

【作者】 朱红超

【导师】 霍海燕;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2004年9月党的第十六届四中全会通过了《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》,该决定指出依法行政是党在新的历史条件下领导方式和执政方式的重大转变,是实行依法治国基本方略、发展社会主义民主政治、建设社会主义政治文明的必然要求,并且提出了“必须坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,不断完善党的领导方式和执政方式”。2007年10月党的十七大报告中提出,要坚持科学立法、民主立法,完善中国特色社会主义法律体系,加强宪法和法律实施,坚持公民在法律面前一律平等,维护社会公平正义,维护社会主义法制的统一、尊严、权威,推进依法行政。要从坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的战略高度和全局角度,强调要“全面落实依法治国基本方略,加快建设社会主义法治国家”。2009年9月党的十七届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定》中也指出要把执政能力建设和先进性建设作为执政党建设的根本任务,坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政。公务员是行使国家行政权力、执行国家公务的主体,作为公共权力的直接执行者和政府机构的代表者,肩负着政府管理国家事务和社会公共事务的重要责任,并且由于公务员的依法行政行为最经常、最广泛和最密切的关系着社会公共利益和公民个人利益,因此,公务员的依法行政能力不够必将造成社会公共利益和公民利益的损害,必将影响到政府的威信,造成政府公信力的下降甚至是丧失。然而,就我国目前公务员队伍的建设来看,公务员的依法行政能力还比较弱,严重影响了我国政府的形象和社会的健康发展,不利于公民利益的维护和政府执政地位的稳固。因此,在不断地提高国民素质,加强党的建设的同时,我们必须要把我国公务员依法行政能力的建设和完善放到重要的战略位置予以认真研究和探索。本文从我国公务员依法行政能力建设的必要性入手,重点分析了我国公务员依法行政能力存在的问题和依法行政能力建设所要达成的目标,并且在探究我国公务员依法行政能力存在问题的原因的基础之上,提出了通过提升公务员依法行政的认知力、决策力、执行力、协调力,加强对公务员依法行政的监督和健全相应的管理制度等六个方面来加强、改善和提高我国公务员的依法行政能力的措施,希望能够为推进我国公务员依法行政能力的提高做出一些贡献。

【Abstract】 In September 2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th National Congress of Communist Party of China (16th NCCPC) passed the "CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Party’s governance capacity-building decision", the decision pointed out that the administration according to law is the party’s major shift in leadership and governance in the new historical conditions. It is the basic strategy and a necessary requirement of the implementation of the rule of law and developing socialist democracy and building socialist political civilization. And it also proposed a "uphold the scientific governance, democratic governance, law-based governance, and constantly improve the Party’s style of leadership and governance." In October 2007 , as is what have been raised in the report of the party’s 17NCCPC, we must adhere to the scientific legislation, democracy, legislation, improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the Constitution and the law enforcement, insist on the equality of citizens before the law, maintain social fairness and justice, maintain social the rule of law doctrine the unity, dignity, authority, promoting administration according to law. From adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and overall strategic perspective, emphasized that we need to "fully implement the basic strategy of governing the country according to law, accelerate the construction of a socialist country ruled by law." In September 2009, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th National Congress of Communist Party of China (17th NCCPC) passed the " a number of decisions on major issues-CPC Central Committee on strengthening and improving Party building in the new situation." It also pointed out that the ruling should capacity-building and the construction of the advanced nature of the building as the fundamental task of our party, we must adhere to the scientific governance, democratic governance, according to law.Civil servants are main body of who exert of the state administrative power, the implementation of national public service, as a direct implementation of public power and government agency representatives who take the government to manage state affairs and social and public affairs, an important responsibility and because of his administration according to law the most frequent and most broadest and most closely related to the social and public interests and the interests of private citizens, so if the administrative capacity of the law because of the civil service result of a lack of social and public interests and the interests of the citizens, this damage will affect the Government’s prestige in society, reduction or even loss of credibility of the Government.However, China’s current construction of the civil service point of view, the administrative capacity of the civil service law is still relatively weak, seriously affected the development of our society and the government’s image is not conducive to the interests of citizens and the government to maintain the stability of the ruling position. Thus, in continually improving the quality of strengthening the Party’s construction, we must place the civil service law to strengthen administrative capacity-building in an important strategic position to be careful study and exploration.This paper is started from China’s civil law and the need for administrative capacity-building, focusing on analyzing the administrative capacity of China’s civil law problems and the goal of administrative capacity-building. I also explore China’s administrative capacity-building in the civil service law causes of problems basis to enhance the civil service law is proposed by the administration of cognitive, decision-making power, execution, coordination edge and strengthen the supervision of the civil service administration by law and sound management system corresponding to six areas to strengthen and improve the administrative capacity of China’s civil service law building. In hope to make some contributions to China’s civil service law and promote the capacity of administrative.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】364