔美籍作家谭恩美的英文小说《喜福会》(1989)一经面世就引起巨大反响,连续九个月稳坐《纽约时报》“畅销书排行榜”,并获得全美图书奖以及《洛杉机时代周刊》图书奖。该书多个语种的译本也在世界各地获得好评。《喜福会》的成功有很多原因,其中最为显著的是拼音和中式英语这样的杂合成分的广泛使用。通过对《喜福会》三个中译本的研究,作者将从语言文化等层面分析杂合现象。这本小说的畅销说明了杂合的译本已经被读者广泛接受,也表明了杂合的翻译方法在文学翻译领域也具有可行性。从杂合的角度对《喜福会》三个中译本的分析将力求充实和丰富对杂合的文学作品的翻译研究。本文对小说《喜福会》中的杂合现象进行了研究,分析了三个中译本是否在翻译《喜福会》的时候实现原作者使用拼音的意图,并进一步对比分析了三个译本在语言和文化两个层面上在忠实体现作者意图的方面上的优劣,从而提炼了翻译该类杂合文本的基本方法,并探讨了在文化全球化大潮下杂合现象在跨文化交流中的积极意义。本文共分为五章。第一章介绍了本文写作的目的和研究的重要性,阐述了论文的研究意义与意图及论文的结构。第二章概述了对双语及多语文本翻译的研究,简述了中英两种语言杂合现象多现的华裔美国文学的发展历史,并梳理了翻译领域的中外学者对杂合进行的研究。第三章概述了杂合的起源与发展,以及杂合在翻译领域的定义和杂合在本篇论文中的范畴。论述了后殖民理论、多元系统论等不同的理论可以为翻译中的杂合提供理论支持。分析了杂合理论为翻译策略及翻译标准带来新的启发。第四章通过对《喜福会》原文特色的分析,归纳出杂合在作者精心安排下对小说主题及人物塑造方面的几个作用,进而探讨了《喜福会》三个中译本中存在的杂合现象。并通过三个中译本在语言、文化方面的对比分析,体现出不同的翻译风格。第五章是结论部分,通过探讨杂合理论和分析《喜福会》中译本中的杂合现象,作者得出结论:杂合是翻译的本质特征,它为翻译研究带来了新的视角和启发,在跨文化交流中具有积极的意义。

【Abstract】 The phenomenon of hybridity exists in many fields of natural sciences and social sciences. Many researches on hybridity in translation have already been carried out, which emphasize the close relationship between hybrid language cultures, translations and that between translation activities and the translation strategy of hybridization. Researchers have come to an agreement that all translations are characterized by hybridity. Hybridity results from the exchanges and clashes between different language cultures. However, few researches resort to theoretical support for hybridity in translation. And the analysis of hybridity in a specific translated text is rarely carried out. Therefore, the author attempts to study hybridity in translation based on postcolonial translation theory, polysystem theory, which can provide solid theoretical support for hybridity in translation. The present thesis avoids the dichotomy of literal translation or liberal translation, domestication or foreignization and finds an in-between way as hybridization to study this translation phenomenon.Through the case study of the Chinese versions of The Joy Luck Club, the author analyses the hybridity in it. Quantities of heterogeneity in language, culture and literature are communicated in different levels in three Chinese versions. The book’s popularity proves that the hybridized translated text is widely received by readers and hybridity is feasible in the practice of literary translation. From the perspective of hybridity or hybridization, studying three different translations of The Joy Luck Club is an attempt to enrich this kind of hybridized literary translation research to some extent.The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, giving a brief account of hybridity in the Chinese versions of The Joy Luck Club, the significance and attempts of the study, and the layout of the thesis. Chapter Two introduces the studies in translating bilingual and multilingual texts and the brief development of the Chinese American literature. Previous research on the hybridity in translation studies was demonstrated in this chapter as well. Chapter Three traces the origin and development of hybridity, and states the definition and clarification of hybrid in translation studies. Various theories were demonstrated as the theoretical support for hybridity in translation and they clarify the enlightenment of hybridity on translation strategies and criteria. Chapter Four demonstrates the positive significance of hybridity in translation through the comparative analyses of three Chinese translations of The Joy Luck Club. The final part is a closure part, drawing a conclusion on the relationship between hybridity and translation and the role of hybridity in the cross-cultural communication, hopefully to provide a new perspective to settle the long-term dispute between foreignization and domestication in translation studies.

【关键词】 《喜福会》中译本杂合
【Key words】 The Joy Luck ClubChinese versionhybridity
  • 【分类号】I046;H059
  • 【下载频次】428