

The Discussion about Chinese Religional Coperative Strategy of Northeast Asia and "Construction of Road, Port and Region Integration" Toward DPRK

【作者】 姜正起

【导师】 金香海;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战后,由于信息网络技术的迅猛发展,促使世界经济的合作日益趋向全球化与区域化。随着劳动力、商品、资本、技术、信息等经济因素的跨国自由流动与配置,中国己初步与全球统一的市场体系相接轨。在经济全球化蓬勃发展的同时,区域经济一体化出现了新的高潮,经济全球化的快速发展既给东北亚区域发展带来了前所未有的机遇,也带来了新的挑战。经过近30年的改革开放,中国已初具参与整个世界经济全球化的能力,已基本完成了从计划经济向市场经济的转型,社会主义市场经济体制已基本建立。政治、经济、文化、社会全面协调发展,综合国力不断增强,国际地位日益提高,以2001年12月中国正式加入WTO为标志,中国已经全面、大踏步地参与到世界经济全球化当中。与此同时,中国在APEC及“10+3”合作中的作用日渐突出。这些成就,为当今中国经济的持续协调快速发展和广泛开展区域合作提供了强有力的保障。时代发展趋势告诫我们,中国的和平崛起只有与本地区内区域经济的共同发展同步才能做到更好更快。在现阶段,东北亚区域经济已成为世界区域经济发展中最具发展潜力的地区,而我国东北老工业基地地处东北亚区域合作中心区,具有着强劲的地缘政治经济优势,目前的图们江开发计划是经区域内多国几经论证,极具开发潜力的区域经济合作模式之一。1995年中、俄、朝三国签署了《关于建立图们江地区开发协调委员会的协定》。2005年5月,图们江区域国际合作开发更名为“大图们江合作区域”。同年9月2日在中国长春投资博览会上,中国珲春市人民政府与朝鲜罗先市人民委员会签订了《合资企业合同书》。该项目将把中国珲春市和朝鲜罗先市的两国边境区域内的公路、港口和工业园区连为一体,得到吉林省委、省政府的高度重视。其中的“路”是指将朝鲜元丁至罗先港的54公里土路,参照中国公路标准改造成48.8公里的三级公路;“港”是指朝鲜罗津港3号码头的使用权、改造4号码头的新建及经营权;“区”即朝鲜罗先中国投资合作区,指围绕罗津港建立集出口加工、保税仓储、商贸服务等功能为一体的境外中国投资合作区。中朝“路港区一体化”建设,将利用朝鲜罗津港优越地理位置,通过其辐射作用,打通我国直接对外海上通道,实现我国在图们江地区交通、贸易自由化,进一步加大我国与东北亚各国经贸往来,对实现东北亚区域一体化将起到积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 After the cold war, as the rapid development of information and net technology, globalization and regionalization are the trend of the cooperation of the world economy. With the mutinational free removal and allocation of the economic factors such as labour force, merchandise, capital, technology, information, etc., a globalized marketing system has been set up initially in China. Regional economic integration is reaching a climax meanwhile the economic globalization is developing vigorously, and the rapid development of economic globalization has brought unprecedented opportunities and new challenges to the Northeast Asia region.Since 30-year reform and open policy, China has initially had the power to take part in the economic globalization , and has basically finished turning planning economy into market economy,and has fundamentally established socialist market economy. China’ s politics, economy, culture and society has developed harmoniously, the comprehensive national strength has been increasing constantly, and the international standing has enhanced day by day. As a token of China’ s entrance to WTO in December, 2001, it has taken a big comprehensive step to participate in the world’ s economic globalization. Besides, China is playing a more and more important role in the cooperation of APEC and 10+3. All these achievements can provide a guarantee that China’ s economy could develop constantly, harmoniously and rapidly, and regional cooperation could be developed widely.We know from the developing trend of modern times that China can become stronger in peaceful environment quickly only if it can keep pace with the local regional economy. At this stage, Northeast Asian economy has been the most potential area to develop in the world’ s regional econommy, and the old industrial base of northeast in our nation, located in the center of the Northeast Asian regional cooperation, has the advantages of geopolitics. At present, the development plans about Tumen river are one of the models of regional economic cooperation with the most developing potentials proved by many nations. In 1995, the three countries, China, Russia and North Korea, signed the Agreement of Development and Coordination Committee of Tumen River. In May, 2005, the name of the International Cooperation and Development of Tumen River basin was changed to Cooperation Region of Big Tumen River. On September 2nd, people’ s government of Hunchun in China and people’ s committee of Luoxian in North Korea signed the Joint Venture Contract. The project integrated the road, the port, and the industrial park in the border area between Hunchun and Luoxian, which was highly regarded by Jilin provincial committee and government. The "road" that is a 54-kilometer dirt road from Yuanding to Luoxian is going to be reconstructed a 48.8-kilometer road according to China’ s road criterion;The port is the tenure of number 3 pier of Luojin Harbour in Korea and the change of new construction and management right of number 4 pier; The industrial park which is China’ s investment and cooperation region in Luoxian of Korea means to establish an investment and cooperation region outside the borders with export process, bonded warehouse and trade service.Using the very good geographical location,the construction of road, port and region integration will open a passage to the overseas, and realize the liberalization of traffic and trade in Tumen river area and make a further progress in economy and trade in Northeast Asian countries and take a very positive role to promote the northeast asia economic integration through the radiation effects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期