

Lianyungang Fitness for the Use and Management of the Current Path

【作者】 徐云

【导师】 宋元平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 体育场地设施是开展群众体育活动不可缺少的物质基础和必要条件。当前我国群众体育场地设施的严重不足,制约着我国群众体育进一步发展。因此加快适合群众需求的体育场馆设施建设,已成为发展我国群众体育亟待解决的重大问题。随着全民健身的蓬勃发展和实际需要,国家体育总局于1997年开始实施了“全民健身工程”,主要是在城市社区配置各种群众性体育设施,这其中全民健身路径则是全民健身工程实施的重要内容之一。全民健身路径是近几年来在我国兴起的一种健身活动设施和与之相适应的锻炼方法,是实施全民健身工程的重要内容之一。随着全民健身路径的快速推广,不仅促进了我国“全民健身计划”的贯彻和落实,同时也提高了人民群众的健身意识和健身水平,极大的丰富了全民健身的内容。本文通过问卷调查、实地考察法、访谈法、数理统计等研究方法,以连云港市24个全民健身路径点参加锻炼人群为研究对象,对连云港市全民健身路径的使用和管理情况进行了调查与分析,从不同角度对健身路径进行系统研究,以期更好地开发健身路径系统,为推动连云港市全民健身的进程提供依据。通过调查与研究,连云港市全民健身路径使用与管理的基本情况如下:1、从连云港市全民健身路径的建设情况看,健身路径的分布不尽合理,健身路径建设投入资金单一,健身路径锻炼者对健身器械的总体质量持满意态度。2、从连云港市全民健身路径的使用情况看,居民参加全民健身路径锻炼的目的比较明确,路径锻炼缺乏科学性,路径数量不足已成为影响连云港市居民参加健身路径锻炼的首要因素。3、从连云港市全民健身路径的管理情况看,管理还处于探索形成阶段,路径管理者积极性不高,管理人员兼职居多,管理和设施维护、更新缺乏后续经费支持,管理制度有待完善。针对连云港市健身路径的使用与管理现状,提出了以下几个方面的建议:1、在连云港市全民健身路径的建设上,建议要继续往农村倾斜,大力加强农村体育基础设施建设,满足日益发展的农村体育人口健身的需求。同时在健身路径器械的安装种类上,要本着安全性和实用性的原则,最大程度的满足不同练习人群的需要。2、在连云港市全民健身路径建设资金和维修资金来源上,目前连云港市资金来源的主体仍然是体育彩票公益金,渠道过于单一,建设资金远不能满足居民健身锻炼的需求。建议探索以市场化运作的方式筹集部分资金,坚持投资主体多元化,积极创造条件,鼓励、支持和引导非公有资本进入健身路径建设和维修领域,打开连云港市健身路径建设和维修经费的瓶颈问题。3、连云港市全民健身路径使用者对体育锻炼重要性的认识较高,但是使用者在对健身路径的作用、功能认识不全面,在充分利用“路径”科学锻炼方面还有较大差距。建议体育主管部门应加强对“全民健身路径”的宣传,增强人们对科学健身的认识的同时,特别要加大和组织社会体育指导员对健身路径的指导力度,通过他们帮助广大群众掌握“全民健身路径”科学锻炼的方法,在锻炼中发现问题及时解决。4、在连云港市健身路径管理方面,目前仍然存在许多急需解决的问题。一方面在管理制度上,连云港市目前还没有相关的制度出台,只是参考国家体育总局和江苏省体育局的相关管理规定,建议体育主管部门,应根据连云港市的实际情况,制定符合连云港市的健身路径管理相关制度;另一方面,在健身路径管理人员配备上,建议体育主管部门,要求相关受赠单位配备相对专职或兼职的管理人员,并对他们进行相关的知识培训,以满足相应的管理要求。5、在连云港市全民健身路径选址方面,建议连云港市政府在积极调研谋划“东陇海体育线”、“沿海体育长廊”建设中,广泛调研了解群众需要,积极吸纳群众意见,在注重提升了体育设施的档次和锻炼人群的集中参与性的同时,根据不同锻炼人群的生理、心理特点,有针对性地配置,提高利用率。

