

The Research of School Characteristics in High-tech Bocai Boarding School

【作者】 龙胜

【导师】 常思亮;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 办学特色是学校在长期的教育实践活动中,所形成的独特的办学风格或教育风貌。自上个世纪90年代以来,办学特色的研究成为教育界的热门话题之一,一些理论研究层出不穷,同时一些学校根据自己的办学实际对办学特色进行了积极的探索和实践,推动了我国基础教育向纵深发展。我校——长沙市高新博才寄宿学校(以下简称博才学校),办学已有十几年的历史,历经三个发展阶段,在全面贯彻教育方针的前提下,我校根据自身的传统,并且在教育实施中努力挖掘、继承发扬并积极创建几个方面的优势,逐步形成了自己学校的办学风格和特征,从而塑造了自身的良好形象,赢得了社会的信赖和支持,拓宽了生存和发展空间。博才的办学特色主要是表现在:自主生成式的教师培训;特色鲜明的课程开发;和谐生动的校园文化;成绩斐然的科研成果。博才的特色办学之所以取得如此大的成果,原因在于我校有着先进的办学理念;重视高质量的教师队伍建设;形成了科学的课程体系;获得了社会力量的支持。

【Abstract】 A school characteristics is a unique style, or educational character formed in the school’s long-term educational practice in activities. Since 90s of the last century, studies on school characteristics has become one of the hot topics in the educational realm. Some theoretical results have been obtained. In the meantime, some schools, based on their school characters, have made positive exploration and practice on school characteristics, promoting basic education in China to develop in depth.Changsha Gaoxin Bocai Boarding School (abbreviated to Bocai School) has run for more than ten years with three stages of development. Fully implementing the education policy, Our school, depending on its own tradition, has developed several aspects of advantages by inheriting and innovating in education activities, and gradually formed its own style and characteristics of school running, which has established a good image of its own, won the trust and support of the society, and broadened the space of surviving and development.The school characteristics of Bocai school is mainly manifested in self-generating type of teacher training, distinctive curriculum development, harmonious and lively campus culture; impressive research achievements. The school characteristics of Bocai school could obtain great success because the school not only has advanced educational philosophy but also has paid attention to the construction of high-quality teachers, formed a scientific curriculum system; has won the support of social forces.

【关键词】 办学特色博才学校研究
【Key words】 the school characteristicsBocai Boarding Schoolstudy
  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】106