

Performance Technology-based Training on Instructional Design for Pre-service Teacher

【作者】 刘晓莹

【导师】 张军征;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育技术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中小学教师教育技术能力标准的实施,职前教师的教育技术能力培养受到越来越多人的重视。教学设计是教师教育技术能力中的核心内容,也是高师教育技术公共课教学的难点。绩效技术随着自身的发展和实践领域的扩大,其理念和方法正逐步向教育技术领域渗透。借鉴绩效技术理念,对处于实习阶段的师范生进行教学设计培训,可以使他们在有限的时间内快速有效的掌握教学设计的知识和技能,提高课堂教学效果,短期内满足用人单位的需求。本研究依据绩效技术解决问题的方法,制定了实习阶段师范生工作绩效标准。对照该标准,详细分析了实习阶段师范生工作中存在的绩效问题及其原因,针对教学设计知识和技能不足引起的绩效问题,提出要对师范生进行基于绩效技术的职前教学设计培训。在比较和借鉴我国广为流行的几种教学设计模式的特点基础上,阐述了基于绩效技术的教学设计培训的过程模式和要素,并采用单组实验的方法对模式的实施效果进行了验证。最后对本研究的成果进行了总结与反思,并计划下一步需要改进的地方和研究内容。

【Abstract】 With the implement of Teachers’Educational technology Ability Standard in Middle and Primary Schools, how to improve pre-service teacher’s instructional design Ability has become a problem to be resolved. Instructional Design is the most important essential of teacher’s educational technology, it has been a difficult problem in the public Educational Technology course. As an area of study and as a profession, Performance Technology is growing quite rapidly, which focus on human’s behavior and outcome. it has had a major impact on the thinking of many instructional designers.The ability of ID is developing by training, therefore training which emerged with performance technology idea will be help to cultivate the students’educational ideas and prompt their instructional skills in a relative short period. There are six chapters in this essay.From chapter two, the basic theories, features of performance technology analyzes and the process of solving problems have been expounded. it also proved that performance technology can be applied in the ID training for pre-service teachers.In chapter three, the author has carried out performance analyzes about the pre-service teachers’performance problems before the training through investigation by deepening into the experimental school. According to research, the author brought up the appraisal principle which should be followed, designed the appraisal system of the training, and explained the performance on appraisal of training.By comparing several popular instructional system design models in our country, chapter four gave a model of instructional design training for pre-service teachers. The key elements of model have been stated in detail.The major concept underlying the fifth chapter was implement and evaluation of model. By selected a group of students and acquisition of date from One group pretest-posttest design, The model on training is testified.Part six is the conclusion and review, including the next research and contents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G652.4;G40-057
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】181