

Research on Performance Management in Rail Transportation Engineering Design Project

【作者】 刘雅平

【导师】 叶龙;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着都市的区域城市化建设日趋加快,承担轨道交通建设的勘测设计企业呈现出良好的发展势头,为了提高自身的竞争能力和适应能力,许多设计企业都在积极探索提高生产力和改善组织绩效的有效途径,努力建立既符合中国国情又适应国际建设设计市场惯例做法的科学、合理的工程项目管理方法。如何对工程设计项目的技术型员工实施绩效管理,最大限度的激励员工显得至关重要。本文研究的主要目的是探索一种科学合理、适合设计企业的项目员工绩效管理方法。在分析了目前国内外工程项目管理及绩效管理方面存在问题的基础上,以某个设计企业为背景,结合工程项目的特点和知识型员工绩效特性,从分析专门从事轨道交通工程设计项目入手,进而对项目员工的绩效管理进行较为深入的研究。在研究过程中,分析了大量的数据,反复讨论研究方法,对采用的关键业绩考核指标进行了多次的比对,重点选择了有针对性、代表性以及可操作性的指标。通过在工程项目中结合员工绩效管理,力争实现在实施项目管理的设计企业最大限度的调动项目员工的积极性,从而促进项目的高效运转和人力资源的合理配置。本文选取了轨道交通工程设计项目作为研究对象,结合设计企业的实际运作模式及在项目员工绩效管理方面呈现出问题,努力研究摸索出一种新的基于能力的任职资格的评价以及基于项目总体绩效和员工业绩的绩效评价综合考核方法。该方法主要分为两个部分,一是结合员工在4-6年工作业绩和综合能力进行技术职位等级的评定,即任职资格的评价;二是根据当前从事的项目的总体业绩情况,结合员工的工作饱满度、工作量以及工作态度等因素对项目员工进行绩效考评。研究的重点和难点是绩效考核指标的设计以及项目业绩的核定及评分。在充分分析设计项目员工特点的基础上,紧紧围绕如何促进项目管理来实施员工绩效管理主题,使该考核评价具有科学性、合理性、针对性和可操作性。力求解决项目管理中人力资源的困惑,使设计企业能够吸引人才、开发人才、培养人才、保留人才。因而研究结果具有一定的现实指导意义,从2008年至今,已经初见成效,有多项数据表明实施项目员工的绩效管理之后提高了该设计企业的生产力和各方面的竞争力。

【Abstract】 Along with the construction speed of the city growing regional urbanization gets more and more quickly, the design companies of urban rail transit have shown a good momentum of development. In order to improve their competitiveness and adaptability, many design companies are exploring an effective way of increasing productivity and improving organizational performance and going to establish a scientific and rational methods of project management accord with Chinese national conditions and the international market practices. It is extremely urgent and important to implement performance management of project staff in order to motivate them.The main purpose of this paper is to explore a scientific and reasonable method of performance management of the project staff in design companies. The study was based on the background of the design institute of CRCSD and analysis the current domestic and international project management and performance management problems. This paper is combined with project characteristics and performance characteristics of knowledge workers and analysis specializes of engineering design project in rail traffic. the analysis used amounts of data repeatedly and discussed research method in the course of the study. At the same time the paper has studied the performance management of project staff and used the assessment methods of the key performance indicators. By combining the project staff performance management, and strive to achieve the implementation of the project management, design firms to maximize the mobilization of project staffs enthusiasm, so as to promote the efficient functioning of the project and the rational allocation of human resources.This paper selected rail transit engineering projects as the object of study, combined with design firms in the actual mode of operation and employee performance management in the project presented problems, worked out hard on a new competency-based assessment of qualifications, as well as the overall performance of project-based and employee performance evaluation performance integrated assessment methods. This method is mainly divided into two parts, one part is with 4-6 years of staff work performance and overall ability level assessment of technical positions, namely, the evaluation of qualifications; two projects currently being undertaken in accordance with the overall performance of the situation, combined with staff plumpness of work, workload and work attitudes and other factors on project staff performance evaluation. Focus of the study and the difficulty is the design of indicators for performance evaluation and project approval and performance ratings. In the full analysis of the design features of the project staff, based on closely on how to promote the project management to implement employee performance management theme, so that the appraisal of scientific, rational, relevant and operable. Project Management seeks to address the puzzle of human resources, so that design firms to attract talent, developing talent, training and retention of talent. The results therefore have some practical guiding significance, from 2008 already showing results, there are a number of data show that the implementation of the project after the employee performance management to improve the design of various aspects of productivity and competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F272;F570
  • 【下载频次】176