

【作者】 赵沛

【导师】 马润凡;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 给青年和社会提供有效的服务是共青团组织在市场经济条件下的新的核心竞争力。随着改革的逐步深入,社会转型带来的经济形式和生活方式的多样化,青年群体的流动性增大,游离在团组织之外的“边际青年”的数量急剧上升,团组织与青年联系的紧密程度、组织动员青年的能力也被削弱。与此同时,以青年为主要工作对象和主体力量的各种非政府组织不断出现,由于满足了青年的多样化需求,受到青年的欢迎而发展迅速。与这些新情况新变化相比,团组织传统工作理念的不适应、服务对象的不完全覆盖、掌控资源的有限性、提供服务方式的单一化等等问题,都严重影响了服务的效果。从全团的工作体系来看,县级共青团作为最靠近基层的地方团组织,它的组织体系比较健全,有一定的工作力量和资源,专职团干部也主要配在这一级。但同时,县级共青团又是团组织系统中工作力量最薄弱,工作资源最匮乏,遇到的问题和困难也最集中的。这些特点使得县级共青团的工作更具有实效性和紧迫性。本文尝试以魏都区团委为研究个案,从它日常工作中所遇到的问题出发,分析出现问题的原因,并提出对应的措施,从而使县级团委能够有效地预防、化解工作中的矛盾,更好的为青年、社会服务,不断加强团的凝聚力和影响力,为全团工作的发展打下扎实的基础。

【Abstract】 In a socialist market economy, The Communist Youth League’s new core competency is to provide effective service. The number of youth who is being divorced from the CYL has grown rapidly with progress in the reform, the way of life and economic situation have increasingly diversified by social transformation. The connection with youth and the CYL, the ability of mobilizing and organizing has been weakened. Meanwhile, the Non-governmental Organizations have youth as its principal field of work and main strength has becoming more and more. For meet the youth’s requirement, they developed quickly with wide popularity. compare with the new situation, there are some problems such as traditional value, non-enough target clients, recourses, provide only a single service, are seriously impaired the effect of survive.In the aspect of work system, the regimental committee of a county has a fairly system, has some resource and full-time staff. But it also has much more problem and difficulty in the whole CYL. These feature make the regimental committee of a county’s work has more pressing. This paper tries studying the regimental committee of Weidu bureau. Find the routine problem from workdays, analyze the causes, and come up with the measures. To preventing and reducing financial risks, to provide better services to youth and society,to enhance the influence and strong sense of affinity, finally, laying a strong foundation for the whole work.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D297
  • 【下载频次】152