

【作者】 郭阿娥

【导师】 陈少牧;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以泉州为个案,运用政治学、历史学、人类学、社会学等多学科交叉的研究方法,探寻民间信仰与社会主义现代化建设的互动关系。论文分三章。第一章描述泉州民间信仰的历史演变,及其在改革开放后的复兴情况。第二章描述当代泉州民间信仰在信徒群体、信仰心理、信仰仪式、管理方式、财务状况等方面的转型情况。第三章描述泉州民间信仰的积极因素与消极因素,并在此基础上对民间信仰与社会主义现代化建设之间的关系进行深入探讨。本论文将研究结论建立在田野调查收集到的大量的第一手资料的基础之上。通过分析当代泉州民间信仰的历史传承、复兴原因、转型情况、积极因素与消极因素,指出在社会主义现代化建设过程中,我们不能割断历史,必须重视包括民间信仰在内的传统文化延续的事实。同时也指出,传统民间信仰在当代延续下来,并呈现繁盛发展的景象,但它生存的社会环境与传统时代有很大不同。当今大多数民间信仰在保持形式上不变的同时,被赋予了新的时代意义,这导致民间信仰的复兴只能是一种“传统的发明”。在当前的时代环境下,民间信仰在政治、经济、文化、社会等方面的积极因素,能够对社会主义现代化建设起到一定的推动作用。因此,过去那种将“传统”与“现代”对立起来的观点值得商榷。民间信仰作为一种非主流的文化形式,它与社会主义主流文化之间也存在着明显的相互补充与相互生成的关系。

【Abstract】 The paper take Quan Zhou as an example ,to use multi-branches of research approach include politics, history, anthropology, sociology etc , explore the interaction relations between folk belief and socialist modernization. The article divide into three chapter. The first chapter describe ahout the history and renaissance of folk belief of Quan Zhou. The second chapter state the change of Worshipping People, belief, ceremonies, supervisor mode, financial Condition etc in modern folk belief of Quan Zhou. In the third chapter, we point out the positive factor and negative factor about folk belief of Quan Zhou, then base on it, deepgoing explore the relations between folk belief and socialist modernization.The research conclusion is base on a great deal of first information from field work. The article through inspect cause of renaissance ,transformation, the positive factor and negative factor ahout folk belief of Quan Zhou, to emphasis that socialist modernization is not underway with nothing, we can’t sever the history, and we must value the fact all are last longer of the traditional Culture include folk belief. Also, we consider that although traditional folk belief survive long into the present age, and to appear thrive and developmental, it’s social environment is different from traditional’s, so the renaissance only means“The Invention of Tradition”. Although most of folk belief unchangeing in formally, was bestow new cultrulal Meaning. Moreover, the positive factor of folk belief, include in political, economic, cultural, societal, could push forward socialist modernization. Therefore, the point in past set tradition against modernization must be deliberate discussed. Folk belief, as a nonmainstream cultural form, its relation with socialistic mainstream obviously present interactive generate.

【关键词】 泉州民间信仰社会主义相适应
【Key words】 Quanzhoufolk beliefsocialismbe on speaking terms
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】B933
  • 【下载频次】272