

【作者】 彭朝晖

【导师】 任俊英;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,我国乡镇煤矿事故多发,已成了社会关注的焦点,严峻的安全生产形势引起了党中央、国务院以及全社会的高度关注。乡镇煤矿安全问题关系到人民群众的生命和财产安全,已经成为社会和媒体关注的热点,近年来已成了社会问题、政治问题甚至国际问题,因此,政府有责任采取积极应对措施,既要确保公共利益不受损失和人民生命财产安全不受威胁,又要为乡镇煤矿的健康发展创造条件。目前,我国乡镇煤矿安全监管存在的问题主要表现在监管不规范、监管部门的权力设置与职能划分不合理、监管队伍履职能力不足、监管失灵、对违规主体惩处不严,等等,从而导致监管作用难以充分发挥、监管效能不高。为了从根本上解决小煤矿问题,国务院通过提高安全准入、整顿关闭、资源整合、技术改造、打击非法办矿和违法生产等监管手段对小煤矿进行了三年时间的全面整治。煤矿安全监管是政府的一项重要公共管理活动,监管作用发挥的好坏,直接关系到煤矿安全生产的程度,是人命关天的大事,因此对乡镇煤矿安全监管问题的研究是一个非常有意义的课题。本文运用公共管理学、政治学、经济学等方面的基本理论和知识,以平顶山市乡镇煤矿安全监管为切入点,探讨了当前乡镇煤矿安全监管工作中存在的问题和原因,提出了完善安全监管的相关举措。从结构上看,本文分为五个部分。第一部分,简单介绍了论文的选题背景、研究的基本思路和方法;第二部分,界定了政府安全监管的概念,利用政府干预理论的观点分析了政府煤矿安全监管的重要性和必要性,为下文的探讨提供了理论支撑;第三部分,阐述了当前平顶山市乡镇煤矿安全政府监管存在的问题,包括监管方式、监管体制、监管队伍、监管标准以及监管者自身的问题等,并对问题产生的根源进行了深入客观的分析;第四部分,介绍了国外煤矿安全监管工作的先进经验及对我国煤矿安全监管工作的启示;第五部分,针对当前我国乡镇煤矿安全监管存在的问题和原因,提出了规范监管行为、完善监管体制、加强监管队伍建设、合理划分监管部门权责、严格违规主体惩处、完善配套法律法规建设等建议和对策。同时,还要合理利用行政与市场两种手段,采取多元化的监管方式,加快构建安全生产长效机制,力争顺利实现我国乡镇煤矿安全的根本性好转和长治久安。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China’s township coal mines accident-prone has become the focus of social concern. Serious production safety situation had led to the State Council, as well as the whole society’s attention. Township coal mines safety issues relate to people’s lives and property safety, The issue has become a focus of attention of society and the media and in recent years it has become a social, political and even international problem. The Government has the responsibility to take active countermeasures to ensure that public profits have no loss and to protect people’s lives and property from threats, but also to create conditions for the healthy development of the township coal mines. At present, China’s township coal mine safety supervision problems lie mainly in monitoring unstandardized, setting unreasonable division of the regulatory authorities and functions of powers. Insufficient capacity of the monitoring team performance of their duties, regulatory failure. The main punishment for violation lax and so on. Thus it’s difficult to bring into full play the role of lead supervision. Monitoring performance is not efficient. In order to fundamentally solve the problems of small coal mines, the State Council has supervised of small coal mines for three years’ comprehensive renovation by improving the safety of access, rectification off, resource integration, technological innovation, combating illegal mining operation and illegal means of production. Mine safety supervision is an important public management activities for the government. Whether the regulatory role is good or not, is directly related to the extent of coal mine production. Safety is a major event in human life. So the question of township coal mine safety supervision research is a very magnificient topic.This paper uses the basic theory and knowledge of the public management, the political science, the economics, etc to explore the problems and causes of the current township coal mine safety supervision work and put forward a sound safety supervision countermeasures, regarding the Pingdingshan township coal mine safety supervision as an entry point. From a structural point of view, this paper is divided into five parts. The first part focuses on the background of the papers, set out to study the ideas and research methods; the second part which based on government intervention theory clarifies the theoretical basis, importance and necessity of strengthening the Government’s coal mine safety supervision, in order to provide a theoretical discussion below; The third part, describes the current Pingdingshan township coal mine safety problems in government regulation, including the regulatory system, regulatory regime, regulatory team, regulatory standards, as well as the regulator’s own problems, as well as the root cause of the problem in-depth and objective analysis; The fourth part, describes the coal mine safety supervision of foreign advanced experience and on China’s coal mine safety supervision work of the Enlightenment; The fifth part, for the current coal mine safety supervision of China’s rural problems and causes of actions proposed regulation and supervision, improve the regulatory system and strengthen supervision of team-building, a reasonable division of powers and responsibilities of regulatory authorities, and strictly punish violations of the main and improve the construction of supporting laws and regulations recommendations and countermeasures. Meanwhile, we should use both of administrative and markging means in rationly, adopt a wide range of regulatory system, in order to accelerate the construction of long-term mechanism of production safety, and strive to successfully achieve the better and long-term stability of the township coal mine safety of China’s fundamental turnning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】X936
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】221