

Study on a Framework of Knowledge Integration and Diffusion Based on Active Document

【作者】 陆文娟

【导师】 夏火松;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技学院 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来和互联网的日益普及,电子文档式的企业业务数据急剧增加,面对如此膨胀的文档资源,人们更加难以准确地发现或应用现有的文档知识。企业文档知识表现形式各异,如何有效地从多个维度层次整合和扩散文档知识,细化文档操作粒度,提高文档管理的灵活性,帮助企业员工从文档资源中自动获取知识,成为文档知识管理的一个重点和难点。而现有文档管理与知识管理系统还未完全满足用户对这些知识服务的要求。因此,建立基于活动文档的知识整合与扩散的技术框架成为当前迫切需要研究的主题。这篇论文对建立技术框架的若干问题进行了研究,工作与结论主要体现在以下方面:首先,通过收集大量文献,分析了国内外知识管理系统和活动文档的研究现状,构建了企业的活动文档本体知识模型框架和活动文档本体表示模型。通过与其他语言比较,选用OWL语言作为活动文档本体的表示语言,并在此基础上,以实例说明了本体建立的完整过程。用OWL语言表示的活动文档本体将文档信息语义化地显式地表示出来,有效地支持语言可共用性,使知识整合和共享成为可能。其次,研究了基于活动文档的知识整合与扩散的框架,分析了总体框架的组成部分。在知识整合的关键框架中,根据活动文档管理异构系统的知识整合问题,构建了面向服务的活动文档管理异构系统整合框架,解决了异构系统的互操作问题和活动文档知识的整合问题。在知识扩散的关键框架中,从活动文档的内容、结构和行为维度,建立了活动文档仓库数据模型并提出了活动文档多维表达式MDADX。通过与数据仓库相比较,证明了活动文档仓库在半结构化文档语义处理上的优势,进而在活动文档仓库和本体知识库的基础上,研究了活动文档知识多维扩散框架,实现了活动文档的更细粒度更准确的扩散,为研究语义文本挖掘和知识扩散提供了一定理论和实践基础。在以上研究的基础上,根据知识整合与扩散的特性,充分利用语义网、Web2.0等技术优势,构建了知识整合与扩散的原型系统并在软件领域进行了应用实践,初步实现了文中所提出的部分理论和方法。

【Abstract】 With the advent of the knowledge economy era and the increasing popularity of internet, enterprise business data based on electronic document increase sharply.In the face of such expansion document resource, it is more difficult to be discovery or apply existing document knowledge accurately. Enterprises document knowledge represent in different forms. How to effectively integrate and diffuse document knowledge, refine document operation size,and improve the flexibility of document management,so as to assist employees for the automatic acquisition of knowledge from document resources become a focus and difficult of document knowledge management. Existing document management and knowledge management systems have not yet fully meet users’requires of these knowledge services. Building the technical framework of knowledge integration and diffusion based on active document has become an urgent study subject. In this paper, several issues of establishing technical framework have been studied. The work and conclusions are mainly embodied in the following aspects:First of all, by collecting a large number of literatures and analyzing domestic and foreign research status of knowledge management system and active documents, this paper puts forward knowledge model framework of active document ontologyand active document ontology express model. In comparison with other languages, OWL language is selected as the express language of activity document ontology.Based on the above, the enterprise active document ontology model is built. It lays the foundation for many systems integration and reuse of knowledge.Active document ontology with OWL language can express semantic information of documentsexplicitly, then effectively supports the language sharing, making knowledgeintegration and sharing possible.Secondly, the framework of knowledge integration and diffusion system based on active document is studied. Constituent parts of the overall framework are analyzed. In the key framework of knowledge integration,according to knowledge integration problem of heterogeneous systems, service-oriented integration framework for heterogeneous systems based on active document is constructed. In the key framework of knowledge integration, active document warehouse is build up from the content, structure and behavior dimensions. Based on active document warehouse, a multi-dimensional expression MDADX of active document is put forward. Through comparison with the data warehouse, it proves that the activity document warehouse has the advantage of dealing with semi-structured documents in semantic. Then the multi-dimensional diffusion framework of active document knowledge is studied to achieve a more fine-grained more accurately the spread of active document. At the same time, it also provided the basic theory and practice to the study of semantic text mining and knowledge diffusion.At the basis of the above, according to features of knowledge integration and diffusion, the prototype system of knowledge integration and diffusion is developedby making full use of Semantic Web, Web2.0 technical advantages, and applied in the software fields. Some theories and methods proposed by the thesis are initiallyimplemented.
