

【作者】 张璠

【导师】 辛世俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高等职业教育是改革开放以后发展起来的一种新型教育,是我国高等教育的重要组成部分。拥有高层次高素质的人力资源是衡量高职高专院校综合实力及竞争力的一个重要标准,高层次人才队伍建设是高职高专院校的立校之本和发展之源。随着市场经济对技术、技能型人才的需求提升,以及高职高专人才培养水平评估工作的全面展开,高职高专院校要结合自身实际,采取有效措施,在高层次人才的培养、引进、使用和管理上下大工夫,积极构筑人才高地,努力建设一支适合高职高专院校发展的素质高、复合型的高层次人才队伍。各高职院校都十分重视高层次人才队伍的建设并取得了长足的进步,但存在的问题依然很突出。而且在引进人才的后续使用和跟踪管理方面,往往缺乏足够的重视和有效的措施,无法提供必要的科研条件支持、没有处理好引进人才与原有人才的关系、服务支撑体系的支持力度不够、科学的人才评价考核机制尚未形成等,都造成引进的高层次人才到校后能力发挥不足,人才资源的极大浪费甚至再次流失。加强高职高专院校高层次人才队伍建设,提高教师队伍整体素质,不是一朝一夕的事,而是一个循序渐进的过程。只有将“培养什么样的人”和“怎样培养人”科学有机地结合起来,从根本上推动高职高专院校教育教学改革,遵循“共生共赢”这一客观规律,有效找准企业、学校、科研机构各方利益的结合点,针对师资队伍建设存在的问题,结合本地区、本学校的实际,积极采取对策,狠抓落实,大力加强高层次人才和创新团队建设,创新人才培养、选拔、评价、激励等机制,努力形成优秀人才脱颖而出、人尽其才的制度环境和开创教育人才队伍建设的新局面,才能使高职高专院校高层次人才引进工作落到实处,为加快学校发展提供坚强的人才保证,使高职高专院校真正成为培养高层次应用型人才的基地,成为科教兴国的强大生力军。

【Abstract】 Higher vocational education is new since the Reform and Opening-up Policy, and is an important part of our country’s education system. One major criteria of measuring the overall strength and competitiveness of a higher vocational education institution is whether it has the high-quality human resources. Therefore building a qualified personnel team is essential to an institution’s development.With the increasing demand of technological and skilled talents by the market economy, together with the evaluation of higher vocational institution’s educational quality, the institutions must, according to their practices, take effect measures to foster, introduce, facilitate and manage the talents, in order to build a high-quality personnel team that can meet the needs of the institutions" development.Institutions have attached great importance to building a qualified personnel team, however many problem still remain. Also they lack attentions to and measures of follow-up and tracking management of imported talents. There are a variety of reasons that limit the ability of the imported quality talents or even cause the waste and loss of the talents, for example, lack of the support of necessary research equipments, service system and scientific evaluation system, or inappropriate handling of the relationships between imported talents and existing personnel.Strengthening the building of a qualified personnel team and increasing the quality of the teaching team are time-consuming and can not be accomplished in a single day. For that purpose, we must combine the idea of "what" and "how" to cultivate talents and promote the educational and teaching reform in higher vocational institutions. Also we need to find the binding point of all party’s interests and create a win-win situation. Aiming at the problems we must encourage the innovation of a cultivation, selection, evaluation and stimulation system, and let the talents show their abilities and make the best use of them. Only through the above practices, we can fulfill the task of import talents to the institutions, support the institutions’ development with strong talents foundation, make the institution a base of cultivating versatile and skillful talents and becoming the major contributing force of our country’s rejuvenation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】G717
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】235