

"Alice Jinyun Biography" Study

【作者】 刘妮娜

【导师】 赵继红;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 才子佳人小说是明末清初时期的一种小说类型。由于该类小说在内容、主题、艺术上都趋于模式化、程式化,所以研究者一般是从整体上对才子佳人小说进行研究。在众多的才子佳人小说中,《金云翘传》是最富有创新精神的一部优秀作品,它在扭转小说的创作方向上起到了先导作用。本文采用与其它的才子佳人小说比较的方法,深入小说文本进行研究,通过对小说主题、人物形象、叙事艺术、地位、影响等方面的研究,肯定《金云翘传》在明末清初才子佳人小说及其小说发展史上的价值。本文以《金云翘传》作为研究对象,从以下五方面展开论述:第一章从明末清初才子佳人小说特征入手,分析才子佳人小说的主题及艺术特征,从整体上对才子佳人小说的特征做一概述。便于在后面的分析中与《金云翘传》进行比较。第二章对小说的作者、版本、故事情节及主题进行分析,有助于我们对《金云翘传》的概况有一个初步的认识。第三章紧扣《金云翘传》文本,对小说中王翠翘的人物形象进行分析。这是本文论述的重点也是创新之处。以下从三个方面进行归纳分析:一是对王翠翘形象演变的考察,从历史文献中王翠翘的简单原型到后来文学作品中王翠翘形象的不断丰富,《金云翘传》中王翠翘形象的艺术创造无疑是最丰富、最完美的。二是对王翠翘形象悲剧性的论述,小说虽然用才子佳人小说的框架,但是却以王翠翘为中心,集中展现了王翠翘的悲惨命运,并深入揭示了其悲惨命运的根源,那就是她所处的昏乱黑暗的时代。三是对王翠翘人物形象进行具体的分析,首先对“孝贞节义”进行论述。本文着重提出了一个新的对女性节操的评价标准——“身辱心贞”;其次对人物身上表现出来的刚烈、执著的性格进行论述。充分体现了她在逆境中表现的刚烈以及在一生中对情感的执著追求。第四章是着重论述《金云翘传》的叙事艺术。这也是本文的一个创新点,从小说叙事模式的复杂化和叙事中诗词的运用加以论述。第五章讨论《金云翘传》的地位及影响。《金云翘传》独有的成就为明末清初的才子佳人小说注入了新的活力,扭转了以往“千篇一律”的局面,是中国明清小说发展史上链接《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》的重要一环,并且对《红楼梦》在多重方面都有影响。结语是对本文行文思路和主要观点的概述和总结。

【Abstract】 Late Ming and early Qing romantic novel is a novel type. Because of such fiction in terms of content, subject, art, have tended to model the structure, and stylized, so researchers in general are on the whole study of the romantic novel. At a large number of romantic novels, "Jin-Yun Chuan Alice" is the most innovative works of a fine, it works in reverse direction on the novel has played a leading role. In this paper, the method of comparison, in-depth study of the text of the novel, through the subject of the novel, characters, narrative art, status, impact of a study, "Alice Kim Yun Chuan" In the history of the development value of the novel.In this paper, "Alice Kim Yun Chuan" for the study, from the start on the following five aspects:The first chapter from the late Ming and early Qing characteristics of romantic fiction, romantic novel analysis of the subject and artistic characteristics, the overall characteristics of romantic novels to do an overview of one. To facilitate the analysis behind the "Alice Kim Yun Chuan" In this regard comparison.Chapter II is the analysis about the author of the novel, the story plot and theme, helped us to know more about "Alice Kim Yun Chuan," there is a preliminary overview of the understanding.Closely in Chapter III, "Alice Kim Yun Chuan"s’text to describe "Alice Jinyun Biography" of artistic achievement. This is the focus of this paper, and still innovation were. Following from the three major aspects of the analysis summarized:The first aspect was about the evolution of Wang Cuiqiao’s image. From the simple prototype to the image in the novel, this image was more and more advanced. It was no doubt that the artistic innovation of Wang cuiqiao’s image in "Alice Kim Yun Chuan" was the most perfect one. The second aspect was the tragic fate of Wang Cqiao, though used the frame of the romantic novel, and Wang Cuiqiao was in the center, focus on her tragic fate and in deep with the reasons, was the period that she was in it. The third one is the analysis about Wang Cuiqiao, and described the“Zhen, Jie, Xiao, Yi”, In this paper, advised a new standard about the female’s chastity, that was "filial chastity justice", and then described the persistent character, full with the image’s desire in a difficult environment.The Chapter IV focuses on "Alice Kim Yun Chuan," The Narrative Art. It was innovate in this paper. Learn works with a unique set of story mode and the narrative complexity of this mode of narration, as well as the use of narrative in poetry.Chapter V on "Alice Kim Yun Chuan" the status and impact. "Alice Kim Yun Chuan," a unique artistic achievement for the late Ming and early Qing novel of romantic injected new vitality, to reverse the past, "size-fits-all" situation; the link "Golden Lotus" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" of Chinese Ming and Qing fiction the history of the development process is an important element. But also for the "Dream of Red Mansions" at the main art has multiple implications.Conclusion In this paper, the language of ideas and an overview of the main opinion and concluded. The last part was the summary and conclusion about the ideas and opinions in this paper.
