

The Use of Chinese Folk Art Forms in the Three-dimensional Animated Image

【作者】 熊少巍

【导师】 张瑞瑞;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 动画产业作为大众文化生活的一个载体,在人们的现代文化和社会生活中占据着越来越显著的地位。研究者们时常感叹中国动画曾经在世界动画史上创造过那么多的艺术辉煌。但是,当中国动画在经历了文化大革命时期和二十世纪八十年代末的两个动荡期后,一直没能进入到一个良性发展的道路上。中国动画的“民族化”道路,从来都是众多学者所探索的方向。目前,中国动画的“民族化”问题主要反映在两个方面上:一、民族和民俗性的表现需求,民族性自我特点的产业化进程。二、“怎样合理的进行民族化”的问题,尚无科学、系统的研究和分析。因此,关于中国动画民族化的技术运用研究,是目前动画业界极为缺乏而又相当重要的论题。本文研究认为,民族化进程首先要以剧本编写为根,更需要深入挖掘民族动画的艺术表现形式。通过总结中国动画界过去的经验和教训,重点是研究民间艺术形式在民族动画中的题材表现。把这点看作是中国动画的再度兴盛和健康发展的正解。基于以上原因,本文首先对国内外民族动画的研究现状进行了总结和分析。民族化绝不是简单的拿来或者一直。更非是一味排外的固守,而是在继承传统和借鉴外来的基础上,对当时市场诉求进行了详细的调研后,针对消费群,创作的适合当代受众审美情趣的动画影片。总结到来,就是以中国传统民间艺术形式的精神、种类、形式这三个方面,对中国民间艺术形式进行由内到外的剖析。并找出传统民间形式与民族动画的结合点。在技术当先的今天,如何将高科技技术融合到中国动画之中,也是我们不可忽视的方面。由此可见,既要从国外动画中借鉴寻求启示,也要在民族传统和时代先韵中找准结合点,才能最终走出一条符合中国国情的民族动画之路。

【Abstract】 As a carrier of the popular culture types, the animation industry has an increasingly significant position in the modern culture and social life. It is regretful that the Chinese animation which once created resplendence in the history of world animation experienced the two fracture period---the Cultural Revolution and the late 80’s, which has made the Chinese animation weak and difficult to recover.‘Nationalization’of Chinese Animation is a direction explored by a large number of scholars. Based on this situation, we have to research and analyze the current issues related to the problem, which mainly manifested at two levels: first, the inherent demand of the national character, the creation of personality, and the direction of the animation industry under global impact; second, systematic and theoretical analysis of‘How to nationalize’. The present study shows that, besides the script, we should also explore the explicit form of the folk animation. Therefore, the Nationalization of Chinese animation should currently be an extremely important theme. By summing up Chinese animation industry’s lessons and experience, exploring the use of folk art forms in the folk animation deeply the Chinese are the most urgent tasks of flourishing and developing Chinese animation industry.This thesis reviewed and summarized the history of the studies on the‘Nationalization’of animation, and explained the expressions of‘Nationalization’creatively. Nationalization is not simply following the tradition, or just exclusive, but inheriting the tradition and using the alien as references, fully embodied the spirit of the times. Then on this basis, he traditional Chinese folk art forms were analyzed completely from three aspects of the spirit, species, and form in order to identify the link between folk art form and national animation. Finally, how Chinese animation would combine with the high-tech under today’s background would be suggested. look at the number of technology today will be how to the for the integration of art and technology to provide a feasibility study.To sum up, we should not only seek inspiration from foreign animation, but take advantages of the tradition, and ultimately find a way suitable to the national animation.

  • 【分类号】J218.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】279