

The Research on the Method of Peasants’ Equal Development in the New Rural Construction

【作者】 茅飞虎

【导师】 朱晓;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国封建时代,农民是一个长期受剥削、受压迫的阶级,一直处于社会底层。新中国成立后,为了推进工业化进程,国家推行农业支持工业的政策,导致工农业产品价格存在严重的“剪刀差”,农民对工业经济和城市发展作出了巨大贡献。改革开放以后,随着城市化、工业化战略的推进,人才、资金、技术、信息等资源大量涌入城市,农民仍然承受着过重的税费负担,大量的农民工为工业发展和城市建设奉献出了智慧和汗水。近年来,在国家提出以城带乡、以工促农、反哺农业、回报农民的城乡统筹发展战略,特别是在2004年开始的连续6个中央1号文件的推动下,农业生产和农民的生活状况得到了较大改善,但城乡差别、农民与其他阶层的差距却继续在扩大,农民并没有平等地享受经济社会发展的成果。本文力图从经济、社会和政治等方面分析农民与其他阶层之间存在的诸多不平等的表现,并从治国理论、城乡二元社会结构、农村社会保障和农村教育等方面深入分析造成中国农民不能与其他社会成员平等发展的原因,并就如何在新农村建设背景下实现农民平等发展,提出加快统筹城乡发展、户籍制度改革步伐,全面实行国民待遇,扩大和加强农民的政治参与,加快发展农村文化教育事业,大力发展农村社会公益事业等建议。

【Abstract】 In feudal period, Chinese peasants suffered oppression and exploitation, and remains at the bottom of society. After the foundation of People’s Republic of China, the country carried out the strategy of agriculture supporting industry, but caused unparalleled price between agricultural and industrial products. However, peasants have made great contributions to the industry economy and urban development. After the Reform and opening up, with the implementation of the strategy of urbanization and industrialization, talents, capital, technology, information and other resources swarms into the urban areas. The peasants still bear heavy burdens of taxes and fees. A large number of migrant workers dedicated their labor and talents to the construction and development of the urban areas. In recent years, with policies of balancing urban and rural development, especially 6 CCP Central Document NO.1 beginning from the year of 2004, the lives of peasants have been improved greatly. But the gap between rural and urban, peasants and other society stratums continues to expand. The equal rights of peasants to share the fruits of society and civilization development.This article is to illustrate the different development between peasants and other society stratums, primarily from the aspects of economy, society and politics. It also analyze the cause of that unequal development with aspects of social structure, the rural social security and rural education. The article adopted Marxism theory about Oriental peasants in giving advice on equality realization, elimination of discriminatory regimes, advanced production requisite entering rural areas, promoting modern agriculture and rural development, expansion and strengthening of farmers ’ political participation, accelerating the development of rural education and welfares .

【关键词】 新农村建设农民平等路径
【Key words】 new rural constructionpeasantsequaldevelopmentmethod
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期