

Research of Chinese Sports Industry with Western Characteristics

【作者】 张伟杰

【导师】 冯晓丽;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,西方发达国家体育产业相继进入成熟期,在完成区域垄断之后,开始了全球范围内的扩张之路,对他国进行经纪商的掠夺和文化上的侵蚀。随着科学技术的发展,尤其是信息技术的普及,扩张速度更加迅速,扩张途径上更加的多元化,对世界各国的民族传统体育形成了全方位的挤压。随着西方式的现代化进程加深,民族体育的生存空间不断缩小。我国经济进入了一个稳定高速的增长时期,人们的生活质量逐年提高。尤其是相对发达地区,人们的生活水平已经接近中等发达国家水平,对于物质以外的精神需求迅速膨胀,加速了我国经济结构调整的进程,在客观上促进了体育产业的大发展。由于西方体育产业的产生有着特定的经济、政治、文化环境,其大发展也是在特定的发展阶段才能触发的经济现象。正像佐治H·赛格(George H·Sage)1998年在阐述美国体育产业发展时指出“今天美国高度商业化的体育现象,不是一种孤立的文化现象,它是政治、经济和社会事件的过去两个世纪的发展结果,它伴随着现代化社会的发展而发展,它是现今的科技、工业化、城市化、人口快速增长和资本主义的发展的衍生物”。本文首先简述了西方发达国家体育产业的发展历程,对其发展的背景和当前的发展趋势进行了详细的分析,提出了体育产业西方特性的概念。体育产业是产生英国,首先勃兴于美国,然后在全球范围内形成了以西方体育经济为中心的完善的体育产业体系。进入21世纪以后,西方体育产业开始加速扩张,在全球范围内争夺体育消费市场和体育资源。从体育产业产生和发展的各种中分析得出,西方体育产业是以西方体育文化为背景,以消费主义文化为前提,以发达国家经济为基础,是西方体育文化和市场经济制度相结合的产物。在对我国体育产业的发展进程以及当前发展现状进行简单介绍的基础上,从我国体育产业发展进程中的体育文化冲突、消费文化冲突、体制冲突、以及自我保护和全球化冲突四个方面对我国体育产业的西方特性因素进行分析阐述。认为体育产业的西方特性是我国体育产业发展不能回避的事实,照搬西方模式来发展体育产业并不科学,尊重国情进行理论创新才是当前体育产业发展的首要任务。本文认为当前阶段发展体育产业应当符合国家的发展阶段,发展规划应当依据我国的消费水平,发展内容上应当重视民族传统体育的保护和发展。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, the Western developed country sports industry has entered the mature period one after another. After completing the region monopoly, it stepped on the global scale road of expansion and carried on brokerage firm’s plundering and the cultural corrosion to other countries. Along with science’s and technology’s development, information technology’s popularization, the expansion speed is particularly more rapid, expansion way has a tendency of more multiplication, and the expansion itself has caused the omni-directional extrusion to various countries’ national tradition sports. With the deepening of the western concept modernization process, national sport’s existing space reduces unceasingly.Our country economy entered a stable high speed growth time and people’s quality of life enhances year by year. Especially relatively developed area, people’s living standard already approached the medium developed country level. Inflating rapidly regarding the material outside energetic demand, people’s demands have accelerated our country readjustment of the economic structure advancement, objectively promoting rapid development of the sports industry. Because the Western sports industry’s production has the specific economy, politics, the cultural environment, its rapid development is also the economic phenomena which can trigger in the specific development phase. As George H?Sage put it in 1998 that“today US commercialization’s sports phenomenon, is not one isolated cultural phenomenon, it was the results of political, economical and the social events experienced during the past two century. It developed following the develop of modernizing society, it is the derivative of science and technology, the industrialization, urbanization, the swift growth of the population and the capitalist development.”This article has first summarized the development process of the Western developed country sports industry and secondly analyzed to its detailed development background and the current trend of development and finally put forward the Western characteristics concept of sports industry. The sports industry originated from Britain, first grew vigorously in the US, then has globally formed the perfect sports industry system centre on the Western sports economy. After the 21st century, the Western sports industry started to accelerate its expansion and globally scrambling for the sports consumer market and the sports resources. To sum up, the Western sports industry is the product of the unification between the Western sports culture and the market economy system, taking the Western sports culture as a background, taking consumerist culture as the premise and taking its economy as the foundation.On the basis of brief introduction to our country sports industry’s development process as well as the current development situation, we elaborate on western characteristic factors in the process of our country sports industry facing conflicts coming from sports culture, the consumption culture, different systems as well as protectionism and globalization. The fact that the characteristics accompanied with the process of westernization cannot be avoided. The most important task is to scientifically respect the national current condition and count on theory innovation to develop its own sports industry instead of blindly imitating the Western pattern. This article thought that the current stage of sports industry must conform to the national development, the development project resting on our country’s consumption level, and the contents of the sports industry embracing the protection and development of the national tradition sports.

  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【下载频次】249