【Abstract】 The sports facilities are indispensable to mass sports activities in the physical basis and necessary conditions. Current our country populace sports playgrounds and facilities, and restricts the serious shortage of our country populace sports further development. Thus accelerate the demand for mass sports venues and infrastructure development of our country populace sports has become the major problems urgently to be solved. With the vigorous development of fitness and actual needs, state general administration of sports and the implementation of the 1997 "national fitness project", primarily in urban community of mass sports facilities, the configuration of the fitness path is bodybuilding project implementation is one of the important content. Body-building path is the rise in our country in recent years, a fitness facilities and conesponding exercise methods, the implementation of the project is one of important content. With the rapid popularization of body-building path, not only promoted our "national fitness program and the implementation of", but also improves people’s health and fitness level, greatly enriched the contents of fitness.Through questionnaires, field investigation, interview method, mathematical statistics method, so as to research in Lianyungang 24 points to exercise fitness path as the research object, the crowd of Lianyungang bodybuilding path the use and management of the investigation and analysis of fitness, from different angles, a path system, in order to better development path system, to promote the fitness of Lianyungang fitness course provides the basis. Through the investigation and study, Lianyungang bodybuilding path for the use and management of the basic conditions as follows:1. From Lianyungang, fitness, the construction of the path of the irrational distribution of bodybuilding, bodybuilding construction funds, fitness for bodybuilding exercisers overall quality of the satisfactory manner.2. From Lianyungang, body-building path, the use of residents in body-building exercises aim is clear path, lack of exercise, path shortage has become a city residents to influence the primary factors of bodybuilding exercise.3. From Lianyungang, fitness, the path of management in exploring formation stage management, the path is not high, the enthusiasm of managers and management personnel management and facilities are part-time update and maintain the lack of funding, the subsequent improvement of management system.In Lianyungang bodybuilding and the use of management present situation, proposed the following Suggestions:1. In the construction of Lianyungang bodybuilding path, we must continue to rural tilt, strengthen rural sports infrastructure construction, meet the growing demand of rural sports population fitness. While in the bodybuilding equipment installation, should be based on the type, the principle of safety and practicality of maximum satisfy the needs of different exercise crowd.2. In city construction funds and body-building path, maintenance funds at the main source of capital city is still the sport lottery is too onefold, chest, channel construction funds far cannot satisfy the demand of residents fitness exercises. Suggestions to explore ways of market operation, raise funds investment diversification, creates the condition positively, encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public capital into bodybuilding construction and maintenance field, opened in Lianyungang bodybuilding construction and maintenance of the bottleneck problem. Funds3. Lianyungang bodybuilding exercise of path, but a recognition of the importance of higher in the path of fitness user role, functions, in understanding the full use of scientific exercise there ". Sports departments should strengthen the suggestion of "national fitness path" propaganda, enhance people’s understanding of the scientific bodybuilding, particularly increasing social sports instructors, and organization of bodybuilding, through the guidance of the masses to help them master "path" scientific exercise fitness during exercise, the method that solving problems promptly. 4. In Lianyungang city management, bodybuilding, there still exist many problems needed to resolve. Hand in the management system, Lianyungang yet, but the related reference system of national sports bureau and the relevant management regulations of the administration of Jiangsu province, sports department, should according to the actual situation of Lianyungang city, with the management system of bodybuilding, On the other hand, in the bodybuilding management personnel, suggested that sports departments, the recipient unit is equipped with relative requirements relevant full-time or part-time personnel management and relevant knowledge training, in order to meet the requirements of the relevant management.5. In Lianyungang bodybuilding path selection, Lianyungang municipal government in positive research plan "East Long Hai sports line", "Coastal sports corridor" construction, extensive research about people need to adopt the public opinions, pays attention to the sports facilities in the ascension of the class and the participation of the people exercise centralized, according to the different exercise crowd of physiological and psychological characteristics, pertinently configuration, improve efficiency.

【关键词】 连云港市全民健身路径使用管理
【Key words】 LianyungangNationwide bodybuildingUseManagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期