

Study on Energy-saving Thermal Properties and Effect of Light Green Roof in Shen Zhen

【作者】 罗志强

【导师】 康侍民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 深圳地处夏热冬暖地区,该地区太阳辐射强烈,夏季炎热漫长。对于屋顶,由于日照时间长,由屋顶传给室内的热量最多,若屋顶不具备良好的保温隔热性能,有效的阻挡阳光的照射,则在炎热的夏季,炽热的屋顶将给人以强烈的烧烤感。通常,深圳地区夏季在自然条件下室内难以保障良好的舒适环境,需要开空调降温,这也就相应的引起建筑能耗的增加。在屋顶实现绿化,通过植物的对阳光的遮挡和自身的光合作用有效的减少阳光对屋顶的照射,加强屋顶的保温隔热性能,从而达到减少顶层房间的室内得热,改善室内热环境,并起到减少空调负荷,减少空调能耗的目的。本文以实测为基础,来具体研究轻型绿化屋面的隔热性能、热工性能、节电效果等。本论文所做的研究及相关成果主要有以下几点:(1)通过测试和与普通屋面对比,研究了轻型绿化屋面的隔热性能。隔热性能的研究包括进入屋面围护结构的温度波的衰减性及延迟性,同时分析了轻型绿化屋面的隔热性能与室外天气之间的相关性;(2)轻型绿化屋面的隔热性能的改善必然会阻隔室外大量的热量进入室内,这样就在一定程度上减少了轻型绿化屋面房间室内的热负荷,从而使室内的热环境得到改善。通过实测和主管投票的方式研究了轻型绿化屋面室内热环境的改善状况;(3)轻型绿化屋面的隔热效果的改善能够减少室内的热负荷,也就能够减少为室内提供冷负荷的空调的耗电量。本文通过具体的实际测试,得出了屋面进行轻型绿化以后的节电效果,并对深圳全市的节电量进行了估算;(4)在传统的屋面围护结构的热工性能的测试和研究中很少有涉及到绿化屋面的热工性能的研究的。本文拟通过大量的测试,计算分析不同的传热系数,通过对这些不同的传热系数的研究,找到表征轻型绿化屋面热工性能的合理的热工参数。此外,植物还能通过蒸腾作用和光合作用对空气质量和区域微环境起到改善的作用。总之,屋顶的轻型绿化可以节约土地资源、增加绿化面,相应的降低建筑能耗、改善室内热环境和城市生态环境,有着巨大的生态、环境效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 Shenzhen is located in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Zone, has a long summer, strong solar radiation. For the roof, due to direct sunlight for a long time and the heat transferred form roof to the room is most, if the roof does not have good thermal insulation to block the sun’s rays, in the way, red-hot roof will give rise to a strong sense of barbecue in hot summer. Usually in summer, it is very difficult for the room for keeping comfortable environment in the natural ventilation conditions of Shen Zhen, this will require air conditioning for cooling, and it also caused a corresponding increase in building energy consumption.On the roof to light green, plants can block sunlight and plants can also using photosynthesis to reduce direct sunlight. And the light green roof can strengthen the performance of roof insulation, reduce indoor heat, improve the indoor thermal environment, reduce air conditioning load and reduce air conditioning energy consumption. This paper takes a large number of actual measurements, by those work study about light-green roof thermal insulation, thermal performance, energy-saving effect and so on. This paper has done research and related outcomes are mainly the following points:(1) In this paper, through the testing and comparison with ordinary roofing, studied the thermal properties of the light green roof. Thermal properties include of attenuation and delay of temperature wave in roof maintenance structure, and analyse relationship between thermal properties of the light green roof and outdoor Weather;(2) The improvement of the thermal properties of the light green roof can cut off a large number of outdoor heats, in this way, could to a certain extent, a decrease of the room a light green roof indoor heat load, and the indoor thermal environment can be improved;(3) The improvement of the thermal properties of the light green roof can reduce the indoor heat load, so it also can reduce air-conditioning power consumption that provide energy for the cooling load. In this paper, a large number of test has beening done, and reached the roof to light after the energy-saving effect of Greening, then estimate the savings of total power of Shen Zhen;(4) Few researches involve about the thermal performance of light green roof in previous studies. This paper through a large number of tests, analysis of different heat transfer coefficient calculation, and then research those heat transfer coefficient calculation, find a characterization of a light green roof thermal properties and reasonable thermal parameters.In addition, transpiration and photosynthesis of plants can ameliorate air quality and regional micro-environment. Anyway, light green roof can save land resources, increase the city green surface, and reduce building energy consumption, improve the indoor thermal environment and urban ecological environment; it has stupendous eco-efficiency, environmental benefits and economic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期